
时间:2019-04-30 23:03:36

标签: r data.table




Example2 <- Example %>% # tidyverse option
  gather(key, value, -(2:6), -Degree_Level) %>%
  unite(key, key, Degree_Level) %>%
  spread(key, value)


attributes are not identical across measure variables;
they will be droppedstructure(list(Student_ID = c(9010307, 200810309, 200920773, 
201020497, 201030353, 201040559), Doc_Type = c("SSN", "SSN", 
"SSN", "SSN", "SSN", "DL"), Doc_Num = c(506786590, 546764202, 
546849791, 548017430, 547490424, 301147353), Last_Name = c("Sanchez", 
"Rivera", "Anderson", "Yang", "del Torre", "Smith"), First_Names = c("Jose", 
"Ana Maria", "Rachel Anne", "Amanda", "Amanda", "Daniel Erick"
), Campus_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "C", NA, "A"), Campus_B = c("A", 
"A", "B", "C", "A", "A"), Degree_Field_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Civil Engineering", 
NA, "Education"), Degree_Field_B = c("Education", "Nursing", 
"Psychology", "Civil Engineering", "Psychology", "Education"), 
    Degree_Name_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "BS in Civil Engineering", 
    NA, "BA in Education"), Degree_Name_B = c("MA in Education", 
    "MS in Nursing", "MS in Psychology", "MS in Civil Engineering", 
    "MS in Psychology", "MA in Education"), Department_A = c(NA, 
    NA, NA, "Engineering", NA, "Education"), Department_B = c("Education", 
    "Health Sciences", "Health Sciences", "Engineering", "Health Sciences", 
    "Education"), Diploma_Number_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "7959", NA, 
    "7870"), Diploma_Number_B = c("7876", "7872", "7873", "12689", 
    "7875", "8155"), Exp_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "72", NA, "4"), Exp_B = c("3", 
    "2", "1", "5598", "7", "275"), Gender_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "F", 
    NA, "M"), Gender_B = c("M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), Graduation_Date_A = c(NA, 
    NA, NA, "1440979200", NA, "1438560000"), Graduation_Date_B = c("1438560000", 
    "1438560000", "1438646400", "1512086400", "1438646400", "1445472000"
    ), Project_Type_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Project", NA, "Project"
    ), Project_Type_B = c("Internship", "Thesis", "Internship", 
    "Thesis", "Thesis", "Internship")), row.names = c(NA, -6L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

或者如果我将集合转移到gather(key, value, -(1:6), -Degree_Level) %>%上,我将得到:

attributes are not identical across measure variables;
they will be droppedstructure(list(Exp = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 72, 275, 5598), Student_ID = c(200920773, 
200810309, 9010307, 201040559, 201030353, 201020497, 201040559, 
201020497), Doc_Type = c("SSN", "SSN", "SSN", "DL", "SSN", "SSN", 
"DL", "SSN"), Doc_Num = c(546849791, 546764202, 506786590, 301147353, 
547490424, 548017430, 301147353, 548017430), Last_Name = c("Anderson", 
"Rivera", "Sanchez", "Smith", "del Torre", "Yang", "Smith", "Yang"
), First_Names = c("Rachel Anne", "Ana Maria", "Jose", "Daniel Erick", 
"Amanda", "Amanda", "Daniel Erick", "Amanda"), Campus_A = c(NA, 
NA, NA, "A", NA, "C", NA, NA), Campus_B = c("B", "A", "A", NA, 
"A", NA, "A", "C"), Degree_Field_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Education", 
NA, "Civil Engineering", NA, NA), Degree_Field_B = c("Psychology", 
"Nursing", "Education", NA, "Psychology", NA, "Education", "Civil Engineering"
), Degree_Name_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "BA in Education", NA, "BS in Civil Engineering", 
NA, NA), Degree_Name_B = c("MS in Psychology", "MS in Nursing", 
"MA in Education", NA, "MS in Psychology", NA, "MA in Education", 
"MS in Civil Engineering"), Department_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Education", 
NA, "Engineering", NA, NA), Department_B = c("Health Sciences", 
"Health Sciences", "Education", NA, "Health Sciences", NA, "Education", 
"Engineering"), Diploma_Number_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "7870", NA, 
"7959", NA, NA), Diploma_Number_B = c("7873", "7872", "7876", 
NA, "7875", NA, "8155", "12689"), Gender_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "M", 
NA, "F", NA, NA), Gender_B = c("F", "F", "M", NA, "F", NA, "M", 
"F"), Graduation_Date_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "1438560000", NA, "1440979200", 
NA, NA), Graduation_Date_B = c("1438646400", "1438560000", "1438560000", 
NA, "1438646400", NA, "1445472000", "1512086400"), Project_Type_A = c(NA, 
NA, NA, "Project", NA, "Project", NA, NA), Project_Type_B = c("Internship", 
"Thesis", "Internship", NA, "Thesis", NA, "Internship", "Thesis"
)), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"


