
时间:2019-05-06 23:07:31

标签: java

因此,我需要能够调用seqs = ['GTACGCCTTCTTCGGATTGTTAGCCCCTTTTGTTGGGTTACTGCT', 'CCGTGGTTGTTTGTTGAGCTGGGGCTTGTTGCGTGATGCAGCAT', 'TGGGAATTTTGGAATGGGGGAAACCCTGATCAGCCTCCCGCGTG', 'GGGTGTGTGAAGAAGGCCTTCGGGTTGTAAAGCACTTTCAGCGG', 'GATGAAGGCCTTCGGGTTGTAAAGTACTTTTGGCAGAGAAGAAA'] indexa = 0 for i in seqs: # iterates through each string in list seqs if len(i) < ((max(len(i) for i in seqs))): # Identifies any string which is shorter than the longest string seqs[indexa].append('N') # Appends all shorter strings with 'N' to make the same length. (**DOESN'T WORK** How to call the index of the current iteration?) indexa += 1 # Count for append print(seqs) largest_matches = [] seq_pos = 0 for i in seqs: # iterates through each string matches = {} # Creates dictionary to keep track of counts for each comparison for j in seqs[i]: # Iterates through each character in the current string for s in seqs[i+1:]: # Compares character at index j in the current string i to *only* subsequent strings, at the same index value if j == seqs[s][j]: # Compares the current character (j) in the current string (i) to the corresponding character in subsequent strings (s)(**NOT SURE IF THIS WORKS**) matches[seqs[i][j], seqs[s][j]] += 1 # Counts "matches" at each index **NEED CODE HERE FOR SUMMING ALL MATCHES AT EACH INDEX FOR EACH PAIR. FOLLOWING CODE SHOULD WORK IF A DICTIONARY CALLED MATCH_SUMS IS CREATED PRIOR (I'M NOT SURE HOW TO DO THIS.)** for l, o in match_sums.items(): # iterates through summed match counts for each pairing if o == max(o) # checks to see if current value, o (matches), at key l (string pair) has the largest or tied for the largest number of matches largest_match.append(l, o) seq_pos += 1 if seq_pos == (len(seqs)): break # ends loop at sequence 5, or last sequence, as all pairings have then been evaluated. (4 to 5 being the last pairing here) ''' 方法并按预期方式运行它,但是似乎无法弄清楚如何使其运行。任何帮助将不胜感激。如果您还对如何增强我的代码有任何意见,这将非常有用,在此先感谢您! PS。我不能使该方法静态化,我必须想出一种在方法不静态的情况下调用它的方法。


<---------------------------------------------- --->

    import java.util.Scanner;
public class BankApp {
    private SavingsAccount[] clients;
    public BankApp() {
        Scanner bb = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("How many clients do you want on the 
        int numofclients = bb.nextInt();
        this.clients = new SavingsAccount[numofclients];
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        BankApp ba = new BankApp();

我希望import java.util.*; public class SavingsAccount { private SavingsAccount[] clients; private double Balance; private String ID, Name; public SavingsAccount(String startingID, String startingName, double startingBalance) { this.Balance = startingBalance; this.ID = startingID; this.Name = startingName; } public void addClients() { int i = 0; while (i < clients.length) { System.out.println("What is ID of user " + (i + 1)); this.clients[i] = new SavingsAccount("DF01", "Dandy", 10.00); i++; } } public double getBalance() { return Balance; } public String getName() { return Name; } public String getID() { return ID; } } 会填充addClients()。但是clients[]必须先运行。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


this.clients = new SavingsAccount[numofclients];

在这里,您的clients变量指向 SavingsAccounts数组,并且每个SavingsAccount都有自己的addClients()方法。


for(SavingsAccount client : clients) {


答案 1 :(得分:-1)





重新研究您的要求,然后从头开始重新设计。 我也在猜测您可能需要Client类吗?我不能肯定地说

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

您需要做的是获取SavingsAccount类的SavingsAccount数组 ,因为它根本不属于那里。同样,SavingsAccount应该只涉及一个帐户:

public class SavingsAccount {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private double balance;

    public SavingsAccount(String iD, String name, double balance) {
        this.id = iD;
        this.name = name;
        this.balance = balance;

    // .... getters and setters here

    public void deposit(double funds) {
        balance += funds;

    public double withdrawal(double funds) {
        // check if the balance is adequate before withdrawing
        // .....

BankApp或更简单的Bank.java类应包含数组 addClient方法,并且该方法应接受单个SavingsAccount对象。同样,该方法不属于SavingsAccount

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BankApp {
    private SavingsAccount[] clients;
    private int accountIndex = 0;

    public BankApp(int clientCount) {
        clients = new SavingsAccount[clientCount];

    // keep it simple -- it simply adds a client if there is room in the array
    public void addClient(SavingsAccount account) {
        if (accountIndex >= clients.length) {
            // you've got a problem -- throw an exception
        } else {
            clients[accountIndex] = account;

    // methods to print a client, to print all clients, to remove a client,.....


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // User interface goes here
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("How many clients do you want on the system? ");
        int numofclients = scanner.nextInt();
        BankApp bank = new BankApp(numofclients);

        for (int i = 0; i < numofclients; i++) {
            // get id, name, balance of each client
            // create anew SavingsAccount object with this info
            // call bank.addClient(account); to add it to the bank
