
时间:2019-05-10 12:50:41

标签: arrays excel vba


Dim myArray(1 To 4, 1 To 2) As String
Dim myCoord(1 To 2) As Long

myArray(1, 1) = "one_one"
myArray(1, 2) = "one_two"
myArray(4, 2) = "four_two"

myCoord(1) = 3
myCoord(2) = 1


因此,我正在寻找类似于上述消息框的内容,该消息框能够显示“ three_one”。就像在python的my_multidim_list[*[i, j, ..., n]]中一样,不知道在VBA中是否完全有可能,但是对我来说,实现这种可能性似乎并不合逻辑。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Dim myArray(1 To 4, 1 To 2) As String
Dim myCoord(1 To 2) As Long

myArray(1, 1) = "one_one"
myArray(1, 2) = "one_two"
myArray(4, 2) = "four_two"

myCoord(1) = 3
myCoord(2) = 1

MsgBox(myArray(myCoord(1), myCoord(2)))   ' This is the only change



在编写Dim myArray(1 To 4, 1 To 2) As String时,维数和每个维中的元素数是固定的,直到用不同的数字重写此语句为止。

如果您编写Dim myArray() As String,则是在声明数组,但是维数及其边界将在运行时定义。

在您的代码中,您可以编写ReDim myArray(a To b, c To d, e To f),其中a到f是整数表达式。在我所知道的大多数语言中,下限由该语言定义为0或1。对于VBA,只要下限不超过上限,则下限可以是任何值。我只有一次找到了用于负下限的用途,但该选项在那里。

稍后您可以编写ReDim myArray(g To h),但是您将丢失myArray中的所有数据。

或者,您可以编写ReDim Preserve myArray(a To b, c To d, e To g)。请注意,a到e不变。使用ReDim Preserve只能更改最后一个尺寸的上限。 ReDim Preserve创建一个新的更大(或更小)的数组,从旧数组中复制数据,并将新元素初始化为数据类型的默认值。过度使用ReDim Preserve可能会使您的宏运行缓慢,因为解释器的内存不足,但是如果谨慎使用,它会非常有用。



答案 1 :(得分:0)



如果您几个月前曾问过我有关VBA的课程,那我会不屑一顾。我的观点是,如果您的要求足够复杂以至需要上一堂课,则VBA不是合适的语言。我并未完全改变主意,但最近发现了一个VBA StringBuilder类,该类非常方便。以此经验为基础,我决定创建一个类来满足您的要求,这向我展示了一个类如何轻松地向用户隐藏复杂的处理。




Dim MyArray1 As New MultDimStrArray
Call MyArray1.Initialise("3 to 10", "2") 

Dim MyArray2 As MultDimStrArray
Dim Bounds1 As Variant
Bounds1 = Array( ("3 to 10", "2") 
Call MyArray1.Initialise(Bounds1) 


Dim MyArray1 As New MultDimStrArray

Dim MyArray2 As MultDimStrArray
Set MyArray2 = New MultDimStrArray





Call MyArray.PutElements(Start, Values)







Option Explicit
' Members
Private MDSArray() As String  ' The MD array is held as a 1D array
' Elements are held in the sequence:
'  1D  2D  3D   4D ... nD
'  lb  lb  lb  lb      lb to ub
'  lb  lb  lb  lb+1    lb to ub
'  lb  lb  lb  lb+2    lb to ub
'   :   :   :   :      :
'  lb  lb  lb  ub      lb to ub
'  lb  lb lb+1 lb      lb to ub
'   :   :   :   :      :
'  ub  ub  ub  ub      lb to ub
' Note: each dimension has its own lower and upper bound
Private DimMax As Long        ' Number of dimensions
Private DimOffs() As Long     ' Offset from element to equivalent element in next
                              ' repeat for each dimension.
                              ' For dimension 1, this is offset from (a,b,c,d) to (a+1,b,c,d).
                              ' For dimension 2, this is offset from (a,b,c,d) to (a,b+1,c,d).
                              ' And so on.
                              ' Used to convert (a,b,c,d) to index into MDSArray.
Private InxMax As Long        ' The total number of elements in the MDS array
Private LBounds() As Long     ' Lower bound of each dimension
Private UBounds() As Long     ' Upper bound of each dimension
' Methods
Public Sub Class_Initialize()
  ' Will be called by interpreter when it wishes to initialise an instance of
  ' MultDimStrArray.  Setting NumDim = 0 indicates that the instance has not
  ' be initialised by the class.
  DimMax = 0
End Sub
Public Sub GetElements(ParamArray Params() As Variant)

  ' Extracts one or more strings starting at a specified element from
  ' the multi-dimensional string array.

  ' This sub has two compulsory parameters.  The declaration uses a ParamArray
  ' to allow maximum flexibility in the type of those parameters.  Effectively,
  ' this sub has a declaration of:
  '   GetElements(ByRef Start() As xxxx, ByRef Values() as yyyy) or
  '   GetElements(ByRef Start() As xxxx, ByVal Values as yyyy) or
  '     where xxxx can be any of the integer types plus Variant or String.
  '       and yyyy can be any type that can be accept a string.