Error: Each row of output must be identified by a unique combination of keys. Keys are shared for 612 rows: * 113609, 113610 * 109095, 115383 * 110472, 110895 * 114397, 115479 * 113072, 114744 * 114414, 115480 * 108967, 111112 * 110532, 112950 * 110537, 112969 * 110492, 110493 * 110781, 110782 * 114412, 114413 * 115456, 115457 * 116933, 116934 * 117238, 117239 * 117050, 117134 * 115959, 115960 * 114521, 114522 * 13061, 13062 * 8547, 14835 * 9924, 10347 * 13849, 14931 * 12524, 14196 * 13866, 14932 * 8419, 10564 * 9984, 12402 * 9989, 12421 * 9944, 9945 * 10233, 10234 * 13864, 13865 * 14908, 14909 * 16385, 16386 * 16690, 16691 * 16502, 16586 * 15411, 15412 * 13973, 13974 * 38198, 38199 * 33684, 39972 * 35061, 35484 * 38986, 40068 * 37661, 39333 * 39003, 40069 * 33556, 35701 * 35121, 37539 * 35126, 37558 * 35081, 35082 * 35370, 35371 * 39001, 39002 * 40045, 40046 * 41522, 41523 * 41827, 41828 * 41639, 41723 * 40548, 40549 * 39110, 39111 * 138746, 138747 * 134232, 140520 * 135609, 136032 *



> dput(Example)
structure(list(Exp = c(4, 3, 2, 7, 1, 72, 275, 5598), Student_ID = c(201040559, 
9010307, 200810309, 201030353, 200920773, 201020497, 201040559, 
201020497), Doc_Type = c("DL", "SSN", "SSN", "SSN", "SSN", "SSN", 
"DL", "SSN"), Doc_Num = c(301147353, 506786590, 546764202, 547490424, 
546849791, 548017430, 301147353, 548017430), Last_Name = c("Smith", 
"Sanchez", "Rivera", "del Torre", "Anderson", "Yang", "Smith", 
"Yang"), First_Names = c("Daniel Erick", "Jose", "Ana Maria", 
"Amanda", "Rachel Anne", "Amanda", "Daniel Erick", "Amanda"), 
    Gender = c("M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M", "F"), Degree_Field = c("Education", 
    "Education", "Nursing", "Psychology", "Psychology", "Civil Engineering", 
    "Education", "Civil Engineering"), Department = c("Education", 
    "Education", "Health Sciences", "Health Sciences", "Health Sciences", 
    "Engineering", "Education", "Engineering"), Campus = c("A", 
    "A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "A", "C"), Degree_Name = c("BA in Education", 
    "MA in Education", "MS in Nursing", "MS in Psychology", "MS in Psychology", 
    "BS in Civil Engineering", "MA in Education", "MS in Civil Engineering"
    ), Degree_Level = c("A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "A", "B", "B"
    ), Graduation_Date = structure(c(1438560000, 1438560000, 
    1438560000, 1438646400, 1438646400, 1440979200, 1445472000, 
    1512086400), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), 
    Project_Type = c("Project", "Internship", "Thesis", "Thesis", 
    "Internship", "Project", "Internship", "Thesis"), Diploma_Number = c("7870", 
    "7876", "7872", "7875", "7873", "7959", "8155", "12689")), row.names = c(NA, 
-8L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

在RStudio中,它看起来像这样: enter image description here 当我尝试提供的第一个解决方案时,它看起来像这样:

