
时间:2019-05-09 17:24:49

标签: swift file

dataWithContentsOfURLsomeFileHandle.readData(ofLength: bufferSize)FileManager的示例,并且流读写文件。但是它们都只处理一个文件。


我正在考虑使用contentsOfDirectory的函子subpathsOfDirectoryFileManager.DirectoryEnumerator,甚至使用更重的iex(1)> h Ecto.Repo.delete No documentation for function Ecto.Repo.delete was found, but there is a callback with the same name. You can view callback documentations with the b/1 helper. iex(2)> b Ecto.Repo.delete @callback delete( struct_or_changeset :: Ecto.Schema.t() | Ecto.Changeset.t(), opts :: Keyword.t() ) :: {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} Deletes a struct using its primary key. If the struct has no primary key, Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError will be raised. If the struct has been removed from db prior to call, Ecto.StaleEntryError will be raised. It returns {:ok, struct} if the struct has been successfully deleted or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation or a known constraint error. ## Options • :prefix - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set in the query and any @schema_prefix set in the schema. • :stale_error_field - The field where stale errors will be added in the returning changeset. This option can be used to avoid raising Ecto.StaleEntryError. • :stale_error_message - The message to add to the configured :stale_error_field when stale errors happen, defaults to "is stale". See the "Shared options" section at the module documentation. ## Example post = MyRepo.get!(Post, 42) case MyRepo.delete post do {:ok, struct} -> # Deleted with success {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong end 列出每个项目,然后获取每个人的数据并附加。或为每个文件创建一个流,然后将它们组合为一个。


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