
时间:2019-05-07 02:56:37

标签: c# python arrays dllimport python.net




import clr
clr.AddReference(R'C:...\RFID Chip Sorter Project\UHFReader18CSharp.dll')
from ReaderB import StaticClassReaderB 

fComAdr = 255
EPC = bytearray(13)
Totallen = int = 0
CardNum = int = 0

z = StaticClassReaderB.Inventory_G2(fComAdr, 0, 0, 0, EPC, Totallen, CardNum, 3)
print("z=", z)
print ("Z[0]=", z[0])
print("EPC=", EPC)


[DllImport("Basic.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern int Inventory_G2(
  ref byte ConAddr,
  byte AdrTID,
  byte LenTID,
  byte TIDFlag,
  byte[] EPClenandEPC,
  ref int Totallen,
  ref int CardNum,
  int PortHandle);


Function int StaticClassReaderB.Inventory_G2 (unsigned char *ComAdr, unsigned char AdrTID, unsigned char LenTID, unsigned char TIDFlag, unsigned char *EPClenandEPC, int * Totallen, int *CardNum, int FrmHandle);


ComAdr: Input, pointed to the address of the reader.

AdrTID:Input,query TID’s start address.

LenTID: Input,query TID’s data word number.

TIDFlag: Input,query TID’s flag. 

TIDFlag=1:query TID.

TIDFlag=0:query EPC. 

EPClenandEPC: Output, Pointed to the array storing the inventory result. It is the EPC data of tag Reader read. The unit of the array includes 1 byte EPCLen and N (the value of EPCLen) bytes EPC. It is the former high-word, low word in the EPC of each tag. It is the former high-byte, low byte in the each word.

Totallen: Output. Pointed to the byte count of the  EPClenandEPC.

CardNum: Output. Pointed to the number of tag detected.

FrmHandle: Handle of the corresponding communication port the reader is connected. The handle value is got when calling function AutoOpenComPort or OpenComPort. 


Zero value when successfully, value:

0x01  Return before Inventory finished

0x02  the Inventory-scan-time overflow

0x03  More Data

0x04  Reader module MCU is Full

others when error occurred.


z =(1、0、13、1)

z [0] = 1

EPC = bytearray(b'\ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00 \ x00')


0、13、1分别是参考值ComAdr,Totallen和CardNum。但是,明显缺少的是“ EPClenandEPC”。 EPClenandEPC是一个字节数组。它没有“ ref”,并且由于某种原因也没有返回。




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