
时间:2019-05-11 14:40:05

标签: c embedded beagleboneblack



int8_t readTemp(struct ds18b20 *d) {
struct ds18b20 *newTemp;
char tempAct[5];
while (d->next != NULL)
    d = d->next;
    int fd = open(d->devPath, O_RDONLY);

    if (fd == -1)
        perror("Couldn't open the w1 device.");
        return 1;
    char buf[256];
    ssize_t numRead;
    while ((numRead = read(fd, buf, 256)) > 0)
        newTemp = malloc(sizeof(struct ds18b20));
        strncpy(newTemp->tempData, strstr(buf, "t=") + 2, 5);
        //float tempC = strtof(d->tempData, NULL);
        sprintf(tempAct, "%s C", newTemp->tempData);
        //printf("Device: %s  - ", d->devID);
        //printf("Temp: %.3f C  ", tempC / 1000);
        //printf("%.3f F\n\n", (tempC / 1000) * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 1;}


  sprintf(tempAct, "%s C", newTemp->tempData);


int main(void) {
struct ds18b20 *rootNode;
struct ds18b20 *devNode;
struct ds18b20 *getTemp;
// Load pin configuration. Ignore error if already loaded
system("echo w1 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots>/dev/null");
while (1) {
    rootNode = malloc(sizeof(struct ds18b20));
    devNode = rootNode;
    getTemp = rootNode;
    int8_t devCnt = findDevices(devNode);
    printf("\n Found %d devices\n\n", devCnt);
    int8_t tempAct = readTemp(getTemp);
    printf("\n Temp Act: %d \n\n", tempAct);
    // Free linked list memory

    while (rootNode) {

        // Start with current value of root node
        devNode = rootNode;
        // Save address of next devNode to rootNode before deleting current devNode
        rootNode = devNode->next;
        // Free current devNode.
return 0;}


int8_t devCnt = findDevices(devNode);
    printf("\n Found %d devices\n\n", devCnt);
    int8_t tempAct = readTemp(getTemp);
    printf("\n Temp Act: %d \n\n", tempAct);

但是tempData *并未从readTemp功能导入到主代码中。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • readTemp()不返回温度。实际上,如果失败则返回1,如果成功则返回1。这可能是一个错误。

  • readTemp()似乎读取了所有可用的温度传感器,并作为struct ds18b20的链接列表传递给它,而不仅仅是一个。但是实际上跳过了根节点并访问了第二个节点和后续节点,而没有检查它是否有效。如果根节点不包含任何设备(仅指向第一个设备的指针),则只需传递它rootNode->next

  • 尚不清楚为何动态分配新的struct ds18b20或为何以后无法取消分配。那是严重的内存泄漏。

根据猜测,以下内容很可能接近您的需求(不了解struct ds18b20或传感器的预期输出是什么-只需根据代码中的证据(并注释掉)代码)-您已经做出了一些大胆的假设。

int readTemp( struct ds18b20 *d,         // List of sensors
              float* temperatures,       // Pointer to array to receive temperatures
              int8_t max_temperatures )  // Max number of temperatures to receive
    struct ds18b20* sensor = d ;
    int count = 0 ;
    while( sensor != NULL && count < max_temperatures )
        int fd = open( sensor->devPath, O_RDONLY ) ;
        if( fd >= 0 )
            if( read( fd, buf, sizeof(buf) ) > 0 )
                char buf[256];
                char* temp_str = strstr(buf, "t=") + 2 ;
                sscanf( temp_str, "%f", &temperatures[count] ) ;
                temperatures[count] /= 1000 ;
                count++ ;
            close( fd ) ;

            sensor = sensor->next ;
            perror("Couldn't open the w1 device.");

    return count ;


int8_t devCount = findDevices( rootNode ) ;

float* temperatures = malloc( devCnt * sizeof(float) ) ;
int8_t tempCount = readTemp( rootNode->next, temperatures, devCount ) ;

for( int i = 0; i < tempCount; i++ )
    printf( "Temp Act: %f\n", temperatures[i] ) ;

free( temperatures ) ;


int8_t devCount = findDevices( rootNode ) ;
if( devCount > 0 )
    float temperature = 0f ;
    int8_t tempCount = readTemp( rootNode->next, temperature, 1 ) ;
    if( tempCount > 0 )
        printf( "Temp Act: %f\n", temperature ) ;


  • 根节点是不必要地动态分配的
  • 不必要创建根节点的几个别名
  • 反复重复枚举设备列表,并在非终止循环的每次迭代中分配和释放设备列表。假设在代码运行时传感器的数量没有变化,这是不必要的。
  • 循环永远不会结束-即使发生错误。


int main(void) 
    // Load pin configuration. Ignore error if already loaded
    system("echo w1 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots>/dev/null");

    struct ds18b20 rootNode = { 0 } ;
    int8_t devCount = findDevices( rootNode ) ;

    if( devCount > 0)
        struct ds18b20* devlist = rootNode->next ;
        float* temperatures = malloc( devCount * sizeof(float) ) ;
        int8_t tempCount = 0 ;

            tempCount = readTemp( devList, temperatures, devCount ) ;

            for( int i = 0; i < tempCount; i++ )
                printf( "Temp Act: %f\n", temperatures[i] ) ;

        } while (tempCount > 0 ) ;

        // Free resources after a temperature read fails 
        free( temperatures ) ;

        // Free linked list memory
        while( devlist != NULL ) 
            // Save address of next before deleting current
            struct ds18b20* next = devlist->next ;

            // Free current devNode.
            free( devlist ) ;

            // get next
            devlist = next ;

    return 0 ;