
时间:2019-05-12 11:25:52

标签: vb.net performance





只是混淆了事情... 在Net代码中,您将看到我已将%用作整数值,我将其从原始&更改为32位版本的Excel在将其&类型传递给在64位上编写的DLL时引发错误平台,如果有意义的话。意识到从VBA到VB.Net,即vba中数据类型的变化,我认为与VB.Net中的%相同。

道歉...。 我是一个业余编码员,这是一个源于“我可以吗?”的项目。项目和成长。它确实有效且速度很快,我只是注意到这种性能下降。




<ComClass(clsAnnie.ClassId, clsAnnie.InterfaceId, clsAnnie.EventsId)>
Public Class clsAnnie
Public Const ClassId As String = "00E45698-E5C1-4F2C-8828-3F7404EF83A2"
Public Const InterfaceId As String = "2A1D9402-78DA-41F0-8DE3-1CD573AAF72C"
Public Const EventsId As String = "346E24CC-C9E1-4915-B254-BA80E6E310C4"

Public Sub New()
End Sub

'This routine is called repeatedly from the entry point 
'sub-routine Public Sub Train_NNT

Private Sub Calculate_NNT(ByVal Num_Layers%, ByVal Pattern%, ByVal Num_Hidden%, ByVal Num_Inputs%, ByRef Hidden_Neuron_Value As Double(,,), ByRef Prediction_Output As Double(,), ByRef Pattern_Error As Double(), ByRef Training_Input As Double(,), ByRef Training_Output As Double(), ByRef Input_Weights As Double(,), ByRef Output_Weights As Double(,), ByRef Inter_Weights As Double(,,), ByVal drop_out As Boolean, ByRef doi As Integer(), ByRef dol As Integer(,), ByVal activation_function%)

On Error GoTo exity
Dim alldropped As Boolean, n#, a#, c#, m%, s%, Lay%, i%, j%

'The main code is removed to keep the post short, but all it does is mathematically
'loop through the arrays and undertake maths on the values before updating one 
'particular array (Training_Output) and passing that back to the main routine.  
'None of the other arrays or variables have their values changed.  
'Last few lines as follows for context as follows....

Prediction_Output(Pattern%, 1) = 0
For m% = 1 To Num_Hidden% : Prediction_Output(Pattern%, 1) = Prediction_Output(Pattern%, 1) + (Hidden_Neuron_Value(Pattern%, Num_Layers%, m%) * Output_Weights(m%, 1)) : Next
Pattern_Error(Pattern%) = Prediction_Output(Pattern%, 1) - Training_Output(Pattern%)
End Sub

'This is the main routine that is called from Excel VBA.  It's called only once.

Public Sub Train_NNT(ByRef doi As Integer(), ByRef dol As Integer(,), ByRef OF_Array As Double(,), ByRef Cyc%, ByRef Hidden_Neuron_Value As Double(,,), ByRef Pattern_Error As Double(), ByRef Inter_Weights As Double(,,), ByRef Prediction_Output As Double(,), ByRef Training_Input As Double(,), ByRef Training_Output As Double(), ByRef Training_Input_Test As Double(,), ByRef Training_Output_Test As Double(), ByRef Input_Weights As Double(,), ByRef Output_Weights As Double(,), ByVal activation_function%, ByVal Num_Patterns%, ByVal Cycles%, ByVal Num_Layers%, ByVal Num_Hidden%, ByVal Num_Inputs%, ByVal Num_Patterns_Test%, ByVal Learn_Rate#, ByVal Maximum_Data_Value As Double, ByVal Minimum_Data_Value As Double, ByVal DOLLR As Boolean, ByVal Overfitting_CF As Boolean, ByVal Lregression As Boolean, ByVal cosine_annealing As Boolean, ByVal ADAMW As Boolean, ByVal Nesterov As Boolean, ByVal drop_out As Boolean, ByVal random_sampling As Boolean, ByVal animations As Boolean)

On Error GoTo exit_train

'These declarations shown in case it's something to do with garbage collection?

