Country Metal Date Pnum
Austria Gold 20-Dec-18 P31182
Austria Gold 20-Dec-18 P31181
Belgium Grass 6-Dec-17 P30703
Italy Gold 16-Nov-17 P30702
Zimbabwe Copper 8-Jul-17 P29999
Pnum T Week Type Color Descr Status Buy
P31182 2 2019-23 Apple Black Description one Ready 200
P31181 1 2019-23 Apple Black Description two Ready 150
P30703 2 2019-28 Apple Black Description four Waiting 120
Work Hr Pr Pnum
AFNA 4 3.50 P31182
CONS 3 1.25 P31182
TREX 2.5 3.00 P31182
AFNA 3 3.50 P31181
CONS 3 1.25 P31181
TREX 2.5 3.00 P31181
AFNA 4 3.50 P30703
MEET 5 5.00 P30703
TREX 2.5 3.00 P30703
Used Pnum
3010.50 P31182
500.00 P31182
2254.47 P31181
555.55 P30703
155.25 P30703
Country Date Week Type Color Metal Pnum Descr Status Hr*T Hr*T*Pr Used*T Buy*T Work
Austria 20-Dec-18 2019-23 Apple Black Gold P31182 Description one Ready 19 50.50 7021 400
Austria (4*2) (4*2*3.50) (3010.50*2) (200*2) AFNA
Austria (3*2) (3*2*1.25) (500*2) CONS
Austria (2.5*2) (2.5*2*3) TREX
Austria 20-Dec-18 2019-23 Apple Black Gold P31181 Description two Ready 8.5 25.50 2254.47 150
Austria (2.5*1) (2.5*1*3.00) (2254.47*1) (150*1) AFNA
Austria (3*1) (3*1*3.50) CONS
Austria (2.5*1) (2.5*1*3.00) TREX
Belgium 6-Dec-17 2019-28 Apple Black Grass P30703 Description four Waiting 23 93.00 1421.60 240
Belgium (4*2) (4*2*3.50) (555.55*2) (120*2) AFNA
Belgium (5*2) (5*2*5.00) (155.25) MEET
Belgium (2.5*2) (2.5*2*3) TREX
SELECT Country, Date, Week, Type, Color, Metal, Pnum, Desc, Status, SUM(Hr*T), SUM(Hr*T*Pr), (Used*T), (Buy*T), Work
INNER JOIN T1 table1 on table1.Pnum = table2.Pnum
INNER JOIN T3 table3 on table3.Pnum = table2.Pnum
INNER JOIN T4 table4 on table4.Pnum = table2.Pnum
EDIT 抱歉,我忘记在第一个表中包含Pnum。我将添加它,并将尝试答案。 表T1不是很重要。那里只需要一些信息,具体取决于T2中的Pnum
答案 0 :(得分:1)
; with CTE As
(Select Country, Date, Week, Pnum.... -- the rest of your columns here
, sum(HR*T),... -- the rest of your aggregations here
, '' as Work
From T1
Inner Join T2... -- the already working joins you have here
Group by Country, Date, Week, Pnum... -- repeat the columns from the first line here
union all
Select distinct '', '', '', Pnum... --Add a '' here for each column that you want to be blank, otherwise pull the column name
, Work -- retain this column
From T3)
select * from CTE
order by Pnum, case when Work = '' then 1 else 2 end -- to sort the results the way you have them