我正在编写一个简单的unix shell程序,并且遇到了由fgets()调用引起的分段错误。通过该调用,我试图从命令行获取用户输入并将其保存以备将来使用。应该很简单。在MacOS上,代码编译时带有一个警告,但执行得很好。在Ubuntu虚拟机上进行测试时,出现段错误,并且目前将其范围缩小到特定的fgets()调用。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define PROMPT "MyShell> "
#define MAX_SIZE 256
#define EXIT_CMD "exit"
@brief Takes a pointer as an argument and checks whether or not it is NULL
(hasn't been properly allocated in memory). If the pointer is NULL,
behavior is undefined, so an error message is displayed to the user
and the program is terminated.
void validateMemoryAllocation(char* pointer)
if (pointer == NULL)
printf("%s", "Fatal Error: Failed to allocate memory to save command input. Exiting...\n");
@brief Fork a child to execute the command using execvp. The parent should wait for the child to terminate
@param args Null terminated list of arguments (including program).
@return returns 1, to continue execution and 0 to terminate the MyShell prompt.
int execute(char **args)
if (strcmp(args[0], "exit") == 0) // Check for exit command.
printf("Exit received. Terminating MyShell...\n");
return 1; // Return to main with exit value to terminate the program.
} else // Not exit command, proceed attempting to execute.
return 0; // Return 0 and continue MyShell.
@brief gets the input from the prompt and splits it into tokens. Prepares the arguments for execvp
@return returns char** args to be used by execvp
char** parse(void)
char *rawInput, *inputDup, *token;
int validCheck, argCount, i, newLineLocation;
/* Save the entire line of user input. */
rawInput = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_SIZE);
fgets(rawInput, MAX_SIZE, stdin);
inputDup = strdup(rawInput); /* Duplicate the string for modification. */
/* First loop: Count number of total arguments in user input. */
argCount = 0;
while( (token = strsep(&inputDup, " ")) != NULL)
/* Create array to hold individual command arguments. */
char* tokenArray[argCount];
/* Second loop: save tokens as arugments in tokenArray. */
for (i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
token = strsep(&rawInput, " ");
tokenArray[i] = token;
Before returning the arguments, trim the dangling new line
character at the end of the last argument.
tokenArray[argCount - 1] = strtok(tokenArray[argCount - 1], "\n");
return tokenArray;
@brief Main function should run infinitely until terminated manually using CTRL+C or typing in the exit command
It should call the parse() and execute() functions
@param argc Argument count.
@param argv Argument vector.
@return status code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int loopFlag = 0;
char** input;
/* Loop to continue prompting for user input. Exits with proper command or fatal failure. */
while (loopFlag == 0)
printf("%s", PROMPT); // Display the prompt to the user.
input = parse(); // Get input.
loopFlag = execute(input); // Execute input.
D-10-16-18-145:a1 user$ ./myshell
MyShell> hello
MyShell> darkness
MyShell> my
MyShell> old
MyShell> friend
MyShell> exit
Exit received. Terminating MyShell...
D-10-16-18-145:a1 user$
MyShell> hello
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
char** parse(void) { char* tokenArray[argCount]; ... return tokenArray; }
您返回一个 local 数组的地址,当您读取内部内容时,行为将是不确定的
请勿将 tokenArray 放入堆栈中,对其进行分配,因此请替换
char* tokenArray[argCount];
char** tokenArray = malloc(argCount * sizeof(char *));
最好多分配一个条目并将NULL放在末尾,或者将 argCount 作为输出变量
请注意,您的inputDup = strdup(rawInput);