Dim Min_CET#, Best_Error#, Best_Error_Test#, Current_Error#, Current_Error_Test#, Learn_Rate_Original#, Learn_Rate_Min#, Learn_Mult#, Learn_Rate_Const#, lamda#
Dim beta_1#, beta_1_1#, beta_2#, beta_2_2#, mom_1#, mom_2#, mom_3#, damp#, cos_tmp#, beta_1_2#, tmp#, n#, P_Pat_Error#, Learn_Rate_Inv#, beta_sqr#, epsilon#
Dim Pat_Error#, Pat_Error_M#, tmp_5#, dw#, derivative#, tmp_1#, MaDV#, MiDV#
Dim Picture_Count As Integer, Picture_VE As Integer
Dim error_counter%, Snaps%, Pattern%, i%, s%, m%, o%, Pat_Test%, Pat%, q%, Lay%, j%
Dim Error_Array(0 To 100) As Double, HNV(0 To Num_Layers%, 0 To Num_Hidden%) As Double, neuron_error(0 To Num_Layers%, 0 To Num_Hidden%) As Double

Dim vdw_o() As Double, sdw_o() As Double, vdw_i() As Double, sdw_i() As Double, Output_Momentum() As Double, Input_Momentum(,) As Double, Inter_Momentum(,,) As Double

ReDim vdw_o(0 To (Num_Hidden% + 1) * (Num_Inputs% + Num_Layers% + 2)), sdw_o(0 To (Num_Hidden% + 1) * (Num_Inputs% + Num_Layers% + 2)), vdw_i(0 To (Num_Hidden% + 1) * (Num_Inputs% + Num_Layers% + 2)), sdw_i(0 To (Num_Hidden% + 1) * (Num_Inputs% + Num_Layers% + 2))
ReDim Output_Momentum(0 To Num_Hidden%), Input_Momentum(0 To (Num_Inputs% + 1), 0 To Num_Hidden%), Inter_Momentum(0 To Num_Layers%, 0 To Num_Hidden%, 0 To Num_Hidden%)

'Here we enter a loop which processes the arrays

For Cyc% = 1 To Cycles%

'Code removed here as just altering some variables and performing maths on them.

'I call the routine above...

Call Calculate_NNT(Num_Layers%, Pattern%, Num_Hidden%, Num_Inputs%, Hidden_Neuron_Value, Prediction_Output, Pattern_Error, Training_Input, Training_Output, Input_Weights, Output_Weights, Inter_Weights, drop_out, doi, dol, activation_function%)

'Lot of code removed, uses the answer from the routine above to process and alter 
'a number of arrays.  The array passed back (or is used) is 

'Every 50 cycles I need to call a function called ANNIE_TEST 
'which independently verifies whether the maths hasn't exceeded 
'certain thresholds, which if it has then stops the whole process 
'and hands back to Excel.

'Code below just for context
If Cyc% Mod 50 = 0 Then
If Overfitting_CF Then

Current_Error_Test# = 0
For Pat_Test% = 1 To Num_Patterns_Test% : Current_Error_Test# = Current_Error_Test# + (ANNIE_TEST(Pat_Test%, Num_Hidden%, Num_Inputs%, Num_Layers%, activation_function%, Output_Weights, Inter_Weights, Training_Input_Test, Input_Weights, HNV) - Training_Output_Test(Pat_Test%)) ^ 2 : Next

Current_Error_Test# = Math.Sqrt(Current_Error_Test# / Num_Patterns_Test%)
OF_Array(q%, 1) = Cyc% : OF_Array(q%, 2) = Current_Error_Test# : q% = q% + 1

Min_CET# = 0
For o% = 1 To error_counter% : Min_CET# = Min_CET# + Error_Array(o%) : Next
Min_CET# = Min_CET# / error_counter%

If Current_Error_Test# <= Min_CET# Then
For o% = error_counter% To 2 Step -1 : Error_Array(o%) = Error_Array(o% - 1) : Next

Error_Array(1) = Current_Error_Test#
Exit For
End If

End If
End If
Next 'cycles
End Sub

Private Function ANNIE_TEST(ByVal Pat_Test%, ByVal Num_Hidden%, ByVal Num_Inputs%, ByVal Num_Layers%, ByVal activation_function%, ByRef Output_Weights As Double(,), ByRef Inter_Weights As Double(,,), ByRef Training_Input_Test As Double(,), ByRef Input_Weights As Double(,), ByRef HNV As Double(,))

Dim m%, j%, s%, Lay%
Dim a#, c#, n#, prediction#

'Code removed as it just loops through arrays and undertakes maths on them.
'None of the arrays have values altered, just used

prediction# = 0
For j% = 1 To Num_Hidden% : prediction# = prediction# + (HNV(Num_Layers%, j%) * Output_Weights(j%, 1)) : Next
ANNIE_TEST = prediction#
End Function

End Class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

确定与VB.Net无关,也与数组返回Excel后如何处理数组无关,这确实很愚蠢。他们最终得到了一个需要加载数组的函数,该函数具有一个常量,因此可以在函数的连续运行中告知已经加载了数组。我忘了将该常量声明为公共布尔值,因此Excel只会看到“ null”而不是true / false。

