
时间:2019-05-07 08:20:37

标签: mvvm rx-swift rx-cocoa

我想利用一种架构设计,使我能够在视图模型(How To Feed ViewModels)中清楚地指定输入和输出,但对如何最好地集成视图的“工作”部分感到好奇建模到这种结构中。


protocol PatientListViewModelType: ViewModelType { }

final class PatientListViewModel: PatientListViewModelType {
    // MARK:- Protocol conformance
    typealias Dependencies =  HasPatientService

    struct Input {
        let patient: AnyObserver<Patient>
    struct Output {
        let sectionedPatients: Observable<[PatientSection]>
        let patient: Observable<Patient>
    let input: Input
    let output: Output

    struct Actions {
        let deletePatient: Action<Patient, Void>
        let togglePatient: (Patient) -> CocoaAction
        let updatePatient: (Patient) -> Action<String, Void>

    lazy var action: Actions = Actions(deletePatient: self.deletePatient,
                                       togglePatient: self.togglePatient,
                                       updatePatient: self.updatePatient)

    // MARK: Setup
    private let dependencies: Dependencies
    private let patientSubject = ReplaySubject<Patient>.create(bufferSize: 1)

    // MARK:- Init
    init(dependencies: Dependencies) {
        self.dependencies = dependencies

        let sectionedPatients =
                .map { results -> [PatientSection] in
                    let scheduledPatients = results
                        .filter("checked == nil")
                        .sorted(byKeyPath: "created", ascending: false)

                    let admittedPatients = results
                        .filter("checked != nil")
                        .sorted(byKeyPath: "checked", ascending: false)

                    return [
                        PatientSection(model: "Scheduled Patients", items: scheduledPatients.toArray()),
                        PatientSection(model: "Admitted Patients", items: admittedPatients.toArray())

        self.output = Output(sectionedPatients: sectionedPatients,
                             patient: patientSubject.asObservable() )
        // this is immediately overriden during binding to VC - it just allows us to exit the init without errors
        self.input = Input(patient: patientSubject.asObserver())


    // MARK:- Actions        
    private lazy var deletePatient: Action<Patient, Void> = { (service: PatientServiceType) in
        return Action { patient in
            return service.delete(realmObject: patient)

    lazy var togglePatient: (Patient) -> CocoaAction = { [unowned self] (patient: Patient) -> CocoaAction in
        return CocoaAction {
            return self.dependencies.patientService.toggle(patient: patient).map { _ in }

    private lazy var updatePatient: (Patient) -> Action<String, Void> = { [unowned self] (patient: Patient) in
        return Action { newName in
            return self.dependencies.patientService.update(patient: patient, name: newName).map { _ in }

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


final class PatientListViewModel: PatientListViewModelType {
    // MARK:- Protocol conformance
    typealias Dependencies =  HasPatientService

    struct Input {
        let patient: AnyObserver<Patient>
    let input: Input

    struct Output {
        let sectionedPatients: Observable<[PatientSection]>
        let patient: Observable<Patient>
        let deletePatient: Action<Patient, Void>
        let togglePatient: (Patient) -> CocoaAction
        let updatePatient: (Patient) -> Action<String, Void>
    let output: Output

    // MARK: Setup
    private let dependencies: Dependencies
    private let patientSubject = ReplaySubject<Patient>.create(bufferSize: 1)

    // MARK:- Init
    init(dependencies: Dependencies) {
        self.dependencies = dependencies

        let sectionedPatients =
                .map { results -> [PatientSection] in
                    let scheduledPatients = results
                        .filter("checked == nil")
                        .sorted(byKeyPath: "created", ascending: false)

                    let admittedPatients = results
                        .filter("checked != nil")
                        .sorted(byKeyPath: "checked", ascending: false)

                    return [
                        PatientSection(model: "Scheduled Patients", items: scheduledPatients.toArray()),
                        PatientSection(model: "Admitted Patients", items: admittedPatients.toArray())

        let deletePatient: Action<Patient, Void> = { patientService in
            return Action { patient in
                return patientService.delete(realmObject: patient)

        let togglePatient: (Patient) -> CocoaAction = { patient in
            return CocoaAction {
                return dependencies.patientService.toggle(patient: patient)
                    .map { _ in }

        let updatePatient: (Patient) -> Action<String, Void> = { patient in
            return Action { newName in
                return dependencies.patientService.update(patient: patient, name: newName)
                    .map { _ in }

        // this is immediately overriden during binding to VC - it just allows us to exit the init without errors
        self.input = Input(patient: patientSubject.asObserver())

        self.output = Output(sectionedPatients: sectionedPatients,
                             patient: patientSubject.asObservable(),
                             deletePatient: deletePatient,
                             togglePatient: togglePatient,
                             updatePatient: updatePatient)