ProtocolError :(“连接已中止。”,BadStatusLine(“''”,)),同时在机器人框架中多次迭代测试用例吗?

时间:2019-05-14 07:38:25

标签: json python-2.7 appium robotframework

我试图多次迭代测试用例中的登录,但是第一次登录后,它无法再次登录,我遇到类似以下的错误:ProtocolError:('Connection aborted。',BadStatusLine( “”“,))


    [Tags]  Tvh2
    Given Number of users signs in to their respective devices  ${xyz}
    Then xyz sees that Sign in is successful
    When xyz signs out from the device
    Then xyz sees that sign out was successful   
    And Signin is repeated for 5 times for xyz


Multiple sign in
  Killing Appium Process
  ${marf4}  Start Process  ${appium_start}  shell=${True}  stdout=C:\\stream\\appium.txt  stderr=C:\\stream\\appiumerr.txt
  Log  ${marf4}
  ${marf5}  Is Process Running
  Log  ${marf5}
  Should Be Equal  ${marf5}  ${True}
  Sleep  10s
  Number of users signs in to their respective Devices
  xyz signs out from the device

Signin is repeated for ${number} times for ${caller}
  :FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE   5
  \    Multiple sign in


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