  ' Start is a one-dimensional array with DimMax, integer elements.  If the
  ' type of the array is Variant or String, the element values must be integer
  ' or an integer held as a string. The bounds of the array are not important.
  ' A lower bound of one to match dimension one may be convenient but a lower
  ' bound of zero or some other value may be used if wished.

  ' If the MDS array has N dimensions, Start must contain N values each of
  ' which must be within the bounds for the corresponding dimension.  Together,
  ' the values within Start specify an element with the MDS array.

  ' Values can be a String or Varient variable or a one-dimensional String or
  ' Varient array.  If the values within the MDS array are known to be
  ' integer, real or Boolean, then other types.  However, if a value within
  ' the MDS array is not as expected, a call of GetElements may result in a
  ' fatal, VBA error.

  ' If Values is a variable or an array with a length of one, the value of
  ' element Start of the MDS array will be copied to Values.

  ' If Values is an array with a length greater than one, values will be
  ' copied to it from the MDS array starting from element Start. If possible,
  ' array Values will be filled; however, if there are insufficient elements
  ' in the MDS array, the remaining elements of Values will be left unchanged.

  'Debug.Print "GetElements"

  If DimMax = 0 Then
    Debug.Assert False    'Not initialised
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim InxA As Long
  Dim InxS As Long
  Dim InxV As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim Start() As Long
  Dim UB As Long

  LB = LBound(Params)
  UB = UBound(Params)

  If LB + 1 <> UB Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' There must be exactly two parameters
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If VarType(Params(LB)) < vbArray Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' First parameter (Start) must be an array
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Params(Params(LB)) contains values for Start.
  InxS = 1
  If UBound(Params(LB)) - LBound(Params(LB)) + 1 <> DimMax Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' Start must have one entry per dimension
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ReDim Start(1 To DimMax)

  For InxV = LBound(Params(LB)) To UBound(Params(LB))
    ' An error here indicates a value that cannot be converted to a Long
    Start(InxS) = Params(LB)(InxV)
    If Start(InxS) < LBounds(InxS) Or Start(InxS) > UBounds(InxS) Then
      Debug.Assert False  ' Index is outside range for dimension
      Exit Sub
    End If
    InxS = InxS + 1

  InxA = 1
  For InxS = 1 To DimMax
    InxA = InxA + (Start(InxS) - LBounds(InxS)) * DimOffs(InxS)

  '' Report conversion from coordinates to InxA
  'Debug.Print "(";
  'For InxS = 1 To DimMax - 1
  '  Debug.Print Start(InxS) & ", ";
  'Debug.Print Start(DimMax) & ") -> " & InxA

  If VarType(Params(UB)) < vbArray Then
    ' Single value to be extracted from element defined by Start
    'Debug.Assert False
    ' An error here indicates Params(UB) cannot hold the value in the MDS array
    Params(UB) = MDSArray(InxA)
    ' Array of values to be extracted starting at element defined by Start
    'Debug.Assert False
    'Debug.Print "Params(UB) Bounds: " & LBound(Params(UB)) & " To " & UBound(Params(UB))
    For InxV = LBound(Params(UB)) To UBound(Params(UB))
      Params(UB)(InxV) = MDSArray(InxA)
      'Debug.Print "(" & InxA & ") contains " & Params(UB)(InxV)
      InxA = InxA + 1
      If InxA > InxMax Then
        ' Have reached end of MDSArray
        Exit For
      End If
  End If

End Sub
Public Sub Initialise(ParamArray Params() As Variant)

  ' Initalises an instance of the class by:
  '   Setting DimMax to number of dimensions
  '   Recording lower and upper bounds in LBounds and UBounds
  '   Calculating length of each dimension and recording them in DimOffs
  '   Calculating total number of entries in array and recording in InxMax
  '   ReDimming MDSarray to the required length

  ' The format of the call is: Xxxx.Initialise(parameters)

  ' Xxxx must be an object of type MultDimStrArray which must have been
  ' defined in one of these two ways:

  '   (1) Dim Xxxx As New MultDimStrArray

  '   (2) Dim Xxxx As MultDimStrArray
  '       Set Xxxx = New MultDimStrArray

  ' Most people use method 1 although method 2 results in more efficient code
  ' according to Charles H Pearson.  http://www.cpearson.com/excel/classes.aspx

  ' In all cases, the parameters are a list of bounds. Those bounds can be
  ' specified as a list in the Initialise call or can be preloaded into an
  ' array.

  ' If the bounds are specified within the call, its format will be something like:
  '   Call Xxxx.Initialise(BoundsForDim1, BoundsForDim2, BoundsForDim3, ...)