Example2 <- Example %>%
  gather(key, value, -(2:7), -Degree_Level) %>%
  unite(key, key, Degree_Level) %>%
  spread(key, value)


attributes are not identical across measure variables;
they will be droppedstructure(list(Student_ID = c(9010307, 200810309, 200920773, 
201020497, 201030353, 201040559), Doc_Type = c("SSN", "SSN", 
"SSN", "SSN", "SSN", "DL"), Doc_Num = c(506786590, 546764202, 
546849791, 548017430, 547490424, 301147353), Last_Name = c("Sanchez", 
"Rivera", "Anderson", "Yang", "del Torre", "Smith"), First_Names = c("Jose", 
"Ana Maria", "Rachel Anne", "Amanda", "Amanda", "Daniel Erick"
), Gender = c("M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), Campus_A = c(NA, 
NA, NA, "C", NA, "A"), Campus_B = c("A", "A", "B", "C", "A", 
"A"), Degree_Field_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Civil Engineering", NA, 
"Education"), Degree_Field_B = c("Education", "Nursing", "Psychology", 
"Civil Engineering", "Psychology", "Education"), Degree_Name_A = c(NA, 
NA, NA, "BS in Civil Engineering", NA, "BA in Education"), Degree_Name_B = c("MA in Education", 
"MS in Nursing", "MS in Psychology", "MS in Civil Engineering", 
"MS in Psychology", "MA in Education"), Department_A = c(NA, 
NA, NA, "Engineering", NA, "Education"), Department_B = c("Education", 
"Health Sciences", "Health Sciences", "Engineering", "Health Sciences", 
"Education"), Diploma_Number_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "7959", NA, "7870"
), Diploma_Number_B = c("7876", "7872", "7873", "12689", "7875", 
"8155"), Exp_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "72", NA, "4"), Exp_B = c("3", 
"2", "1", "5598", "7", "275"), Graduation_Date_A = c(NA, NA, 
NA, "1440979200", NA, "1438560000"), Graduation_Date_B = c("1438560000", 
"1438560000", "1438646400", "1512086400", "1438646400", "1445472000"
), Project_Type_A = c(NA, NA, NA, "Project", NA, "Project"), 
    Project_Type_B = c("Internship", "Thesis", "Internship", 
    "Thesis", "Thesis", "Internship")), row.names = c(NA, -6L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

问题是,在我的实际数据样本中,我在控制台中收到此错误(并且我点击了Show Traceback)

Error: Each row of output must be identified by a unique combination of keys. Keys are shared for 324 rows: * 54956, 54957 * 50442, 56730 * 51819, 52242 * 55744, 56826 * 54419, 56091 * 55761, 56827 * 50314, 52459 * 51879, 54297 * 51884, 54316 * 51839, 51840 * 52128, 52129 * 55759, 55760 * 56803, 56804 * 58280, 58281 * 58585, 58586 * 58397, 58481 * 57306, 57307 * 55868, 55869 * 71714, 71715 * 67200, 73488 * 68577, 69000 * 72502, 73584 * 71177, 72849 * 72519, 73585 * 67072, 69217 * 68637, 71055 * 68642, 71074 * 68597, 68598 * 68886, 68887 * 72517, 72518 * 73561, 73562 * 75038, 75039 * 75343, 75344 * 75155, 75239 * 74064, 74065 * 72626, 72627 * 4682, 4683 * 168, 6456 * 1545, 1968 * 5470, 6552 * 4145, 5817 * 5487, 6553 * 40, 2185 * 1605, 4023 * 1610, 4042 * 1565, 1566 * 1854, 1855 * 5485, 5486 * 6529, 6530 * 8006, 8007 * 8311, 8312 * 8123, 8207 * 7032, 7033 * 5594, 5595 * 21440, 21441 * 16926, 23214 * 18303, 18726 * 22228, 23310 * 20903, 22575 * 22245, 23311 * 16798, 18943 * 18363, 20781
abort(glue("Each row of output must be identified by a unique combination of keys.", "\nKeys are shared for {shared} rows:", "\n{rows}", "Do you need to create unique ID with tibble::rowid_to_column()?"))
spread.data.frame(., key, value)
spread(., key, value)
freduce(value, `_function_list`)
eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
Example %>% gather(key, value, -(2:8), -Degree_Type) %>% unite(key, key, Degree_Type) %>% spread(key, value)



