
时间:2019-04-28 19:37:11

标签: java


import java.util.*;

public class GradeCalculatorDriver
    public static void main(String [] args){
        String s1 = "student";//Declare student string variable;
        String s2;
        double exam1 = 0;//Declare and initalize variables.
        double exam2 = 0;//Declare and initalize variables.
        double exam3 = 0;//Declare and initalize variables.
        double exam4 = 0;//Declare and initalize variables.

            Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("This program will calculate the average of 4 exam scores, and return the lowest, highest, and letter grade associated with the average");

            System.out.println("Please enter the name of the student");//Request student name and scans it into a string.
            String student = input.next();

            System.out.println("Please enter one exam score, then hit enter and repeat for following grades.");//Request exam scores and scan them into variables.
            exam1 = input.nextDouble();
            exam2 = input.nextDouble();
            exam3 = input.nextDouble();
            exam4 = input.nextDouble();

            double highest = GradeCalculator.high(exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4);//Calls highest grade method.
            double lowest = GradeCalculator.low(exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4);//Calls lowest grade method.
            double average = GradeCalculator.avg(exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4);//Calls average grade method.
            char letterGrade = GradeCalculator.letter(exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4);//Calls letter grade method.

            System.out.printf("The highest exam score is : %.2f " + highest);//Displays highest grade.
            System.out.printf("The lowest exam score is : %.2f " + lowest);//Displays lowest grade.
            System.out.printf("The average exam score is : %.2f " + average);//Displays average grade.
            System.out.print("The letter grade is " + letterGrade);//Displays letter grade associated with average.

            System.out.println("Would you like to enter another students grades? (yes/no)");//asks the user if they would like to calculate another factorial.
            s2 = input.next();

        } while (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("YES"));//checks to see what the users response was. 
        System.out.print("Thank you for using my program!");//Ending statement.

public class GradeCalculator{

public static double high(double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double exam4){//Calculates the highest exam score entered.
        double highest;//Declare and initilize variable.

        highest = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(exam1, exam2), exam3), exam4);

        return highest;//Returns highest exam score.

    public static double low(double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double exam4){//Calculates the lowest exam score entered.
        double lowest = 0;//Declare and initilize variable.

        lowest = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(exam1, exam2), exam3), exam4);

        return lowest;//Returns highest exam score.

    public static double avg (double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double exam4){//Calculates the average exam score.
        double average;//Declare variable.
        double count = 4;//Declare and initilize variable.

        average = ((exam1 + exam2 + exam3 + exam4) / count);

        return average;//Returns average grade.

        public static char letter (double exam1, double exam2, double exam3, double exam4){//Calculates the letterGrade based on the average exam score.
            char letterGrade;//Declare and initilize variable.
            double count = 4;//Declare and initilize variable.
            double average = ((exam1 + exam2 + exam3 + exam4) / count);//declare and calculate average score.

            if (average >= 90)
                letterGrade = 'A';
            else if (average >= 80)
                letterGrade = 'B';
            else if (average >= 70)
                letterGrade = 'C';
            else if (average >= 60)
                letterGrade = 'D';
                letterGrade = 'E';

            return letterGrade;//Returns letter grade.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用List<Double> scores = new ArrayList<>()来保存考试成绩值并减少代码混乱。然后,当您从用户输入中添加新的考试分数时,您将为每个输入值调用scores.add(input.nextDouble())

答案 1 :(得分:0)


您当前的模型没有什么问题,只有一些小错误,这些小错误会生成 MissingFormatArgumentException 并且在代码行之内:

System.out.printf("The highest exam score is : %.2f " + highest);
System.out.printf("The lowest exam score is : %.2f " + lowest);
System.out.printf("The average exam score is : %.2f " + average);

您的代码中的任何错误均应首先修复。上面的每行代码都包含一个错误,这仅仅是因为没有为格式说明符(%.2f)提供参数。这是因为您在要使用逗号分隔符的位置放置了加号(+),以表示用于表示%。2f 的参数。在这种情况下, + 会将以下字符串或变量内容附加到前面的字符串中。该代码应为:

System.out.printf("The highest exam score is : %.2f ", highest);
System.out.printf("The lowest exam score is : %.2f ", lowest);
System.out.printf("The average exam score is : %.2f ", average);


System.out.println("The lowest exam score is:  " + String.format("%.2f",lowest));
System.out.println("The highest exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", highest)); 
System.out.println("The average exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", average));

不应在 do / while 循环的每次迭代中都声明Scanner。将此声明放在 do / while 代码块上方,以免打开不必要的Scanner实例。

不需要在 do / while 循环的每次迭代中完成应用程序功能的解释。将此消息移到执行/执行代码块上方。



您可以摆脱以下代码行:String s1 = "student";//Declare student string variable;。您似乎没有在任何地方使用此变量。

正如已经建议的那样,可以使用数组或集合机制来保存学生分数,但是从减少混乱的意义上讲,它不会仅获得4个分数,但会获得更多分数,因此是处理分数的一种好方法这部分代码。在任何情况下,如果您的课程已经涵盖了数组和/或 ArrayLists 的使用,这仍然是一个好方法。不知道您的要求是否仅使用 所学知识。无论如何....

要利用数组存储学生分数,您还需要修改 GradeCalculator 类中的所有方法。这本身将消除参数混乱,因为您只需要一个参数,而不是每个方法使用4个参数即可。如果要使用数组,则该类中的方法可能类似于以下内容:

public class GradeCalculator {
    public static double high(double[] exams) {//Calculates the highest exam score entered.
        double highest = 0.0d;//Declare and initilize variable to 0.0
        for (int i = 0; i < exams.length; i++) {
            if (exams[i] > highest) {
                highest = exams[i];
        return highest;//Returns highest exam score.

    public static double low(double[] exams) {//Calculates the lowest exam score entered.
        double lowest = exams[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < exams.length; i++) {
            if (exams[i] < lowest) {
                lowest = exams[i];
        return lowest;//Returns lowest exam score.

    public static double avg(double[] exams) {//Calculates the average exam score.
        double average = 0.0d;  //Declare variable.
        double sum = 0.0d;
        for (int i = 0; i < exams.length; i++) {
            sum+= exams[i];
        average = sum / exams.length;
        return average; //Returns average grade.

    //Calculates the letter-Grade based on the average exam score.
    public static char letter(double average) {
        char letterGrade;//Declare and initilize variable.
        if (average >= 90) {
            letterGrade = 'A';
        else if (average >= 80) {
            letterGrade = 'B';
        else if (average >= 70) {
            letterGrade = 'C';
        else if (average >= 60) {
            letterGrade = 'D';
        else {
            letterGrade = 'E';
        return letterGrade; //Returns letter grade.

letter()方法只需要一个参数,而不是您必须提供的4个参数,这是从 average()方法返回的值。您会看到,您无需在 letter()方法中再次计算平均值,因为您已经有一个已经做到并已经完成的方法。只需将已经计算的平均值传递给 letter()方法。


Please enter all student scores (separated with a space):
65 112 75 88


String s2;
boolean invalidEntry;
String LS = System.lineSeparator();
double[] exams; // Declare Array
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("This program will calculate the average of any number of "
            + LS + "desired exam scores and return the lowest,  highest, and "
            + LS + "letter grade associated with that determined average." + LS);

do {
    s2 = "";
    invalidEntry = false;
    // Request Student Name
    System.out.println("Please enter the name of the student (nothing to exit):");
    String student = input.nextLine();
    if (student.equals("")) { break; }

    // Request exam scores
    System.out.println("Please enter all student scores (each separated with a space): ");
    String scores = input.nextLine();
    // If nothing was supplied break out of loop 
    if (scores.equals("")) { 
        invalidEntry = true;
    String[] scoresArray = scores.split("\\s+");  // Split the input into single scores (regex "\\s+" is used to split on one or more whitespaces).
    exams = new double[scoresArray.length]; // Initalize Array.
    // Convert scores to double data type...
    for (int i = 0; i < scoresArray.length; i++) {
        /* Is the string value actually a numerical signed
           or unsigned integer or double type value. Save
           this Regular Expression. It's handy to have.  */
        if (scoresArray[i].matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?")) {
            exams[i] = Double.parseDouble(scoresArray[i]);
        else {
            System.out.println("One or more of the Scores supplied are invalid! "
                             + "Enter Student Scores again!" + LS);
            invalidEntry = true;
    if (invalidEntry) { continue; } // Redo loop on Invalid Entry

    double highest = high(exams);
    double lowest = low(exams);
    double average = avg(exams);
    char letterGrade = letter(average);