  ' If the bounds are specified in a preloaded array, its format will be something like:
  '     Bounds = Array(BoundsForDim1, BoundsForDim2, BoundsForDim3, ...)
  '     Call Xxxx.Initialise(Bounds)
  '   or
  '     Bounds(1) = BoundsForDim1
  '     Bounds(2) = BoundsForDim2
  '     Bounds(3) = BoundsForDim3
  '       :    :    :    :
  '     Call Xxxx.Initialise(Bounds)

  ' BoundsForDimN can be
  '     lb " to " ub
  '   or
  '     ub

  ' Each dimension will have its own lower bound (lb) and upper bound (ub).
  ' If the lb is not specified, it will default to 1. So 'ub' is equivalent to
  ' '1 To ub'

  'Debug.Print "Initalise"

  Dim Bounds() As String
  Dim BoundParts() As String
  Dim InxB As Long
  Dim InxP As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim NumElmnts As Long

  ' Convert different formats for Params to a single format
  LB = LBound(Params)
  If LB = UBound(Params) Then
    ' Single parameter.
    'Debug.Assert False
    If VarType(Params(LB)) > vbArray Then
      ' Params(LB) is an array.  Call was of the form: .Initialise(Array)
      ' Copy contents of Array to Bounds
      'Debug.Assert False
      DimMax = UBound(Params(LB)) - LBound(Params(LB)) + 1
      ReDim Bounds(1 To DimMax)
      InxB = 1
      For InxP = LBound(Params(LB)) To UBound(Params(LB))
        ' If get error here, element InxP of Array could not be converted to a string
        Bounds(InxB) = Params(LB)(InxP)
        InxB = InxB + 1
      ' Params(LB) is not an array.  Call was of the form: .Initialise(X)
      ' where X is "N to M" or "M".  Using this class for a 1D array would
      ' be inefficient but the code would work so it is not forbidden.
      'Debug.Assert False
      DimMax = 1
      ReDim Bounds(1 To 1)
      ' If get error here,  X could not be converted to a string
      Bounds(1) = Params(LB)
    End If
    ' Multiple parameters.  Call was of the form: .Initialise(X, Y, Z ...)
      ' where X, Y, Z and so on can be "N to M" or "M".
      ' Copy X, Y, Z and so to Bounds
      'Debug.Assert False
      DimMax = UBound(Params) - LBound(Params) + 1
      ReDim Bounds(1 To DimMax)
      InxB = 1
      For InxP = LBound(Params) To UBound(Params)
        ' If get error here, one of X, Y, Z and so could not be
        ' converted to a string
        Bounds(InxB) = Params(InxP)
        InxB = InxB + 1
   End If

   'Debug.Print "Bounds in call:  ";
   'For InxB = 1 To UBound(Bounds)
   '  Debug.Print Bounds(InxB) & "  ";

   ' Decode values in Bounds and store in in LBounds and UBounds
   ReDim LBounds(1 To DimMax)
   ReDim UBounds(1 To DimMax)
   ReDim DimOffs(1 To DimMax)
   InxMax = 1

   For InxB = 1 To UBound(Bounds)
     ' Value can be "lb To Ub" or "Ub"
     If IsNumeric(Bounds(InxB)) Then
       ' Upper bound only
       'Debug.Assert False
       If Int(Bounds(InxB)) = Val(Bounds(InxB)) Then
         ' Integer value
         'Debug.Assert False
         LBounds(InxB) = 1
         UBounds(InxB) = Bounds(InxB)
         Debug.Print "Invalid parameter: " & Bounds(InxB)
         Debug.Assert False         ' Real ub; only integer indices allowed
         DimMax = 0                ' Not initialised
         Exit Sub
       End If
       ' lb To ub
       BoundParts = Split(LCase(Bounds(InxB)), " to ")
       LB = LBound(BoundParts)
       If LB + 1 <> UBound(BoundParts) Then
         Debug.Print "Invalid parameter: " & Bounds(InxB)
         Debug.Assert False         ' Not "ub" and not "lb to ub"
         DimMax = 0                ' Not initialised
         Exit Sub
         If IsNumeric(BoundParts(LB)) And _
            IsNumeric(BoundParts(LB + 1)) Then
           If Int(BoundParts(LB)) = Val(BoundParts(LB)) And _
              Int(BoundParts(LB + 1)) = Val(BoundParts(LB + 1)) Then
             'Debug.Assert False
             LBounds(InxB) = BoundParts(LB)
             UBounds(InxB) = BoundParts(LB + 1)
             Debug.Print "Invalid parameter: " & Bounds(InxB)
             Debug.Assert False         ' lb or ub or both are real; indices must be integer
             DimMax = 0                ' Not initialised
             Exit Sub
           End If
           Debug.Print "Invalid parameter: " & Bounds(InxB)
           Debug.Assert False         ' One or both of lb and ub are non-numeric or missing
           DimMax = 0                ' Not initialised
           Exit Sub
         End If
       End If
     End If
     If LBounds(InxB) > UBounds(InxB) Then
       Debug.Print "Invalid parameter: " & Bounds(InxB)
       Debug.Assert False         ' lb must be less than ub
       DimMax = 0                ' Not initialised
       Exit Sub
     End If
   Next InxB

   ' Calculate offset to equivalent element in next repeat for each dimension.
   DimOffs(DimMax) = 1
   NumElmnts = (UBounds(DimMax) - LBounds(DimMax) + 1)
   For InxB = DimMax - 1 To 1 Step -1
     DimOffs(InxB) = NumElmnts * DimOffs(InxB + 1)
     NumElmnts = (UBounds(InxB) - LBounds(InxB) + 1)  ' Need for next loop
   InxMax = NumElmnts * DimOffs(1)

