Jcenter inclsuion:版本控制<url>返回404,之前

时间:2019-05-08 16:07:57

标签: artifactory bintray jcenter


https://bintray.com/beta/#/stoyicker/test-accessors/annotations?tab=overview https://bintray.com/beta/#/stoyicker/test-accessors/processor-java?tab=overview



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从声音和外观上,您应该使用\documentclass[11pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc,shapes.geometric,arrows,positioning,intersections} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=1cm,thick, main node/.style={black,draw,minimum width=1.5cm,minimum height=0.75cm}]%circle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}] \node[main node] (L) {L}; \node[main node] (F) [left = of L ] {F}; \node[main node] (C) [below = of F ] {M}; \node[main node] (B) [right = of L ] {B}; \node[main node] (AP) [below = of B ] {AP}; \node[main node] (A) [below = of L ] {A}; \node[main node] (H) [right = of B ] {H}; \node[main node] (G) [right = of H] {G}; \node[main node] (BR) [below = of G] {BR}; \node[main node] (LR) [below = of BR] {LR}; \node[main node] (U) [below = of AP ] {U}; \node[main node] (P) [below = of U ] {P}; \path[every node/.style={font=\sffamily\small}] (L) edge node [right] {} (B) (L) edge node [right] {} (F) (L) edge node [right] {} (C) (F) edge node [right] {} (C) (B.north) edge [out=90,in=90] node [right] {} (F.north) %%%% (B.north) edge [out=90,in=180] node [right] {} (C.west) %west_of_F is an intermediate node to allow a proper connection of B and C (B.north) edge [blue,out=90,in=90] coordinate[at end] (west_of_F) ($(F.west)+(-1cm,0)$) (west_of_F) edge [blue, out=-90,in=180] (C.west) (B) edge node [right] {} (AP) (B) edge node [right] {} (A) (AP.east) edge [out=0,in=270] node [left] {} (H.south) (B) edge node [right] {} (H) (H) edge node [right] {} (G) (U.east) edge [out=0,in=270] node [left] {} (H.south) (P.east) edge [out=0,in=270] node [left] {} (H.south) (U) edge node [right] {} (P) (BR.west) edge [out=180,in=270] node [right] {} (H.south) (LR.west) edge [out=180,in=270] node [right] {} (H.south) (BR.east) edge [out=0,in=0] node [right] {} (G.east) (LR.east) edge [out=0,in=0] node [right] {} (G.east); \draw[red] (B.north) to[out=90,in=0] ($(B.north)+(-3cm,2cm)$) to [out=180,in=90] ($(C.west)+(-1.1cm,2cm)$) to [out=-90,in=180] (C.west); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} 而不是https作为ssh链接的链接。