在过去的两周里,我一直在尝试使用HTML Canvas,我正在尝试制作一些函数来制作多边形,例如,
//center is {x: n, y: n}
function SquareGeometry(ctx, center, distance, stroke, fill) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.position = center || {x: 100, y: 100};
this.distance = distance || 10;
var c = this.position; var d = this.distance;
this.vertices = [
c.x-d, c.y-d, //top left
c.x+d, c.y-d, //top right
c.x+d, c.y+d, //bottom right
c.x-d, c.y+d, //bottom left
c.x-d, c.y-d //top left again
//drawVertices is already given with the four arguments (ctx, vertices,
//stroke, fill)
drawVertices(this.ctx, this.vertices, stroke, fill);
var square;
function draw() {
//arguments are examples
square = new SquareGeometry(ctx, {x: 100, y: 100}, 20);
现在的问题是编辑:当我希望它移动到另一个位置(例如,square.position.x = 50)时,它仍将是中心位置(即position.x仍为100)。问题在于该函数的属性仍然成为放置的参数!
我尝试使用if(){} else {}函数,原型和其他一些功能。它仍然无法正常工作。唯一的方法是通过参数编辑属性(即直接更改“ center”参数,以便随后跟随square.position属性)。谁能解决这个问题?