   ReDim MDSArray(1 To InxMax)

End Sub
Public Sub OutDiag()

  Dim ColWidthCrnt As Long
  Dim ColWidthTotalLastDim As Long
  Dim ColWidthsLast() As Long
  Dim ColWidthsNotLast() As Long
  Dim Coords() As Long
  Dim InxA As Long            ' Index into MDSArray
  Dim InxC As Long            ' Index into Coords
  Dim InxD As Long            ' Index into dimensions
  'Dim InxL As Long            ' Index into Last dimension
  Dim InxWL As Long           ' Index into ColWidthsLast

  'Debug.Print "OutDiag"

  If DimMax = 0 Then
    Debug.Assert False   'Not initialised
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Debug.Print "DimMax=" & DimMax
  For InxD = 1 To DimMax
    Debug.Print "Dim" & InxD & "  Bounds=" & LBounds(InxD) & " to " & _
                UBounds(InxD) & "  Offset to next repeat=" & DimOffs(InxD)
  Debug.Print "InxMax=" & InxMax

  ReDim ColWidthsNotLast(1 To DimMax - 1)
  ReDim ColWidthsLast(LBounds(DimMax) To UBounds(DimMax))

  ' Ensure columns for all but last wide enough for headings and coordinates
  For InxD = 1 To DimMax - 1
    ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) = Len("D" & CStr(InxD))
    'Debug.Print "ColWidthsNotLast(" & InxD & ") initialsed to " & _
    '            ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) & " because of header ""D" & _
    '            CStr(InxD) & """"
    ColWidthCrnt = Len(CStr(LBounds(InxD)))
    If ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) < ColWidthCrnt Then
      Debug.Assert False
      ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) = ColWidthCrnt
      'Debug.Print "ColWidthsNotLast(" & InxD & ") increased to " & _
      '            ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) & " because of lower bound """ & _
      '            CStr(LBounds(InxD)) & """"
    End If
    ColWidthCrnt = Len(CStr(UBounds(InxD)))
    If ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) < ColWidthCrnt Then
      Debug.Assert False
      ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) = ColWidthCrnt
      'Debug.Print "ColWidthsNotLast(" & InxD & ") increased to " & _
      '            ColWidthsNotLast(InxD) & " because of upper bound """ & _
      '            CStr(UBounds(InxD)) & """"
    End If

  ' Ensure columns for last dimension wide enough for headings
  For InxWL = LBounds(DimMax) To UBounds(DimMax)
    ColWidthsLast(InxWL) = Len(CStr(InxD))
    'Debug.Print "ColWidthsLast(" & InxWL & ") initialised to " & _
    '            ColWidthsLast(InxWL) & " because of index """ & CStr(InxWL) & """"

  ' Ensure columns for last dimension wide enough for values
  ReDim Coords(1 To DimMax)
  ' Initialise Coords to indices for first entry in MDS array
  For InxC = 1 To DimMax
    Coords(InxC) = LBounds(InxC)

  '' Output co-ordinates to show which elements caused increase in width
  'Debug.Print "(";
  'For InxD = 1 To DimMax - 1
  '  Debug.Print Coords(InxD) & ", ";
  'Debug.Print Coords(DimMax) & ") ";

  InxA = 1
  ' Check length of each value against length of each column for last dimension
  ' Increase length of column for last dimension if necessary
  Do While True
    ' Length for entry corrsponding specified by Coords
    ColWidthCrnt = Len(MDSArray(InxA))
    ' Column for current index into last dimension
    InxWL = Coords(DimMax)
    ' Increase column width if necessary
    If ColWidthsLast(InxWL) < ColWidthCrnt Then
      'Debug.Assert False
      ColWidthsLast(InxWL) = ColWidthCrnt

      '' Report reason for increased column width
      'Debug.Print "ColWidthsLast(" & InxWL & ") increased to " & _
      '            ColWidthsLast(InxWL) & " because of value """ & _
      '            MDSArray(InxA) & """"
    End If

    ' Step Coords to next entry
    For InxD = DimMax To 1 Step -1
      If Coords(InxD) < UBounds(InxD) Then
        Coords(InxD) = Coords(InxD) + 1
        Exit For
        Coords(InxD) = LBounds(InxD)
      End If
    InxA = InxA + 1   ' Step index into MDSArray to match Coords
    If InxA > InxMax Then
      Exit Do
    End If

    '' Output co-ordinates to show which elements caused increase in width
    'Debug.Print "(";
    'For InxD = 1 To DimMax - 1
    '  Debug.Print Coords(InxD) & ", ";
    'Debug.Print Coords(DimMax) & ") ";


  ' Output header
  Debug.Print "Value for each element in MDSArray"
  Debug.Print "|";
  For InxD = 1 To DimMax - 1
    Debug.Print PadR("D" & CStr(InxD), ColWidthsNotLast(InxD)) & "|";
  Debug.Print "|";
  For InxWL = LBounds(DimMax) To UBounds(DimMax)
    Debug.Print PadR(CStr(InxWL), ColWidthsLast(InxWL)) & "|";

