dblCompare = CDbl(rng1.Offset(0, -12).Value2)
If dblTotal = dblCompare Then
'If the values match, then record the Unique IDs in Columns AI:AN
Range(Cells(m, 35), Cells(m, 35 + k - 1)) = arr
End If
dblCompare = 114954.48和dblTotal = 114954.48。但是,该语句结果为false,并且完全跳过了将数组粘贴到Range中的操作。有时,if-then语句的结果为true,而数组的内容将粘贴到该范围中,但有时并非如此。 VBA似乎有很多错误。我能想到的是,需要将dblCompare类型转换为Double。
Option Explicit
Sub Find_Recs()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, m As Integer
Dim strSearch As String
Dim dblTotal As Double, dblCompare As Double
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim arr As Variant
'code here
End Sub