
时间:2019-05-08 12:22:43

标签: c geometry

我正在评估,必须用C编写一个简短的程序来输入顶点和边的大小,以显示多边形的周长和面积。 程序终止后,我必须显示:

  • a。计算总次数
  • b。所有顶点的总和
  • c。各边尺寸之和
  • d。所有周长之和 e.e。所有面积乘积的平方根



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    float PI = 3.1415;
    char choice;
    float area, parameter;
    int radius, side, length, width;

    do {
        printf("Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quiit> ");
        scanf("%s", &choice);

        switch (choice) {
          case 'C':
            printf("Enter a radius of the circle: ");
            scanf("%d", &radius);
            area = (2 * radius) * PI;
            parameter = 2 * PI * radius;
            printf("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f",
                   area, parameter);

          case 'S':
            printf("Enter the side of the square: ");
            scanf("%d", &side);
            area = side * side;
            parameter = 4 * side;
            printf("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f",
                   area, parameter);

          case 'R':
            printf("Enter the width of the rectangle: ");
            scanf("%d", &width);
            printf("Enter the length of the rectangle: ");
            scanf("%d", &length);
            area = length * width;
            parameter = (2 * length) + (2 * width);
            printf("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f",
                   area, parameter);

          case 'Q':
            printf ("Thank and bye");

            printf ("Invalid input");
        return 0;
    } while (choice != 'Q');


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



 char choice;
 scanf ("%s", &choice);

您从 choice 中至少写了一个字符来放置空字符,行为是不确定的


scanf (" %c", &choice);


为什么要return 0;循环到“ Q”?删除它。

在所有打印品的末尾添加换行符,以将结果与问题分开(或者当然将“请输入形状...”替换为“ \ n请输入形状...”)它与上一个打印的同一行)

我鼓励您检查是否通过 scanf 输入了有效的内容,否则您不知道是否为scanf("%d", &radius);输入了整数,因此请检查 scanf 返回1



您不需要数组,对于“ a”,“ b”,“ c”和“ d”,总和可以每次更新,对于“ e”每次更新乘积,最后在< em>正方形


  • 您使用静态大小的数组,在这种情况下,您必须限制输入数量,以免超出范围
  • 您使用动态数组,先使用 malloc 然后 realloc 增大其大小


例如,根据预处理器标识符ARRAYS以两种方式管理“ a”和“ e”:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifdef ARRAYS
typedef struct Vector {
  float * values;
  size_t nValues;
} Vector;

// initialize the array, must be called because to add values
void init(Vector * v)
  v->values = malloc(0);
  v->nValues = 0;

// a a new value into the vector
void add(Vector * v, float f)
  v->values = realloc(v->values, (++v->nValues) * sizeof(float));
  v->values[v->nValues - 1] = f;

// print the content of the array
void pr(Vector * v, const char * what)
  printf("there are %d %s :", v->nValues, what);
  for (size_t i = 0; i != v->nValues; ++i)
    printf(" %.02f", v->values[i]);

int main ()
  float PI = 3.1415;
  char choice;
  float area, parameter;
  int radius, side, length, width;
#ifdef ARRAYS
  Vector calculations, areas;

  int calcNumber = 0;
  float prodAreas = 1;

  do {
    printf("Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> ");
    scanf (" %c", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
    case 'C':
      printf ("Enter a radius of the circle: ");
      if (scanf ("%d", &radius) != 1) {
        puts("invalid value");
        return -1;
      area = (2 * radius) * PI;
      parameter = 2 * PI * radius;
      printf ("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f\n",
              area, parameter);
#ifdef ARRAYS
      add(&calculations, area);
      add(&areas, area);
      add(&calculations, parameter);
      calcNumber += 2;
      prodAreas *= area;

    case 'S':
      printf ("Enter the side of the square: ");
      if (scanf ("%d", &side) != 1) {
        puts("invalid value");
        return -1;
      area = side * side;
      parameter = 4 * side;
      printf ("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f\n",
              area, parameter);
#ifdef ARRAYS
      add(&calculations, area);
      add(&areas, area);
      add(&calculations, parameter);
      calcNumber += 2;
      prodAreas *= area;

    case 'R':
      printf ("Enter the width of the rectangle: ");
     if ( scanf ("%d", &width) != 1) {
        puts("invalid value");
        return -1;
      printf ("Enter the length of the rectangle: ");
      if (scanf ("%d", &length) != 1) {
        puts("invalid value");
        return -1;
      area = length * width;
      parameter = (2 * length) + (2 * width);
      printf ("The area of the circle is %.02f and parameter is %.02f\n",
              area, parameter);
#ifdef ARRAYS
      add(&calculations, area);
      add(&areas, area);
      add(&calculations, parameter);
      calcNumber += 2;
      prodAreas *= area;

    case 'Q':
      puts ("Thank and bye");

      puts ("Invalid input");
  } while (choice != 'Q');

#ifdef ARRAYS
  pr(&calculations, "calculations");

  pr(&areas, "areas");

  float e = 1;

  for (size_t i = 0; i != areas.nValues; ++i)
    e *= areas.values[i];
  printf("square root of the product of all areas : %.02f\n", sqrt(e));
  printf("there are %d calculations\n", calcNumber);
  printf("square root of the product of all areas : %.02f\n", sqrt(prodAreas));

  return 0;


pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ gcc -DARRAYS -pedantic -Wall  -Wextra c.c -lm
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> C
Enter a radius of the circle: 1
The area of the circle is 6.28 and parameter is 6.28
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> S
Enter the side of the square: 1
The area of the circle is 1.00 and parameter is 4.00
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> Q
Thank and bye
there are 4 calculations : 6.28 6.28 1.00 4.00
there are 2 areas : 6.28 1.00
square root of the product of all areas : 2.51
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ 


pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ gcc -pedantic -Wall  -Wextra c.c -lm
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> C
Enter a radius of the circle: 1
The area of the circle is 6.28 and parameter is 6.28
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> S
Enter the side of the square: 1
The area of the circle is 1.00 and parameter is 4.00
Please enter a shape(C:Circle, S:Square, R:Rectangle, Q:Quit> Q
Thank and bye
there are 4 calculations
square root of the product of all areas : 2.51