  ' Output data rows.
  ' One row for each value of each index for every dimension except last
  ' Left of row contains indices for dimensions other thsn last
  ' Right of row contains values for each index into last dimension
  ' Initialise Coords to indices for first entry in MDS array
  For InxC = 1 To DimMax
    Coords(InxC) = LBounds(InxC)
  InxA = 1
  Do While InxA <= InxMax
    Debug.Print "|";
    ' Output current index for dimensions except last
    For InxD = 1 To DimMax - 1
      Debug.Print PadR(Coords(InxD), ColWidthsNotLast(InxD)) & "|";
    Debug.Print "|";
    ' Output values for each index into last dimension
    Do While True
      Debug.Print PadR(MDSArray(InxA), ColWidthsLast(Coords(DimMax))) & "|";
      ' Step Coords to next entry
      For InxD = DimMax To 1 Step -1
        If Coords(InxD) < UBounds(InxD) Then
          Coords(InxD) = Coords(InxD) + 1
          Exit For
          Coords(InxD) = LBounds(InxD)
        End If
      InxA = InxA + 1   ' Step index into MDSArray to match Coords
      If InxA > InxMax Then
        Exit Do
      End If
      If Coords(DimMax) = LBounds(DimMax) Then
        ' Start of new row
        Exit Do
      End If

End Sub
Public Sub PutElements(ParamArray Params() As Variant)

  ' Saves one or more strings starting at a specified element within
  ' the multi-dimensional string array.

  ' This sub has two compulsory parameters.  The declaration uses a ParamArray
  ' to allow maximum flexibility in the type of those parameters.  Effectively,
  ' this sub has a declaration of:
  '   PutElements(ByRef Start() As xxxx, ByRef Values() as yyyy) or
  '   PutElements(ByRef Start() As xxxx, ByVal Values as yyyy) or
  '     where xxxx can be any of the integer types plus Variant or String.
  '       and yyyy can be any type that can be converted to a string plus
  '           Variant providing all the values within the Variant can be
  '           converted to strings.

  ' Start is a one-dimensional array with DimMax, integer elements.  If the
  ' type of the array is Variant or String, the element values must be integer
  ' or an integer held as a string. The bounds of the array are not important.
  ' A lower bound of one to match dimension one may be convenient but a lower
  ' bound of zero or some other value may be used if wished.

  ' If the MDS array has N dimensions, Start must contain N values each of
  ' which must be within the bounds for the corresponding dimension.  Together,
  ' the values within Start specify an element with the MDS array.

  ' Values can be a variable of any type that can be converted to a string.
  ' Alternately, Values can be a one-dimensional array containing one or more
  ' elements. If Values contains one element, the value of that element will be
  ' saved to element Start of the MDS array. If Values contains more than one
  ' element, the values of those elements will be saved to the MDS array
  ' starting at Start and continuing in the sequence defined at the top of this
  ' module until all values in Values have been saved or the last element of
  ' MDSArray has been reached.

  'Debug.Print "PutElements"

  If DimMax = 0 Then
    Debug.Assert False    'Not initialised
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim InxA As Long
  Dim InxS As Long
  Dim InxV As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim Start() As Long
  Dim UB As Long

  LB = LBound(Params)
  UB = UBound(Params)

  If LB + 1 <> UB Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' There must be exactly two parameters
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If VarType(Params(LB)) < vbArray Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' First parameter (Start) must be an array
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Params(Params(LB)) contains values for Start.
  InxS = 1
  If UBound(Params(LB)) - LBound(Params(LB)) + 1 <> DimMax Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' Start must have one entry per dimension
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ReDim Start(1 To DimMax)

  For InxV = LBound(Params(LB)) To UBound(Params(LB))
    ' An error here indicates a value that cannot be converted to a Long
    Start(InxS) = Params(LB)(InxV)
    If Start(InxS) < LBounds(InxS) Or Start(InxS) > UBounds(InxS) Then
      Debug.Assert False  ' Index is outside range for dimension
      Exit Sub
    End If
    InxS = InxS + 1

  InxA = 1
  For InxS = 1 To DimMax
    InxA = InxA + (Start(InxS) - LBounds(InxS)) * DimOffs(InxS)

  '' Report conversion from coordinates to InxA
  'Debug.Print "(";
  'For InxS = 1 To DimMax - 1
  '  Debug.Print Start(InxS) & ", ";
  'Debug.Print Start(DimMax) & ") -> " & InxA

  If VarType(Params(UB)) < vbArray Then
    ' Single value to be stored in element defined by Start
    'Debug.Assert False
    ' An error here indicates Params(UB) cannot be converted to a string
    MDSArray(InxA) = Params(UB)
    ' Array of values to be stored starting at element defined by Start
    'Debug.Assert False
    'Debug.Print "Params(UB) Bounds: " & LBound(Params(UB)) & " To " & UBound(Params(UB))
    For InxV = LBound(Params(UB)) To UBound(Params(UB))
      MDSArray(InxA) = Params(UB)(InxV)
      'Debug.Print Params(UB)(InxV) & " -> (" & InxA & ")"
      InxA = InxA + 1
      If InxA > InxMax Then
        ' Have reached end of MDSArray
        Exit For
      End If
  End If

