此下一个函数采用4个int变量(row_1, col_1, row_2, col_2)
背后的原因是我们正在处理矩阵,范围为from 0 to (size-1)
public static void gameLoop()
//While you still play (true) or if (false) -> end game
while(play == true)
System.out.println("Input first row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("First row: ");
row_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("First column: ");
col_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Input second row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("Second row: ");
row_2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Second column: ");
col_2 = scan.nextInt();
if (row_1 == row_2 && col_1 == col_2)
System.out.println("I tested this!");
System.out.println("[ERROR] Input not valid! Try again");
System.out.println("Input first row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("First row: ");
row_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("First column: ");
col_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Input second row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("Second row: ");
row_2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Second column: ");
col_2 = scan.nextInt();
else if ((row_1 > size || row_1 < 0) && (row_2 > size || row_2 < 0) && (col_1 > size || col_2 < 0) && ((col_2 > size || col_2 < 0)))
System.out.println("I tested that!");
System.out.println("[ERROR] Input not valid! Try again");
System.out.println("Input first row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("First row: ");
row_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("First column: ");
col_1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Input second row and col press enter between inputs");
System.out.print("Second row: ");
row_2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Second column: ");
col_2 = scan.nextInt();
Turn(row_1, col_1, row_2, col_2, gameMatrix);
check = checkEndgame(gameMatrix, displayMatrix);
if(check == false)
System.out.println("Would you like to play again? Y/N");
game_option = scan.next();
if ("Y".equals(game_option) || "y".equals(game_option))
else if ("N".equals(game_option) || "n".equals(game_option))
play = false;
if (row_1 == row_2 && col_1 == col_2){}
else if ((row_1 > size || row_1 < 0) && (row_2 > size || row_2 < 0) && (col_1 > size || col_2 < 0) && ((col_2 > size || col_2 < 0))){}
System.out.println("I tested that!"); && System.out.println("I tested this!");
是调试标准输出。答案 0 :(得分:1)
do {
// All the System.out.println and Scanner stuff...
} while(!checkAnswers(row_1, row_2, col_1, col_2));
public static boolean checkAnswers(int row_1, int row_2, int col_1, int col_2) {
// I don't know why you needed that condition, but I let it there
if(row_1 == row_2 || col_1 == col_2) return false;
// check if the rows and colls are in the range 0...(size - 1)
int[] rowsAndCols = {row_1, row_2, col_1, col_2};
for(int i : rowsAndCols)
if(i < 0 || i >= (size - 1)) return false;
// If everything is good we can quit the do...while loop
return true;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Please enter the numerical values for FIRST Row and Column:
First Row (0 to 10): 7
First Column (0 to 10): |
如果出现错误,则允许用户重新输入。不要害怕为此利用 while 循环,甚至是嵌套循环。如果处理正确,则不会有任何问题。
尽管您的应用程序的这一部分很小,但请允许用户随时退出,除非当然要完成当前点 以完成清理工作出口。除非您不完成应用程序,否则这很讨厌。尤其是当您不想这么做的时候。
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); // Declare Scanner (here for sake of this demo)
String LS = System.lineSeparator(); // System line Separator.
boolean play = true; // Play flag
int size = 8; // 8 is used for sake of this demo
String range = "(0 to " + (size - 1) + ")"; // Range so we don't have to keep typing it.
String[] rowCol; // Array to hold Row and Column string numerical values
String border1 = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(72, "-")); // Text Border 1 (-)
String border2 = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(42, "=")); // Text Border 2 (=)
while (play) {
String input = ""; // Input from scanner goes in this variable
rowCol = new String[4]; // Initialize Array
// Declare & init int variables to hold input integer values (if desired)
// Un-comment the below line if you want this...
// int row_1 = -1, col_1 = -1, row_2 = -1, col_2 = -1;
// Inform of what is required...
System.out.println("Please enter the numerical values for FIRST and "
+ "SECOND Rows and Columns." + LS + "Follow the provided prompts. "
+ "You can Enter 'q' or 'quit' at any time to" + LS + "end the game.");
// Get Input from User
for (int i = 0; i < rowCol.length; i++) {
// Set up current prompt...
String prompt = LS;
switch (i) {
case 0:
prompt += "Enter First Row Value " + range + ": ";
case 1:
prompt += "Enter First Column Value " + range + ": ";
case 2:
prompt += "Enter Secomd Row Value " + range + ": ";
case 3:
prompt += "Enter Second Column Value " + range + ": ";
input = ""; // Clear input variable
// Get the actual input from User and validate.
while (input.equals("")) {
System.out.print(prompt); // Display prompt
input = scan.nextLine(); // Get keyboard input from User
// Validate input...
if (!validateUserRowColInput(0, (size - 1), input)) {
input = ""; // Input was invalid so clear input variable
continue; // Re-prompt the User for proper input
rowCol[i] = input; // All is good so add input to Array element at index i.
// Display what was provided.
System.out.println("Row 1/Column 1 = " + rowCol[0] + "/" + rowCol[1] + LS
+ "Row 2/Column 2 = " + rowCol[2] + "/" + rowCol[3]);
System.out.println(border2 + LS);
您可以添加自己的其余游戏循环代码。在上面的代码中,一个简单的字符串数组(名为 rowCol )用于保存用户提供的值。这使我们可以使用嵌套在主播放内的单个 for 循环,而循环提示用户输入所有4个输入,因此消除了重复的代码并进行了所有输入验证在一个房子里可以这么说。
如果要将输入转换为Integer(整数),则可以改成这样的方法(直接在 for 循环之后):
/* Array index 0 and 1 now contains the string numerical
values for First Row and First Column. Array index 2 and
3 now contains the string numerical values for Second Row
and Second Column. If you just can't wrap your head around
dealing with Arrays and indexes from this point then do
something like the following: */
// Convert String Array elements to integers
row_1 = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[0]);
col_1 = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[1]);
row_2 = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[2]);
col_2 = Integer.parseInt(rowCol[3]);
// Display what was provided.
System.out.println("Row 1/Column 1 = " + row_1 + "/" + col_1 + LS
+ "Row 2/Column 2 = " + row_2 + "/" + col_2);
System.out.println(border2 + LS);
当然会通知用户是否违反规则,并有机会进行正确的输入。这是 validateUserRowColInput()方法:
* Validates the User's Row and Column values input. This method checks to
* ensure only numerical characters were entered. It also ensures the the
* numerical value entered is between and or equal to the supplied minValue
* and maxValue.
* @param minVal (Integer) The minium Allowable integer value to be
* entered.
* @param maxVal (Integer) The maximum allowable integer value to be
* entered.
* @param inputString (String) String representation of the integer value
* supplied.
* @return (Boolean) True if the entry is valid and false if it is not.
private static boolean validateUserRowColInput(int minVal, int maxVal, String inputString) {
String LS = System.lineSeparator();
if (inputString.equals("")) {
System.out.println("Invalid Entry! You must supply a numerical "
+ "value from " + minVal + " to " + maxVal + ".");
return false;
if (inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("q") || inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {
System.out.println("We hope you had fun. Bye Bye");
if (!inputString.matches("\\d+")) {
System.out.println("Invalid input supplied (" + inputString + ")! "
+ "You can not supply alpha characters, only" + LS
+ "numerical values are allowed!. Please try again...");
return false;
int num = Integer.parseInt(inputString);
if (num < minVal || num > maxVal) {
System.out.println("Invalid input supplied (" + inputString + ")! "
+ "The numerical value you supply can not be" + LS + "less "
+ "than " + minVal + " and no greater than " + maxVal + ". "
+ "Please try again...");
return false;
return true;