
时间:2019-05-14 12:32:56

标签: python python-3.x list kernel-density


我有一个1和0的庞大列表[总长​​度= 53820]。

列表外观示例- [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1...........]




输入图-> http://i67.tinypic.com/2h5jq5e.pngThe plots

该图清楚地显示了3个密集区域,其中1s的出现更多。 我已在图的顶部绘制以显示视觉上密集的区域。 (情节上难看的黑线)。 我想知道绘图上密集区域(开始和结束边界)的x轴上的索引号。

我已经提取了1的块并将每个块的起始索引保存在名为“ starts”的新列表中。 该函数返回这样的词典列表:

{'start': 0, 'count': 15, 'end': 16}, {'start': 2138, 'count': 3, 'end': 2142}, {'start': 2142, 'count': 3, 'end': 2146}, {'start': 2461, 'count': 1, 'end': 2463}, {'start': 2479, 'count': 45, 'end': 2525}, {'start': 2540, 'count': 2, 'end': 2543}

然后在设置阈值后开始比较相邻的元素。 返回密集区域的明显边界。

THR = 2000
    results = []
    cues = {'start': 0, 'stop': 0}  
    result,starts = densest(preds) # Function that returns the list of dictionaries shown above
    cuestart = False # Flag to check if looking for start or stop of dense boundary
    for i,j in zip(range(0,len(starts)), range(1,len(starts))):
        now = starts[i]
        nextf = starts[j]

        if(nextf-now > THR):
            if(cuestart == False):
                cues['start'] = nextf
                cues['stop'] = nextf
                cuestart = True

            elif(cuestart == True): # Cuestart is already set
                cues['stop'] = now
                cuestart = False
                cues = {'start': 0, 'stop': 0}



[{'start': 2138, 'stop': 6654}, {'start': 23785, 'stop': 31553}, {'start': 38765, 'stop': 38765}]

输出图-> http://i63.tinypic.com/23hom6o.pngOutput plot


P.S。我也曾使用seaborn在此数据上尝试过“ KDE”,并尝试过“ distplot”,但这直接为我提供了图,而我无法从中提取边界值。 该问题的链接在此处(Getting dense region boundary values from output of KDE plot

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


首先,导入(我们将使用 userid, type, amount, datetime user1, deposit, 200, 2019-01-01 00:00:00 user2, deposit, 200, 2019-01-01 00:00:00 user3, deposit, 200, 2019-01-01 00:00:00 user1, deposit, 900, 2019-01-02 01:00:00 (first deposit date that more than 1000, sum here 200+900 = 1100 > 1000, first date calculate from here) user1, withdrawal, 200, 2019-01-03 02:00:00 (balance - 200 = 1000 < 1000, void first deposit deposit date) user1, spend, 100, 2019-02-03 03:00:00 (balance - 200 = 900 < 1000) user1, deposit, 1000, 2019-02-03 (first deposit date more than 1000 start from here again since 900 + 1000 = 1900 > 100) user1, withdraw, 200, 2019-02-05 (still more than 1000, remain first deposit date) user1, deposit, 1000, 2019-05-15 (balance of 1000 more than 3 months (from 2019-02-03, flag user) CREATE TRIGGER TRG_Transaction_InsertUserSuspicious ON [dbo].[tblTransactionLog] AFTER INSERT ON BEGIN SELECT @InsertedUserID = [UserID], FROM inserted IF (User hold balance of more than 1000 within 30 days) BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[tblUser] SET [IsFlagged] = 1 WHERE [UserID] = @InsertedUserID UPDATE END



import numpy as np ; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ;                           
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection                                


N = 1001 ; np.random.seed(20190515)                                              

在这里我们创建行集合,x = np.linspace(0,1, 1001) prob = np.where(x<0.4, 0.02, np.where(x<0.7, 0.95, 0.02)) y = np.where(np.random.rand(1001)<prob, 1, 0) 是一个sticks数组 包含垂直线的起点和终点


最后,累加总和,在这里归一化为具有与 垂直线

sticks = np.array(list(zip(zip(x, np.zeros(N)), zip(x, y))))                                  
lc = LineCollection(sticks)                                                      


cs = (y-0.5).cumsum()                                                            
csmin, csmax = min(cs), max(cs)                                                  
cs = (cs-csmin)/(csmax-csmin) # normalized to 0 ÷ 1                              


enter image description here


enter image description here

您可以平滑f, a = plt.subplots() a.add_collection(lc) a.plot(x, cs, color='red') a.grid() a.autoscale() 数据,并使用cs到 找出极端的位置。最后这应该有问题吗 步骤,请问另一个问题。