Student_ID | Last_Name | First_Names | Gender | Degree_Field | Degree_Level | Project_Type | Graduation_Date | Degree_Name
20120001   | Smith     | Jane Ellen  | F      | Education    | A            | Exam         | 30/06/2016      | B.A. in Secondary Education
20130002   | Yang      | Henry       | M      | Nursing      | A            | Internship   | 29/06/2018      | B.S. in Nursing
20120001   | Smith     | Jane Ellen  | F      | Education    | B            | Thesis       | 20/11/2018      | M.A. in Secondary Education


Student_ID | Last_Name | First_Names | Gender | Degree_Field_A | Project_Type_A | Graduation_Date_A | Degree_Name_A               | Degree_Field_B | Project_Type_B | Graduation_Date_B | Degree_Name_B
20120001   | Smith     | Jane Ellen  | F      | Education      | Exam           | 30/06/2016        | B.A. in Secondary Education | Educacation    | Thesis         | 20/11/2018        | M.A. in Secondary Education
20130002   | Yang      | Henry       | M      | Nursing        | Internship     | 29/06/2018        | B.S. in Nursing             | NA             | NA             | NA                | NA

请注意Jame Ellen Smith的完整记录,因为她先是学士学位,然后是硕士学位。但是,Henry Yang在与NA相关的所有领域中都有B,因为他尚未完成大师们呢。一旦获得了这种格式的数据,就应该很容易获得两个数据显示,一个显示用Degree_Field_A来计算该领域同时拥有学士和硕士学位的学生总数,另一个显示有多少学生拥有学士学位但没有硕士学位(换句话说,B字段是NA)。


我找到了一个类似问题的答案,尽管它很接近,但这并不能给我所需的结果。 https://stackoverflow.com/a/44958373/1709198对于像简·埃伦·史密斯(Jane Ellen Smith)这样的学生,它会按预期提供Degree_Field_1,Project_Type_1等,然后提供Degree_Field_2,Project_Field_2等。我的问题是,如果学生从ti获得学士学位

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



df %>%
  gather(key, value, -(1:4), -Degree_Level) %>%
  unite(key, key, Degree_Level) %>%
  spread(key, value)  

#  Student_ID Last_Name First_Names Gender Degree_Field_A Degree_Field_B
#1   20120001     Smith  Jane Ellen      F      Education      Education
#2   20130002      Yang       Henry      M        Nursing           <NA>

#               Degree_Name_A                Degree_Name_B  Graduation_Date_A
# B.A. in Secondary Education  M.A. in Secondary Education         30/06/2016
#             B.S. in Nursing                         <NA>         29/06/2018

# Graduation_Date_B Project_Type_A Project_Type_B
#        20/11/2018           Exam         Thesis
#              <NA>     Internship           <NA>


df <- structure(list(Student_ID = c("20120001", "20130002", "20120001"
), Last_Name = c("Smith", "Yang", "Smith"), First_Names = c("Jane Ellen", 
"Henry", "Jane Ellen"), Gender = c("F", "M", "F"), Degree_Field = 
c("Education", "Nursing", "Education"), Degree_Level = c("A", "A", "B"), 
Project_Type = c("Exam", "Internship", "Thesis"), 
Graduation_Date = c("30/06/2016", "29/06/2018","20/11/2018"), 
Degree_Name = c("B.A. in Secondary Education", "B.S. in Nursing", 
"M.A. in Secondary Education")), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame")

答案 1 :(得分:1)



DT[,melt(.SD, measure.vars = MeasureVars )][,dcast(.SD,paste(paste0(IDvars,collapse = "+"),"~","Degree_Level","+","variable"))]


  1. 我假设您的data.table被称为DT,但如果不作相应更改,我仅指定了四个熔体测量变量。

  2. 执行融合代码将为您提供一个数据表,其中包含所有IDvars,degree_Level,默认情况下名为“ variable”的列(其中包含度量变量的名称)和默认情况下名为“ value”的列包含度量变量的值。

  3. 关于dcast公式的注释,我只是使用粘贴来避免键入以+分隔的所有IDvar。带有paste0参数的collapse在这里很有用。基本上,您需要在LHS上添加在一起的IDvar,在RHS上添加Degree_Level +'variable'。

  4. .SDdata.table中的特殊符号,它使您可以链接从融解中得到的临时结果而不保存它。

