我需要遍历我创建的数据结构,以便找到移动最少的路径。所以我需要一个功能来完成以上操作。 http://prntscr.com/nj29v6
但是我最终得到了这个。 http://prntscr.com/nj2agz
void findSuccessPath(Node& Paths, vector < pair < int, int > >& winMoves, bool& success , Node& winingPath)
// help variable to keep the current locotion
pair <int, int> currentMove;
bool childSuccess = false;
if (Paths.success)
//If shortest path found
if (minMoves > Paths.nMoves || minMoves == 0 )
success = true;
currentMove.first = Paths.x;
currentMove.second = Paths.y;
//cout << "Curents parent at :" << Paths.x << " " << Paths.y << endl;
minMoves = Paths.nMoves;
//cout << "parent at :" << Paths.x << " " << Paths.y << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < Paths.nextNode.size(); i++)
cout << i << endl;
cout << " current Parent at :" << Paths.x << " " << Paths.y << endl;
cout << "Child at :" << Paths.nextNode.at(i).x << " " << Paths.nextNode.at(i).y << endl;
findSuccessPath(Paths.nextNode.at(i) , winMoves , childSuccess , winingPath);
//cout << "child at " << Paths.nextNode.at(i).x << " " << Paths.nextNode.at(i).y << endl;
if (childSuccess)
currentMove.first = Paths.x;
currentMove.second = Paths.y;
success = true;
//Initialize Success Indicator to call the next child move
childSuccess = false;