
时间:2019-05-10 19:04:58

标签: javascript



  let myWorkList
  let primaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === null)
  let secondaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === this.currentWorker.id)
  if (this.list) {
    if (this.superuser && this.currentWorker) myWorkList = primaryWork && secondaryWork
  return myWorkList

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

听起来primaryWorksecondaryWork都是数组。您可能正在寻找.concat() method

  let myWorkList
  let primaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === null)
  let secondaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === this.currentWorker.id)
  if (this.list) {
    if (this.superuser && this.currentWorker) myWorkList = primaryWork.concat(secondaryWork)
  return myWorkList


  // whoever is using the return value from this function expects an array, so if this.list is undefined (or if this.superuser is false) we should return an empty array instead of undefined
  let myWorkList = []
  // if this.list is undefined, this.list.filter will fail - so we do it inside the conditional block
  if (this.list) {
    let primaryWork = [];
    let secondaryWork = [];

    // if this.superuser or this.currentWorker are false, we don't need to waste CPU cycles computing this.list.filter()
    if (this.superuser)
      // I made the assumption (correct me if I'm wrong) that if r.worker is null, the work belongs to the superuser
      primaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === null)

    // if this.currentWorker is undefined, this.currentWorker.id will fail -- so we perform this filter inside yet another conditional block
    if (this.currentWorker)
      secondaryWork = this.list.filter(r => r.worker === this.currentWorker.id)

    myWorkList = primaryWork.concat(secondaryWork)
  return myWorkList


  return (
    // Check that this.list is defined before filtering
    this.list ?
      this.list.filter(r =>
        // superuser case
        (this.superuser && r.worker === null)
        || // or
        // non-superuser case
        (this.currentWorker && r.worker === this.currentWorker.id)
    // Return an empty array if this.list was undefined
    : []

请注意,在此最终版本中,我们不会实例化myWorkListprimaryWork secondaryWork。如果我们可以直接返回所需的最终值,则无需在内存中分配空数组以稍后进行垃圾回收。最终表单的运行速度应快2-3倍:

  • 因为我们将this.list数组迭代一次而不是两次,所以速度快了两倍
  • 快一点 ,因为我们避免了不必要的内存分配


var list = [{worker: null}, {worker: null}, {worker: 1}, {worker: 2}, {worker: 2}, {worker: 3}, {worker: 4}, {worker: null}, {worker: 2}]

var d0 = new Date(); for (var i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { var primary = list.filter(r => r.worker === null); var secondary = list.filter(r => r.worker === 2); primary.concat(secondary); } console.log(new Date() - d0);
// 659

var d0 = new Date(); for (var i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { list.filter(r => r.worker === null || r.worker === 2); } console.log(new Date() - d0);
// 272