End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)



Option Explicit
Sub Test1()

  Dim MyArray1 As New MultDimStrArray
  Dim MyArray2 As MultDimStrArray
  Dim MyArray3 As MultDimStrArray

  Dim Bounds1 As Variant
  Dim Bounds2() As String

  Set MyArray2 = New MultDimStrArray
  Set MyArray3 = New MultDimStrArray

  Bounds1 = Array("3 To 10", "2", 5)

  ReDim Bounds2(1 To 3)
  Bounds2(1) = "3 to 10"
  Bounds2(2) = "2"
  Bounds2(3) = "5"

  ' Error-free calls
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("3 to 10", "2")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray2.Initialise(Bounds1)
  Call MyArray2.OutDiag
  Call MyArray3.Initialise(Bounds2)
  Call MyArray3.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("3 to 10", 2)
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise(2, "-5 to -2")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag

  ' Calls that end in an error
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("3 to 10", "a")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("3 to 2")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("2to3")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise(0)
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise(1.5)
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise("2 to ")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag
  Call MyArray1.Initialise(" to 2")
  Call MyArray1.OutDiag

End Sub
Sub Test2()

  Dim InxD1 As Long
  Dim InxD2 As Long
  Dim InxD3 As Long
  Dim MyArray As New MultDimStrArray
  Dim Start As Variant
  Dim ValueCrnt As String
  Dim Values() As String

  Call MyArray.Initialise("3 to 5", 3)

  Call MyArray.PutElements(Array(3, 1), _
                            Array("Three-One", "Three-Two", "Three-Three", _
                                  "Four-One", "Four-Two", "Four-Three", _
                                  "Five-One", "Five-Two", "Five-Three"))

  Call MyArray.OutDiag

  ReDim Values(0 To 0)
  For InxD1 = 3 To 5
    For InxD2 = 1 To 3
      Start = Array(InxD1, InxD2)
      Values(0) = InxD1 & "." & InxD2
      Call MyArray.PutElements(Start, Values)

  Call MyArray.OutDiag

  For InxD1 = 3 To 5
    For InxD2 = 1 To 3
      Start = Array(InxD1, InxD2)
      ValueCrnt = InxD1 & "-" & InxD2
      Call MyArray.PutElements(Start, ValueCrnt)

  Call MyArray.OutDiag

  Call MyArray.Initialise("5 to 10", 3, "-3 to 4")

  ReDim Values(-3 To 4)
  For InxD1 = 10 To 5 Step -1
    For InxD2 = 1 To 3
      Start = Array(InxD1, InxD2, -3)
      For InxD3 = -3 To 4
        Values(InxD3) = InxD1 & "." & InxD2 & "." & InxD3
      Call MyArray.PutElements(Start, Values)

  Call MyArray.OutDiag

End Sub
Sub Test3()

  Dim InxD1 As Long
  Dim InxD2 As Long
  Dim InxV As Long
  Dim MyArray As New MultDimStrArray
  Dim Start As Variant
  Dim ValueCrnt As String
  Dim Values() As String

  Call MyArray.Initialise("3 to 5", 3)

  Call MyArray.PutElements(Array(3, 1), _
                            Array("Three-One", "Three-Two", "Three-Three", _
                                  "Four-One", "Four-Two", "Four-Three", _
                                  "Five-One", "Five-Two", "Five-Three"))

  Call MyArray.OutDiag

  ReDim Values(1 To 9)

  Call MyArray.GetElements(Array(3, 1), Values)

  For InxV = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
    Debug.Print """" & Values(InxV) & """  ";

  ReDim Values(1 To 3)

  For InxD1 = 3 To 5

    Call MyArray.GetElements(Array(InxD1, 1), Values)

    For InxV = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
      Debug.Print """" & Values(InxV) & """  ";


  ReDim Values(1 To 4)
  For InxV = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
    Values(InxV) = "Unchanged"

  Call MyArray.GetElements(Array(5, 1), Values)

  For InxV = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
    Debug.Print """" & Values(InxV) & """  ";

  For InxD1 = 3 To 5
    For InxD2 = 1 To 3
      Call MyArray.GetElements(Array(InxD1, InxD2), ValueCrnt)
      Debug.Print "(" & InxD1 & ", " & InxD2 & ") contains " & ValueCrnt

End Sub


Option Explicit
Public Function PadR(ByVal Str As String, ByVal PadLen As Long, _
                     Optional ByVal PadChr As String = " ") As String

  ' Pad Str with trailing PadChr to give a total length of PadLen
  ' If the length of Str exceeds PadLen, Str will not be truncated

  '   Nov15 Coded
  ' 15Sep16 Added PadChr so could pad with characters other than space

  If Len(Str) >= PadLen Then
    ' Do not truncate over length strings
    PadR = Str
    PadR = Left$(Str & String(PadLen, PadChr), PadLen)
  End If

End Function

答案 3 :(得分:0)