    System.out.println(LS + "Results For Student:       " + student); 
    System.out.println("From " + String.format("%02d" , exams.length) + 
                       " exam scores:       " + 
                       Arrays.toString(exams).replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""));
    System.out.println("The lowest exam score is:  " + String.format("%.2f",lowest));
    System.out.println("The highest exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", highest)); 
    System.out.println("The average exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", average));
    System.out.println("The letter grade is:       " + letterGrade + LS);

    while (s2.equals("")) {
        System.out.println("Would you like to enter another Students Scores? (yes/no)");
        s2 = input.nextLine();
        if (!s2.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") && !s2.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
            System.out.println("Invalid Response! 'Yes' or 'No' only!");
            s2 = "";

} while (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || invalidEntry);
System.out.println("Thank you for using my program!");


String s2;
int indexCounter; // Declare an index counter for array.
boolean invalidEntry;
String LS = System.lineSeparator();
double[] exams; //Declare Array.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("This program will calculate the average of any number of "
            + LS + "desired exam scores and return the lowest,  highest, and "
            + LS + "letter grade associated with that determined average." + LS);

do {
    s2 = "";
    indexCounter = 0; // Set index counter to 0
    invalidEntry = false;

    // Request Student Name
    System.out.println("Please enter the name of the Student (nothing to exit):");
    String student = input.nextLine();
    if (student.equals("")) { break; }

    // Get number of Scores to enter from User
    int numberOfScores = 0;
    while (numberOfScores == 0) {
        System.out.println("Please enter the number of scores you wish to enter:");
        String numScores = input.nextLine();
        // Is the value supplied a String Integer value
        if (!numScores.matches("\\d+")) {
            System.out.println("Invalid number of scores provided! Try Again..." + LS);
        numberOfScores = Integer.parseInt(numScores);
    exams = new double[numberOfScores]; // Initialize Array

    // Request exam scores
    while (indexCounter < numberOfScores) {
        System.out.println("Please enter exam score #" + (indexCounter + 1) + 
                " then hit enter: ");
        exams[indexCounter] = input.nextDouble();
        input.nextLine();  // Clear the scanner buffer

    double highest = high(exams);
    double lowest = low(exams);
    double average = avg(exams);
    char letterGrade = letter(average);

    System.out.println(LS + "Results For Student:       " + student);
    System.out.println("From " + String.format("%02d" , exams.length) + 
                       " exam scores:       " + 
                       Arrays.toString(exams).replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""));
    System.out.println("The lowest exam score is:  " + String.format("%.2f",lowest));
    System.out.println("The highest exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", highest)); 
    System.out.println("The average exam score is: " + String.format("%.2f", average));
    System.out.println("The letter grade is:       " + letterGrade + LS);

    while (s2.equals("")) {
        System.out.println("Would you like to enter another Student's Scores? (yes/no)");
        s2 = input.nextLine();
        if (!s2.equalsIgnoreCase("YES") && !s2.equalsIgnoreCase("NO")) {
            System.out.println("Invalid Response! 'Yes' or 'No' only!");
            s2 = "";
} while (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("YES") || invalidEntry);
System.out.println("Thank you for using my program!");

您将注意到上面的某些代码利用了Regular Expressions,例如"\\s+""\\d+""[\\[\\]]"甚至是"-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"。学习如何利用Java的 java.util.regex 包进行模式匹配,从来就不晚。它可以迅速成为您的密友,一旦学会,您就会发现自己一直在使用它。要测试正则表达式并获得特定表达式的解释,可以使用RegEx101.com网站,例如:this regex