
时间:2019-05-07 22:44:48

标签: openmp function-call


        #pragma omp parallel for private(j,k) 
        for (k=0; k < numatoms; k++) { // Loops over all atoms (k) 
        # I dont case about parallelizing this loop, tried both with and without critical section still segfault. 
        #pragma omp critical
        for (j=0; j < numatoms; j++) { // Loop over all atoms
            all_nbrs_index[j] = j;  // Get the indeces of neighbours in nbrs_ind struct
            all_nbrs_values[j] = dist_mat[k][j];// Get the distances of neighbours in nbrs_ind struct
            #I want this function call to be executed in parallel 
            QuickSort(all_nbrs_values, all_nbrs_index, 0, numatoms-1);
        //              if (k ==0) {
        //                      printf("\nThe sorted neighbour indices are. \n");
        //              }                       
            /// From sorted distances and indices get get the 4 closest.
            #This loop also need not to be parallelized but if possible its a bonus    
            #pragma omp critical
            for(j=0; j <=4 ;j++) {
                    nbrs_ind[k][j] = all_nbrs_index[j];
          //                      printf("%d\t ", all_nbrs_index[i] );                                    
            //              printf("\n");


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