Dim A As Long
Dim B As String
Dim C As Boolean
Dim D As Integer
Dim E As Double



将Dim F作为变体


A = 5       ' OK because A is Long
A = "abc"   ' Will fail a n alphabetic string cannot be saved in a Long
A = "123"   ' OK because string "123" is automatically converted to integer 123


F = 5
F = "abc"
F = True
F = 1.23

这些值中的每一个都将正确保存。 F可以在当前值适合的任何表达式中使用:

F = 5
F = F + 2
F = "abc"
F = F & "def"


F = "abc"
F = F + 2

将失败,因为将F设置为“ abc”后,无法在算术表达式中使用它。

变体还可以容纳Excel工作表,Word文档或任何Office对象。 Variant也可以容纳数组。当Variant持有对象或数组时,语法就好像Variant已成为该对象或数组。所以:

F = Worksheets("Data”)
F.Range("A1") = "abc"



1) F = VBA.Array(1, "abc", True)
2) ReDim F(0 To 2)

VBA.Array是一个函数,它返回一维Variant数组,该数组的下限为0,且元素足以容纳提供的值。我也可以写F = Array(1, "abc", True)。功能Array与功能VBA.Array相同,除了下限取决于Option Base命令的当前值和值。

如果要使用功能Array确定下限,则仅使用功能LBound。我没有完全了解Option Base命令的作用和影响,因为它没有完整记录。我已经看到不同Microsoft产品的不同版本之间的差异,我确信这是偶然的。我相信新的Microsoft程序员会假定旧产品在不运行时会以明智的方式运行。如果可以的话,我非常小心地指定上下限。如果无法指定下限,则进行检查。我仍然使用在Excel 2003下编写的例程。我相信在旧例程中遇到的问题并不多,这是因为我避免对未完全记录的Excel的运行方式进行假设。

返回本教程,ReDim F(0 To 2)有效地将F转换为具有三个元素的数组。


Dim G(1 to 5) As Long
Dim H(1 to 5, 1 To 4) As String
Dim I(1 to 5, 1 To 4, 0 To 3) As Boolean

Dim G() As Long
Dim H() As String
Dim I() As Boolean
ReDim G(1 to 5)
ReDim H(1 to 5, 1 To 4)
ReDim I(1 to 5, 1 To 4, 0 To 3)



G(n) = 3
H(n, m) = "abc"
I(n, m, o) = True

这种类型的多维不适合您的要求。尽管可以在运行时更改范围,但是不能在ReDim语句中更改维数,但是需要从一长串预先准备好的ReDim语句中选择一个Select语句,其中每个维数可能都有一个。 >



Dim F As Variant
ReDim F(0 To 2)
F(0) = VBA.Array(1, 2, 3)
F(1) = VBA.Array(4, 5, 6)
F(2) = VBA.Array(7, 8, 9)



F(0)(0)= VBA.Array(10,11,12)




还有一个问题,即ReDim F(0)(0 To 2)被编译器拒绝为无效语法。这就是为什么我使用VBA.Array将F(0)转换为数组的原因。


Call ReDimVar(F, "1 To 2", "3 To 4", "0 To 5")


ReDim F(1 To 2)
Call ReDimVar(F(1), "3 To 4", "0 To 5") 
Call ReDimVar(F(2), "3 To 4", "0 To 5") 


Sub TryMDVA()

  ' Demonstrate how to:
  '   1) Convert a Variant into a multi-dimension array
  '   2) Store values in every element of that multi-dimension array
  '   3) Extract values from every element of that multi-dimension array

  Dim Coords() As Long
  Dim ElementValue As String
  Dim InxB As Long             ' Index for both Bounds and Coords
  Dim InxD1 As Long
  Dim InxD2 As Long
  Dim InxD3 As Long
  Dim LwrBnds As Variant
  Dim MDVA As Variant
  Dim UppBnds As Variant

  LwrBnds = Array(1, 0, -3)
  UppBnds = Array(2, 5, 4)

  ReDim Bounds(LBound(LwrBnds) To UBound(LwrBnds))
  ReDim Coords(LBound(LwrBnds) To UBound(LwrBnds))

  Call FormatMDVA(MDVA, LwrBnds, UppBnds)

  Debug.Print "Results of formatting MDVA"
  Debug.Print "Bounds of MDVA are " & LBound(MDVA) & " to " & UBound(MDVA)
  Debug.Print "Bounds of MDVA(1) are " & LBound(MDVA(1)) & " to " & UBound(MDVA(1))
  Debug.Print "Bounds of MDVA(2) are " & LBound(MDVA(2)) & " to " & UBound(MDVA(2))
  Debug.Print "Bounds or MDVA(1)(0) are " & LBound(MDVA(1)(0)) & " to " & UBound(MDVA(1)(0))
  Debug.Print "Bounds or MDVA(2)(5) are " & LBound(MDVA(2)(5)) & " to " & UBound(MDVA(2)(5))

  ' Initialise Coords to lower bound of each dimension
  For InxB = LBound(LwrBnds) To UBound(LwrBnds)
    Coords(InxB) = LwrBnds(InxB)

