Sqoop无法在Mac OS X上运行

时间:2019-04-27 12:10:14

标签: macos hadoop jdbc sqoop

我是hadoop的新手,并试图在我的Mac OS X上使用sqoop。 我已经使用brew安装了hadoop和sqoop。 hadoop的版本是3.1.2



export HADOOP_HOME="/usr/local/opt/hadoop"
export HBASE_HOME="/usr/local"
export HIVE_HOME="/usr/local"
export HCAT_HOME="/usr/local"
export ZOOCFGDIR="/usr/local/etc/zookeeper"
export ZOOKEEPER_HOME="/usr/local/opt/zookeeper"

我已经检查了所有位置,它们是正确的。以下是ls -l /usr/local/bin/ | grep hadoop

lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   45 Apr 16 18:17 container-executor -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/container-executor
lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   33 Apr 16 18:17 hadoop -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/hadoop
lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   31 Apr 16 18:17 hdfs -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/hdfs
lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   33 Apr 16 18:17 mapred -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/mapred
lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   50 Apr 16 18:17 test-container-executor -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/test-container-executor
lrwxr-xr-x  1 adityad  admin   31 Apr 16 18:17 yarn -> ../Cellar/hadoop/3.1.2/bin/yarn

当我尝试运行任何sqoop命令时,什么都没有发生。 我尝试运行:

sqoop-list-tables --connect jdbc:postgresql://<host>:5432/<DB> --username <user> --password <password>


Warning: /usr/local/lib/sqoop/../hbase does not exist! HBase imports will fail.
Please set $HBASE_HOME to the root of your HBase installation.
Warning: /usr/local/lib/sqoop/../hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail.
Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation.
Warning: /usr/local/lib/sqoop/../accumulo does not exist! Accumulo imports will fail.
Please set $ACCUMULO_HOME to the root of your Accumulo installation.
Warning: /usr/local/lib/sqoop/../zookeeper does not exist! Accumulo imports will fail.
Please set $ZOOKEEPER_HOME to the root of your Zookeeper installation.


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