我正在执行.mute @user命令,该命令创建一个简单的轮询,并添加了✅和reactions两个反应。一定时间后,如果✅大于i,我希望机器人使用户静音。
问题在于if(agree> disagree)不起作用,因为这两个是表情。如何让我的机器人在30秒后计算投票结果,然后根据此结果使用户静音或发送“静音投票失败”
编辑1 您的代码成功了一半。 赢得静音投票后出现Bot,但随后无法正常工作,但在控制台中没有错误。我必须重新启动才能再次工作,问题出在哪里?另外,最好检查用户是否没有将角色静音,然后再检查是否没有投票
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const token = '' ;
const client = new Discord.Client();
const PREFIX = "."
client.on('message', async (msg) => {
var args = msg.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" ");
function wait(ms){
var start = new Date().getTime();
var end = start;
while(end < start + ms) {
end = new Date().getTime();
if(msg.author.equals(client.user)) return;
if (!msg.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return;
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "mute":
const role = msg.guild.roles.find(r => r.name === 'Muted'); // Find Role
if(msg.mentions.members.first().roles.has(role.id)) return
if(!msg.mentions.users.first()) return msg.channel.send('You need to mention somebody!'); // Check if no User was Mentioned
const voting = new Discord.RichEmbed() // Generate Voting Embed
.setFooter('Mute ' + msg.mentions.users.first().tag + ' for 10m?')
if(!role) return msg.channel.send('No Role was found, please make sure you have a muteed role!'); // Make sure there is a Role
const agree = '✅'; // Define Emojis
const disagree = '❌'; // Define Emojis
const sentEmbed = await msg.channel.send(voting); // Send Embed
const filter = (reaction, user) => (reaction.emoji.name === agree || reaction.emoji.name === disagree) && !user.bot; // Filter for Reactions
await sentEmbed.react(agree); // React
await sentEmbed.react(disagree); // React
const voteStatus = await msg.channel.send('Voting started 30 seconds left'); // Send start Message and
const collected = await sentEmbed.awaitReactions(filter, { time: 5000 }); // start Collecting Reactions
const agreed = collected.get(agree) || { count: 1 }; // Retrieve Reactions
const disagreed = collected.get(disagree) || { count : 1 }; // Retrieve Reactions
const agreed_count = agreed.count - 1 ; // Count away Bot Votes
const disagreed_count = disagreed.count - 1; // Count away Bot Votes
voteStatus.edit('Voting endet with: ' + agreed_count + agree + ' and ' + disagreed_count + disagree); // Edit message to show Outcome
if(agreed.count > disagreed.count) {
await msg.guild.member(msg.mentions.users.first()).addRole(role);
await wait(600000);
await msg.guild.member(msg.mentions.users.first()).removeRole(role);
else {
msg.channel.send('Mute Voting Failed :)');
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log ('Dziala');
答案 0 :(得分:1)
if(!msg.mentions.users.first()) return msg.channel.send('You need to mention somebody!'); // Check if no User was Mentioned
const voting = new Discord.RichEmbed() // Generate Voting Embed
.setFooter('Mute ' + msg.mentions.users.first().tag + ' for 10m?')
const role = msg.guild.roles.find(r => r.name === 'Muted'); // Find Role
if(!role) return msg.channel.send('No Role was found, please make sure you have a muteed role!'); // Make sure there is a Role
const agree = '✅'; // Define Emojis
const disagree = '❌'; // Define Emojis
const sentEmbed = await msg.channel.send(voting); // Send Embed
const filter = (reaction, user) => (reaction.emoji.name === agree || reaction.emoji.name === disagree) && !user.bot; // Filter for Reactions
await sentEmbed.react(agree); // React
await sentEmbed.react(disagree); // React
const voteStatus = await msg.channel.send('Voting started 30 seconds left'); // Send start Message and
const collected = await sentEmbed.awaitReactions(filter, { time: 5000 }); // start Collecting Reactions
const agreed = collected.get(agree) || { count: 1 }; // Retrieve Reactions
const disagreed = collected.get(disagree) || { count : 1 }; // Retrieve Reactions
const agreed_count = agreed.count - 1 ; // Count away Bot Votes
const disagreed_count = disagreed.count - 1; // Count away Bot Votes
voteStatus.edit('Voting endet with: ' + agreed_count + agree + ' and ' + disagreed_count + disagree); // Edit message to show Outcome
if(agreed.count > disagreed.count) {
await msg.guild.member(msg.mentions.users.first()).addRole(role);
await wait(600000);
await msg.guild.member(msg.mentions.users.first()).removeRole(role);
else {
msg.channel.send('Mute Voting Failed :)');