
时间:2019-05-06 17:33:03

标签: python pandas loops dictionary

我有一个字典,在其中尝试遍历以在pandas数据帧上运行功能。该功能允许用户从GLM中手动选择哪个级别的唯一变量设置为参考值/统一值。手动运行时该功能有效。使用字典时出现function getFlags($code){ $code = strtoupper($code); if($code == 'AD') return ''; if($code == 'AE') return ''; if($code == 'AF') return ''; if($code == 'AG') return ''; if($code == 'AI') return ''; if($code == 'AL') return ''; if($code == 'AM') return ''; if($code == 'AO') return ''; if($code == 'AQ') return ''; if($code == 'AR') return ''; if($code == 'AS') return ''; if($code == 'AT') return ''; if($code == 'AU') return ''; if($code == 'AW') return ''; if($code == 'AX') return ''; if($code == 'AZ') return ''; if($code == 'BA') return ''; if($code == 'BB') return ''; if($code == 'BD') return ''; if($code == 'BE') return ''; if($code == 'BF') return ''; if($code == 'BG') return ''; if($code == 'BH') return ''; if($code == 'BI') return ''; if($code == 'BJ') return ''; if($code == 'BL') return ''; if($code == 'BM') return ''; if($code == 'BN') return ''; if($code == 'BO') return ''; if($code == 'BQ') return ''; if($code == 'BR') return ''; if($code == 'BS') return ''; if($code == 'BT') return ''; if($code == 'BV') return ''; if($code == 'BW') return ''; if($code == 'BY') return ''; if($code == 'BZ') return ''; if($code == 'CA') return ''; if($code == 'CC') return ''; if($code == 'CD') return ''; if($code == 'CF') return ''; if($code == 'CG') return ''; if($code == 'CH') return ''; if($code == 'CI') return ''; if($code == 'CK') return ''; if($code == 'CL') return ''; if($code == 'CM') return ''; if($code == 'CN') return ''; if($code == 'CO') return ''; if($code == 'CR') return ''; if($code == 'CU') return ''; if($code == 'CV') return ''; if($code == 'CW') return ''; if($code == 'CX') return ''; if($code == 'CY') return ''; if($code == 'CZ') return ''; if($code == 'DE') return ''; if($code == 'DJ') return ''; if($code == 'DK') return ''; if($code == 'DM') return ''; if($code == 'DO') return ''; if($code == 'DZ') return ''; if($code == 'EC') return ''; if($code == 'EE') return ''; if($code == 'EG') return ''; if($code == 'EH') return ''; if($code == 'ER') return ''; if($code == 'ES') return ''; if($code == 'ET') return ''; if($code == 'FI') return ''; if($code == 'FJ') return ''; if($code == 'FK') return ''; if($code == 'FM') return ''; if($code == 'FO') return ''; if($code == 'FR') return ''; if($code == 'GA') return ''; if($code == 'GB') return ''; if($code == 'GD') return ''; if($code == 'GE') return ''; if($code == 'GF') return ''; if($code == 'GG') return ''; if($code == 'GH') return ''; if($code == 'GI') return ''; if($code == 'GL') return ''; if($code == 'GM') return ''; if($code == 'GN') return ''; if($code == 'GP') return ''; if($code == 'GQ') return ''; if($code == 'GR') return ''; if($code == 'GS') return ''; if($code == 'GT') return ''; if($code == 'GU') return ''; if($code == 'GW') return ''; if($code == 'GY') return ''; if($code == 'HK') return ''; if($code == 'HM') return ''; if($code == 'HN') return ''; if($code == 'HR') return ''; if($code == 'HT') return ''; if($code == 'HU') return ''; if($code == 'ID') return ''; if($code == 'IE') return ''; if($code == 'IL') return ''; if($code == 'IM') return ''; if($code == 'IN') return ''; if($code == 'IO') return ''; if($code == 'IQ') return ''; if($code == 'IR') return ''; if($code == 'IS') return ''; if($code == 'IT') return ''; if($code == 'JE') return ''; if($code == 'JM') return ''; if($code == 'JO') return ''; if($code == 'JP') return ''; if($code == 'KE') return ''; if($code == 'KG') return ''; if($code == 'KH') return ''; if($code == 'KI') return ''; if($code == 'KM') return ''; if($code == 'KN') return ''; if($code == 'KP') return ''; if($code == 'KR') return ''; if($code == 'KW') return ''; if($code == 'KY') return ''; if($code == 'KZ') return ''; if($code == 'LA') return ''; if($code == 'LB') return ''; if($code == 'LC') return ''; if($code == 'LI') return ''; if($code == 'LK') return ''; if($code == 'LR') return ''; if($code == 'LS') return ''; if($code == 'LT') return ''; if($code == 'LU') return ''; if($code == 'LV') return ''; if($code == 'LY') return ''; if($code == 'MA') return ''; if($code == 'MC') return ''; if($code == 'MD') return ''; if($code == 'ME') return ''; if($code == 'MF') return ''; if($code == 'MG') return ''; if($code == 'MH') return ''; if($code == 'MK') return ''; if($code == 'ML') return ''; if($code == 'MM') return ''; if($code == 'MN') return ''; if($code == 'MO') return ''; if($code == 'MP') return ''; if($code == 'MQ') return ''; if($code == 'MR') return ''; if($code == 'MS') return ''; if($code == 'MT') return ''; if($code == 'MU') return ''; if($code == 'MV') return ''; if($code == 'MW') return ''; if($code == 'MX') return ''; if($code == 'MY') return ''; if($code == 'MZ') return ''; if($code == 'NA') return ''; if($code == 'NC') return ''; if($code == 'NE') return ''; if($code == 'NF') return ''; if($code == 'NG') return ''; if($code == 'NI') return ''; if($code == 'NL') return ''; if($code == 'NO') return ''; if($code == 'NP') return ''; if($code == 'NR') return ''; if($code == 'NU') return ''; if($code == 'NZ') return ''; if($code == 'OM') return ''; if($code == 'PA') return ''; if($code == 'PE') return ''; if($code == 'PF') return ''; if($code == 'PG') return ''; if($code == 'PH') return ''; if($code == 'PK') return ''; if($code == 'PL') return ''; if($code == 'PM') return ''; if($code == 'PN') return ''; if($code == 'PR') return ''; if($code == 'PS') return ''; if($code == 'PT') return ''; if($code == 'PW') return ''; if($code == 'PY') return ''; if($code == 'QA') return ''; if($code == 'RE') return ''; if($code == 'RO') return ''; if($code == 'RS') return ''; if($code == 'RU') return ''; if($code == 'RW') return ''; if($code == 'SA') return ''; if($code == 'SB') return ''; if($code == 'SC') return ''; if($code == 'SD') return ''; if($code == 'SE') return ''; if($code == 'SG') return ''; if($code == 'SH') return ''; if($code == 'SI') return ''; if($code == 'SJ') return ''; if($code == 'SK') return ''; if($code == 'SL') return ''; if($code == 'SM') return ''; if($code == 'SN') return ''; if($code == 'SO') return ''; if($code == 'SR') return ''; if($code == 'SS') return ''; if($code == 'ST') return ''; if($code == 'SV') return ''; if($code == 'SX') return ''; if($code == 'SY') return ''; if($code == 'SZ') return ''; if($code == 'TC') return ''; if($code == 'TD') return ''; if($code == 'TF') return ''; if($code == 'TG') return ''; if($code == 'TH') return ''; if($code == 'TJ') return ''; if($code == 'TK') return ''; if($code == 'TL') return ''; if($code == 'TM') return ''; if($code == 'TN') return ''; if($code == 'TO') return ''; if($code == 'TR') return ''; if($code == 'TT') return ''; if($code == 'TV') return ''; if($code == 'TW') return ''; if($code == 'TZ') return ''; if($code == 'UA') return ''; if($code == 'UG') return ''; if($code == 'UM') return ''; if($code == 'US') return ''; if($code == 'UY') return ''; if($code == 'UZ') return ''; if($code == 'VA') return ''; if($code == 'VC') return ''; if($code == 'VE') return ''; if($code == 'VG') return ''; if($code == 'VI') return ''; if($code == 'VN') return ''; if($code == 'VU') return ''; if($code == 'WF') return ''; if($code == 'WS') return ''; if($code == 'XK') return ''; if($code == 'YE') return ''; if($code == 'YT') return ''; if($code == 'ZA') return ''; if($code == 'ZM') return ''; return ''; } 错误。




