Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException:发生错误 在更新条目时。有关详细信息,请参见内部异常。 -> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:算术溢出错误 将数字转换为数据类型数字。该声明已经 终止。
public class RatDbAttributes
public string block_chain { get; set; } // varchar(50)
public string block_reduction { get; set; } // varchar(50)
public string block_reward { get; set; } // varchar(50)
public double block_time { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public string consensus_method { get; set; } // varchar(100)
public decimal decimals { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public string difficulty_retarget { get; set; } // varchar(50)
public string genesis_address { get; set; } // varchar(200)
public string hash_algorithm { get; set; } // varchar(100)
public string mineable { get; set; } // varchar(50)
public long p2p_port { get; set; } // bigint
public long rpc_port { get; set; } // bigint
public string token_role { get; set; } // varchar(200)
public decimal @float { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public decimal minted { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public decimal total_supply { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public decimal max_supply { get; set; } // decimal(28,6)
public string wallet { get; set; } // varchar(133)
public double genesis_timestamp { get; set; } // see below
public DateTime Genesis_TimeStamp { get { return genesis_timestamp.ToDateTime(); } set { genesis_timestamp = value.ToEpoch(); } }
// Foregin Key Relationship (1-to-1) and Primary Key
public long TokenMasterId { get; set; }
public RatDbTokenMaster TokenMaster { get; set; } //foreign key to Parent
答案 0 :(得分:0)
internal void IterateSave<TModel>(List<TModel> items) where TModel : class
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Data: Class", nameof(RatBaseCommandHandler)))
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Data: Method", nameof(IterateSave)))
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Data: Model", nameof(items)))
int max = items.Count;
int skip = 0;
int take = (max > 20) ? (max / 5) : 1;
int lastTake = take;
List<TModel> subItems = new List<TModel>();
while (skip <= max)
subItems = items.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
Log.Verbose("Working {Max} | {Take} | {Skip}", max, take, skip);
skip += take;
catch (Exception ex)
/***** Was not removing the faulty record/recordset! *****/
/***** Was not removing the faulty record/recordset! *****/
if (take == 1 && skip < max)
Log.Error(ex, "Error saving specific record in this data batch! {GuiltyRecord}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subItems));
if (skip >= max - 1)
else if (take > 1)
Log.Warning("Something is wrong saving this data batch! {RecordCount} Running a smaller batch to isolate.", take);
在此数据批中保存特定记录时出错! “ [{\” block_chain \“:\”以太坊\“,\” block_reduction \“:\” \“,\” block_reward \“:\” 0 \“,\” block_time \“:0.0,\” consensus_method \ “:\” \“,\”十进制\“:18.0,\” difficulty_retarget \“:\” \“,\” genesis_address \“:\” 0x3520ba6a529b2504a28eebda47d255db73966694 \“,\” hash_algorithm \“:\” \“,\ “ minemine \”:\“ False \”,\“ p2p_port \”:0:\“ rpc_port \”:0,\“ token_role \”:\“ \”,\“ float \”:0.0,\“ minted \ “:60000000000000000000000000.0,\”总计_“:60000000000000000000000000.0,\” max_supply \“:60000000000000000000000000.0,\”钱包\“:\” \“,\” genesis_timestamp \“:0.0}]”“ Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException:发生错误 在更新条目时。有关详细信息,请参见内部异常。 -> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:算术溢出错误 将数字转换为数据类型数字。该声明已经 终止。
尽管C#可以使用DECIMAL数据类型处理60000000000000000000000000.0,但我们的SQL定义为DECIMAL(28,6)。由于6位数字的精度仅留出10 ^ 22值的空间。