
时间:2019-05-02 13:55:43

标签: python-3.x

我正在将不同类型的namespace AWSSDK.Examples { public class S3Example : MonoBehaviour { public bool test; public string IdentityPoolId = ""; public string CognitoIdentityRegion = RegionEndpoint.APNortheast2.SystemName; private RegionEndpoint _CognitoIdentityRegion { get { return RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(CognitoIdentityRegion); } } // ap-northeast-2:7502e180-f5b2-47c4-9843-b49c592b890e // ap-northeast-2:7502e180-f5b2-47c4-9843-b49c592b890e public string S3Region = RegionEndpoint.APNortheast2.SystemName; private RegionEndpoint _S3Region { get { return RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(S3Region); } } public string S3BucketName = null; public string SampleFileName = null; public Button GetBucketListButton = null; public Button PostBucketButton = null; public Button GetObjectsListButton = null; public Button DeleteObjectButton = null; public Button GetObjectButton = null; public Text ResultText = null; void Start() { Debug.Log(IdentityPoolId); UnityInitializer.AttachToGameObject(this.gameObject); AWSConfigs.HttpClient = AWSConfigs.HttpClientOption.UnityWebRequest; GetBucketListButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { GetBucketList(); }); PostBucketButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { PostObject(); }); GetObjectsListButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { GetObjects(); }); DeleteObjectButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { DeleteObject(); }); GetObjectButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { GetObject(); }); } #region private members private IAmazonS3 _s3Client; // 리전정의 private AWSCredentials _credentials; private AWSCredentials Credentials { get { if (_credentials == null) _credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(IdentityPoolId, _CognitoIdentityRegion); return _credentials; } } // 리전 재정의 private IAmazonS3 Client { get { if (_s3Client == null) { _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(Credentials, _S3Region); } //test comment return _s3Client; } } #endregion #region Get Bucket List /// <summary> /// Example method to Demostrate GetBucketList /// </summary> public void GetBucketList() { ResultText.text = "Fetching all the Buckets"; Client.ListBucketsAsync(new ListBucketsRequest(), (responseObject) => { ResultText.text += "\n"; if (responseObject.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += "Got Response \nPrinting now \n"; responseObject.Response.Buckets.ForEach((s3b) => { ResultText.text += string.Format("bucket = {0}, created date = {1} \n", s3b.BucketName, s3b.CreationDate); }); } else { ResultText.text += "Got Exception \n"; } }); } #endregion /// <summary> /// Get Object from S3 Bucket /// </summary> private void GetObject() { ResultText.text = string.Format("fetching {0} from bucket {1}", SampleFileName, S3BucketName); Client.GetObjectAsync(S3BucketName, SampleFileName, (responseObj) => { string data = null; var response = responseObj.Response; //if (response.ResponseStream != null) //{ // using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.ResponseStream)) // { // Debug.Log(reader); // data = reader.ReadToEnd(); // } // ResultText.text += "\n"; // ResultText.text += data; //} //else //{ // ResultText.text += "\n"; // ResultText.text += "Error"; //} // file Download if (response.ResponseStream != null) { using (var fs = System.IO.File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + SampleFileName)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[81920]; int count; while ((count = response.ResponseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, count); } fs.Flush(); } } Debug.Log("Success"); }); } /// <summary> /// Post Object to S3 Bucket. /// </summary> public void PostObject() { ResultText.text = "Retrieving the file"; string fileName = GetFileHelper(); var stream = new FileStream(Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); ResultText.text += "\nCreating request object"; var request = new PutObjectRequest() { BucketName = S3BucketName, Key = "test2/" + fileName, InputStream = stream, CannedACL = S3CannedACL.Private }; ResultText.text += "\nMaking HTTP post call"; Client.PutObjectAsync(request, (responseObj) => { if (responseObj.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += string.Format("\nobject {0} posted to bucket {1}", responseObj.Request.Key, responseObj.Request.BucketName); } else { ResultText.text += "\nException while posting the result object"; ResultText.text += string.Format("\n receieved error {0}", responseObj.Response.HttpStatusCode.ToString()); } }); } /// <summary> /// Get Objects from S3 Bucket /// </summary> public void GetObjects() { ResultText.text = "Fetching all the Objects from " + S3BucketName; var request = new ListObjectsRequest() { BucketName = S3BucketName }; Client.ListObjectsAsync(request, (responseObject) => { ResultText.text += "\n"; if (responseObject.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += "Got Response \nPrinting now \n"; responseObject.Response.S3Objects.ForEach((o) => { ResultText.text += string.Format("{0}\n", o.Key); }); } else { ResultText.text += "Got Exception \n"; } }); } /// <summary> /// Delete Objects in S3 Bucket /// </summary> public void DeleteObject() { ResultText.text = string.Format("deleting {0} from bucket {1}", SampleFileName, S3BucketName); List<KeyVersion> objects = new List<KeyVersion>(); objects.Add(new KeyVersion() { Key = SampleFileName }); var request = new DeleteObjectsRequest() { BucketName = S3BucketName, Objects = objects }; Client.DeleteObjectsAsync(request, (responseObj) => { ResultText.text += "\n"; if (responseObj.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += "Got Response \n \n"; ResultText.text += string.Format("deleted objects \n"); responseObj.Response.DeletedObjects.ForEach((dObj) => { ResultText.text += dObj.Key; }); } else { ResultText.text += "Got Exception \n"; } }); } } } 的每个键和值转换为字符串。



我们必须像下面表示的那样在def convert_dict_to_str_dict(data_dict): converted_dict = {} for key, value in data_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): converted_dict[str(key)] = convert_dict_to_str_dict(value) else: converted_dict[str(key)] = str(value) return converted_dict data_dict = { 1: 123, 'string' : 'this is a string', 'data' : { 123: 2345, 'we' : { 1: 100, 2: 'two hundred' }, 345 : 15427 } } 上方进行转换。


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