我在Mozilla Firefox(66.0.3)中运行带有ipykernel(v5.1.0)的Jupyter笔记本,但是我也看到这种情况也在Chrome中发生。 如果相关信息,我使用的是Windows 10 64位操作系统。
<span class="kw">Principal Component Analysis</span> is an unsupervised linear transformation technique.
It helps to identify patterns in data based on correlations between features.
PCA aims to find the directions of maximum variance in high-dimensional data and projects them onto a new subspace spanned by these vectors (with equal/fewer dimensions than the original one).
Mathematically-speaking, we construct a $d\times k$-dimensional transformation matrix $W$ that allows us to map a sample vector $x$ in $d$-dimensional feature space ($x\in \mathbb{R}^d$) onto a new $k$-dimensional subspace.
x \longrightarrow z = xW
**General PCA algorithm**
1. Center the $d$-dimensional dataset around the origin. Z-scoring (dividing by stdev may help, or not).
2. Construct covariance matrix.
3. Decompose the covariance matrix onto its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
4. Sort the eigenvalues by decreasing order to rank the corresponding eigenvectors.
5. Select $k$ eigenvectors that correspond to the $k$ largest eigenvalues, where $k$ is the dimensionality of the new feature subspace ($k\leq d$)
6. Construct a projection matrix $W$ from the $k$ eigenvectors chosen in step 4.
7. Perform the projection by multiplying $X^\top W$ (a $n\times k$ matrix), to obtain a new $k$-dimensional feature subspace.
我不认为自己是唯一经历过此事的人,但是我找不到在网上讨论此问题的人。 我该如何解决?