  Do While True
    ' Build element value from coordinates
    ElementValue = Coords(LBound(Coords))
    For InxB = LBound(LwrBnds) + 1 To UBound(LwrBnds)
      ElementValue = ElementValue & "." & Coords(InxB)
    ' Store element value in element of MDVA specified by Coords
    Call PutElement(MDVA, Coords, ElementValue)
    ' Step Coords.  Think of Coords as a speedometer with each wheel marked
    ' with the available index values for a dimension. Starting on the right,
    ' check each wheel against the relevant ubound.  If it is less than the
    ' ubound, step it by 1. If it is the upper bound, reset it to the lower
    ' bound and try the next wheel to the left.  If the leftmost wheel is
    ' to be reset, Coords has been set to all possible values.
    For InxB = UBound(LwrBnds) To LBound(LwrBnds) Step -1
      If Coords(InxB) < UppBnds(InxB) Then
        Coords(InxB) = Coords(InxB) + 1
        Exit For
        If InxB = LBound(LwrBnds) Then
          Exit Do
        End If
        Coords(InxB) = LwrBnds(InxB)
      End If

  Debug.Print "Example values from within MDVA"
  Debug.Print "MDVA(1)(0)(-3) = " & MDVA(1)(0)(-3)
  Debug.Print "MDVA(1)(0)(-2) = " & MDVA(1)(0)(-2)
  Debug.Print "MDVA(2)(3)(0) = " & MDVA(2)(3)(0)
  Debug.Print "MDVA(2)(5)(4) = " & MDVA(2)(5)(4)

  ' Initialise Coords to upper bound of each dimension
  For InxB = LBound(UppBnds) To UBound(UppBnds)
    Coords(InxB) = UppBnds(InxB)

  Debug.Print "List of all values in MDVA"
  Do While True
    ' Output value of element of MDVA identified by Coords
    Debug.Print "MDVA(" & Coords(LBound(UppBnds));
    For InxB = LBound(UppBnds) + 1 To UBound(UppBnds)
      Debug.Print ", " & Coords(InxB);
    Debug.Print ") = """ & GetElement(MDVA, Coords) & """"

    ' Set next value of Coords.  Similar to code block in PutElement
    ' but in the opposite direction
    For InxB = UBound(LwrBnds) To LBound(LwrBnds) Step -1
      If Coords(InxB) > LwrBnds(InxB) Then
        Coords(InxB) = Coords(InxB) - 1
        Exit For
        If InxB = LBound(LwrBnds) Then
          Exit Do
        End If
        Coords(InxB) = UppBnds(InxB)
      End If

End Sub
Sub FormatMDVA(ByRef MDVA As Variant, LwrBnds As Variant, UppBnds As Variant)

  ' Size MDVA according to the bounds in the first elements of LwrBnds and
  ' UppBnds. If there are further elements in LwrBnds and UppBnds, call
  ' FormatMDVA to format every element of MDVA according to the remaining
  ' elements.

  Dim InxB As Long
  Dim InxM As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim SubLwrBnds As Variant
  Dim SubUppBnds As Variant

  LB = LBound(LwrBnds)

  ReDim MDVA(LwrBnds(LB) To UppBnds(LB))

  If LBound(LwrBnds) = UBound(LwrBnds) Then
    ' All bounds applied
    ' Another dimension to format
    ReDim SubLwrBnds(LB + 1 To UBound(LwrBnds))
    ReDim SubUppBnds(LB + 1 To UBound(UppBnds))
    ' Copy remaining bounds to new arrays
    For InxB = LB + 1 To UBound(LwrBnds)
      SubLwrBnds(InxB) = LwrBnds(InxB)
      SubUppBnds(InxB) = UppBnds(InxB)

    For InxM = LwrBnds(LB) To UppBnds(LB)
      Call FormatMDVA(MDVA(InxM), SubLwrBnds, SubUppBnds)
  End If

End Sub
Function GetElement(ByRef MDVA As Variant, ByRef Coords() As Long) As Variant

  ' Return the value of the element of MDVA identified by Coords

  Dim InxC As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim SubCoords() As Long

  LB = LBound(Coords)

  If LB = UBound(Coords) Then
    ' Have reached innermost array
    GetElement = MDVA(Coords(LB))
    ' At least one more nested array
    ReDim SubCoords(LB + 1 To UBound(Coords))
    For InxC = LB + 1 To UBound(Coords)
      SubCoords(InxC) = Coords(InxC)
    GetElement = GetElement(MDVA(Coords(LB)), SubCoords)
  End If
End Function
Sub PutElement(ByRef MDVA As Variant, ByRef Coords() As Long, _
               ElementValue As Variant)

  ' Save the value of ElementValue in the element of MDVA identified by Coords

  Dim InxC As Long
  Dim LB As Long
  Dim SubCoords() As Long

  LB = LBound(Coords)

  If LB = UBound(Coords) Then
    ' Have reached innermost array
    MDVA(Coords(LB)) = ElementValue
    ' At least one more nested array
    ReDim SubCoords(LB + 1 To UBound(Coords))
    For InxC = LB + 1 To UBound(Coords)
      SubCoords(InxC) = Coords(InxC)
    Call PutElement(MDVA(Coords(LB)), SubCoords, ElementValue)
  End If
End Sub