
时间:2019-05-01 06:00:56

标签: excel vba





MainAccount DEPT    Dep Lookup  Dep Lookup  Dep Lookup  PROD


61000   2110                
61000   2110                1
61000   2110                3
61000   2120                
61000   2120                1
61000   2120                3
61000   2120                4

现在,它再次在B列中查找,并在B100中找到下一个数据点。我需要将标题从B5:last in row复制并粘贴到B99。它会一直这样做,直到没有更多数据为止。数据在行中的位置会随着月份的变化而变化。

76200   1000            
76200   2020            
76200   2100            
76200   2110            
76200   2115    


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我已经尝试过了,认为我有一个可行的解决方案。尽管我已经假设所有标头都位于一行中,并且它们之间没有空单元格...如果不是这种情况,您可以在复制之前简单地编辑Range语句的“ Selection.End(xlToRight)”部分标头,以便包含所有标头。

Sub LoopForColumnHeaders()
' This macro copies headers from a defined range ("B5":End of row) and pastes it above each encountered row of data as a header

    ' Copy the headers
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select       ' Does the same as Ctrl + Shift + Right
    Selection.Copy                                          ' Copy the headers

    ' Pasting the first headers
    Selection.End(xlDown).Select                ' Does the same as Ctrl + down
    Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Activate            ' Move up one row
    ActiveSheet.Paste                           ' Paste the headers

    ' Pasting subsequent headers

    Do While Idx < 1048575                      ' Change this value if you want to, it determines when the loop will stop, but I didn't want to assume the length of your data so I set it to max rows - 1
        Selection.End(xlDown).Select            ' Does the same as Ctrl + down
        Selection.End(xlDown).Select            ' Do it again to get to next code chunk
        If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then         ' Check this cell is not empty (bottom of page if data does not reach this far)
            Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Activate    ' Move up one row
            If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then         ' Check if this cell is empty
                ActiveSheet.Paste               ' Paste the headers
            End If
        End If
        Idx = ActiveCell.Row                    ' Set the value of Idx equal to current row

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)



Public Sub insertHeader()

    'add an error handler
    On error goto errHandler

    'declare variables to use
    dim oRangeHeader as Excel.Range 'range object of header
    dim lColLastHeader as long 'last column of header
    dim lRowLastColOfB as long 'last row of column B with data
    dim lRowLastColOfB as long 'last row of column B with data
    dim lRowOfBLoop as long 'row loop variable of column B
    dim lRowOfBLoopEmpty as long 'empty row in column B

    'get the last column of the header to insert
    lColLastHeader= Activesheet.Cells(5,Application.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    'set to range object variable the header
    set oRangeHeader = Activesheet.Range(cells(5,2), cells(5,lColLastHeader))

    'check if last row of column B has data
    if len(Activesheet.range("B" & application.rows.count).value) = 0 then
        'length is zero = no data
        'get the last row of column B with data            
        lRowLastColOfB = Activesheet.range("B" & application.rows.count).end(xlUp).Row
        'length is greater than zero
        lRowLastColOfB = application.rows.count
    end if

    'check if value of last row of column B is greater than the row of header
    if lRowLastColOfB > 5 then
        'set to 0 the empty row variable in column
        lRowOfBLoopEmpty = 0
        'create a loop from B6 to last row of B
        for lRowOfBLoop = 6 to lRowLastColOfB 
            'check if cell is empty
            if len(Activesheet.range("B" & lRowOfBloop).value) = 0 then
                'set the row of B loop to variable for empty row in B 
                lRowOfBLoopEmpty = lRowOfBloop
                'check if variable for empty row is 0
                if lRowOfBLoopEmpty > 0 then
                    Activesheet.Range("B" & lRowOfBLoopEmpty).select
                    Activesheet.Range("B" & lRowOfBLoop).select
                    Application.CutCopyMode = false  
                    lRowOfBLoopEmpty = 0
                End If
            End If
        Next lRowOfBLoop
    End If

    Set oRangeHeader = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    If err.number <> 0 then
        msgbox err.description & " " & err.number, vbOKOnly+vbInformation, "addHeader"
    end if
    Set oRangeHeader = Nothing
End Sub