我的Swagger UI文档(版本3.20.3)缺少在父类中定义的路径。
"paths": {
"summary":"Create copy of object - VISIBLE ONLY IF METHOD IS OVERRIDDEN",
public interface BasicEndpoint {
RestResponse getClone(@PathParam(ID_PARAM) String id);
public abstract class AbstractEndpoint implements BasicEndpoint {
@ApiOperation(value = "Create copy of object - VISIBLE ONLY IF METHOD IS OVERRIDDEN")
@ApiImplicitParams({ @ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the object", required = true, paramType = "path", dataType = "string") })
public RestResponse getClone(@ApiParam(hidden = true) String id) {
return null;
@Api(value = "CfiTypes")
public class CfiTypesEndpoint extends AbstractEndpoint {
I have to override getClone method to see it Swagger UI documentation !!!
// @Override
// public RestResponse<CfitypesREST> getClone(String id) {
// return super.getClone(id);
// }