这里是一个操场==> jsfiddle <==我已经准备好了。
3. with window resize (resize the windows width )
looks like
<div class="IwillForceAgivenWidth" style="width: 100%">
<div class="parent">
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>
<button class="child">some text here longer Text</button>