
时间:2019-05-02 05:08:52

标签: php json afnetworking

尝试使用用户名和密码进行注册时,我的应用程序收到registration failed错误。这些是正在使用的功能。

index.php(尝试使用任何用户名或密码注册时收到registration failed警报)

// the functions you call inside the switch are found in the api.php file
switch ($_POST['command']) {
case "login":
    login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); 

case "register":
    register($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); 


// register API
function register($user, $pass) {

//check if username exists in the database (inside the "login" table)
$login = query("SELECT username FROM login WHERE username='%s' limit 1", $user);

if (count($login['result'])>0) {

    //the username exists, return error to the iPhone app
    errorJson('Username already exists');

//try to insert a new row in the "login" table with the given username and password
$result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass) VALUES('%s','%s')", $user, $pass);

if (!$result['error']) {
    //registration is susccessfull, try to also directly login the new user
    login($user, $pass);
} else {
    //for some database reason the registration is unsuccessful
    errorJson('Registration failed');


//login API
function login($user, $pass) {

// try to match a row in the "login" table for the given username and password
$result = query("SELECT IdUser, username FROM login WHERE username='%s' AND pass='%s' limit 1", $user, $pass);

if (count($result['result'])>0) {
    // a row was found in the database for username/pass combination
    // save a simple flag in the user session, so the server remembers that the user is authorized
    $_SESSION['IdUser'] = $result['result'][0]['IdUser'];

    // print out the JSON of the user data to the iPhone app; it looks like this:
    // {IdUser:1, username: "Name"}
    print json_encode($result);
} else {
    // no matching username/password was found in the login table
    errorJson('Authorization failed');


奇怪的是,当index.php中的密码参数更改为诸如register($_POST['username'], $_POST['_Any_Random_String']); 这样的任意字符串时,注册和登录过程正常工作,唯一的事情是密码未插入数据库,并且可以使用所选的用户名和任何已设置的密码登录。

case "login":
//authenticates user but password isn't uploaded
    login($_POST['username'], $_POST['_Any_Random_String']); 

 //authenticates user but password isn't uploaded
case "register":
    register($_POST['username'], $_POST['_Any_Random_String']); 

编辑 上面的代码允许用户joey使用用户名joey和输入的任何密码进行注册和登录。如果joey使用密码1234注册,即使他使用密码12345678注册,他也将能够使用密码1234或任何密码登录。另外,密码1234或密码字段中的任何输入都不会存储到数据库中。




command register
username    fxjzfnfx 
password    ®0i!0öºk}p«)ÛèGS¡{

"error": "Registration failed"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


//try to insert a new row in the "login" table with the given username and password
$result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass) VALUES('%s','%s')", $user, $pass);

//try to insert a new row in the "login" table with the given username and password
$result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass) VALUES(" . $user . "," . $pass . ")");


// try to match a row in the "login" table for the given username and password
$result = query("SELECT IdUser, username FROM login WHERE username='%s' AND pass='%s' limit 1", $user, $pass);

// try to match a row in the "login" table for the given username and password
$result = query("SELECT IdUser, username FROM login WHERE username=". $user . " AND  pass=" . $pass ." limit 1");

答案 1 :(得分:0)

$result = query("INSERT INTO login(username, pass) VALUES('%s','%s')", $user, $pass);

