C#标准库是否具有像List <>这样的数据结构,该数据结构允许我引用支持数组?

时间:2019-04-28 20:21:56

标签: c#


#Local script from os.path import expanduser,isfile from getpass import getpass import sys home = expanduser('~') from fabric import Connection if not isfile(f"{home}\AppData\Roaming\comcast_credential"): user = input('Enter your email adress: ') password = getpass("Enter your password: ") with open(f"{home}\AppData\Roaming\comcast_credential", 'w') as cred_file: cred_file.write(f"{user}\n") cred_file.write(password) else: with open(f"{home}\AppData\Roaming\comcast_credential") as cred_file: user=cred_file.readline().rstrip('\n') password=cred_file.readline() conn = Connection('armkreuz@') if user == "" or password == "": print("No user or password") exit(0) print(f"User = {user}") print(f"Password = {password}") conn.run(f"/home/armkreuz/scripts/test_password.py {user} {password}") #Remote script import sys from time import sleep user = sys.argv[1] password = sys.argv[2] with open('test.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(f"User = {user}\n") file.write(f"Password = {password}") for x in range(1000): print(x) sleep(10) 不足,因为它会进行复印,从而破坏了我拥有的商品的性能。


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