import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#function below

def rebase1(df, variable1, unity_value):
    rebase the factors according to where the modeler wants the unity to be


    if ('factor_rebased' not in df.columns): df['factor_rebased'] = 0

    base_factor = df[(df['variable'] == variable1) & (df['level'] == unity_value)]['factor'].values

    filters = df['variable'].eq(variable1)
    if filters.any():
        df.loc[filters, 'factor_rebased'] = df.loc[filters, 'factor']/base_factor

#Sample data below
df3 = {'variable': ['intercept', 'CLded_model','CLded_model','CLded_model','CLded_model','CLded_model','CLded_model','CLded_model'
                   ,'married_age','married_age','married_age', 'class_cc', 'class_cc', 'class_cc', 'class_cc', 'class_v_age'
                  ,'class_v_age','class_v_age', 'class_v_age'],
      'level': [None,0,100,200,250,500,750,1000, 60, 61, 62, 100, 1200, 1500, 100
                ,10, 20, 15, 10],
      'value': [None, 460955.7793,955735.0532,586308.4028,12216916.67,48401773.87,1477842.472,14587994.92,10493740.36,36388470.44
                ,31805316.37, 123.4, 4546.50, 439854.23, 2134.4, 2304.5, 2032.30, 159.80, 22],
       'coefficient': [-2.36E-14, 0.00174356,  0.00174356,  0.00174356,  0.00174356,  0.00174356 ,0.00174356 , 0.00174356
                       ,-1.004648e-02, -1.004648e-02,-1.071730e-02,-1.812330e-04,-1.812330e-04,8.727980e-04,1.402564e-03
                      ,-1.681685e-01, -8.442040e-02, -1.812330e-04, -1.465950e-01],
      'factor': [ None, 1.        , 1.1904793 , 1.41724097, 1.54633869,
       2.39116334, 3.69754838, 5.71766211, 0.54728324, 0.5418125 ,
       0.51454483, 0.98203994, 0.80454402, 3.70319885, 1.15056877,
       0.1860602 , 0.18481351, 0.9972852 , 0.23085857]}

results = pd.DataFrame(df3)
results['factor'] = np.exp(results['level']*results['coefficient'])

#dictionary to loop through

unity_value = {'CLded_model':500, 'married_age':61, 'class_cc':1200, 'class_v_age':10}

#trying to run the loop

for key, values in unity_value.items():
    rebase1(results, key, values)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是因为您的一对('class_v_age', 10)在数据框中出现两次,并且:

base_factor = df[(df['variable'] == variable1) & (df['level'] == unity_value)]['factor'].values


base_factor = df[(df['variable'] == variable1) & 
                 (df['level'] == unity_value)]['factor'].values[0]


df[(df['variable'] == variable1) & 
   (df['level'] == unity_value)]['factor']
