以下是我插件中的代码。我试图通过“ echo'createToken(1,“ Test Title”,“ Test Desc”);';“来调用smart-contract-connector.js文件中的Javascript函数“ createToken”。这是在插件内部调用JS函数的正确方法吗?
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uiview As NotesUIView
Set uiview = ws.CurrentView
answer% = Messagebox("Do you want to set batch number?", 4,"Batch Number")
If answer% = 6 Then
InputBatchNo = Inputbox("Please insert the Batch Number. eg : 2014A")
If Not InputBatchNo="" Then
For ii = 1 To collection.count
Set doc = collection.GetNthDocument(ii)
currbatchno = doc.PBatchNo(0)
Gosub SetNewBatchNo
doc.PBatchNo =newbatchno
'------------ set new acceptance form ---------------------------
If doc.PStatus(0) = "Active" Then
Set comdoc = New NotesDocument (db)
comdoc.Form = "EmpPCSpec"
comdoc.ATagNo = doc.PTagNo(0)
comdoc.AYear= Left(InputBatchNo,4)
comdoc.ADept= doc.PDept(0)
comdoc.AUserName= doc.PUserName(0)
comdoc.AUserID= doc.PUserID(0)
comdoc.AUserGroup= doc.PUserGroup(0)
comdoc.ALocation= doc.PLocation(0)
comdoc.AStatus= doc.PStatus(0)
comdoc.AProcessor= doc.PProcessor(0)
comdoc.ASerialNo= doc.PSerialNo(0)
comdoc.ABrand= doc.PBrand(0)
comdoc.AModel= doc.PModel(0)
comdoc.AType= doc.PType(0)
comdoc.ADisplayUnit= doc.PDisplayUnit(0)
comdoc.ADisplaySize= doc.PDisplaySize(0)
comdoc.ADisplayBrand= doc.PDisplayBrand(0)
comdoc.ARam= doc.PRam(0)
comdoc.AHDD= doc.PHDD(0)
comdoc.AIPAddress= doc.PIPAddress(0)
comdoc.AOperatingSys= doc.POperatingSys(0)
comdoc.ACalLicense= doc.PCalLicense(0)
Call comdoc.ComputeWithForm(False,False)
Call comdoc.save(True,True)
Call doc.ComputeWithForm(False,False)
Call doc.save(True,True)
End If
Messagebox("Process completed." & Chr(13) & "Press 'F9' to refresh the view.")
Messagebox("Please insert Batch Number.")
End If
End If
Exit Sub
currbatchno1 = Strtoken(currbatchno, "-", 1)
If InputBatchNo = currbatchno1 Then
seqno = Strtoken(currbatchno, "-", 2)
newseqno = Val(seqno) +1
newseqno1 = Format(newseqno, "0000")
newbatchno = InputBatchNo + "-" + newseqno1
newbatchno = InputBatchNo + "-" + "0001"
End If
End Sub