如何添加仅允许a-f ||之间的字母的“(if)” A-F?

时间:2019-04-27 12:07:37

标签: c char hex decimal scanf

我写了一个程序,可以进行十六进制到十进制的转换。我剩下的只是检查char是否在a-fA-F之间,也许是0-{{1 }}。如果不在它们之间,则会打印9


"Illegal input"


Enter the number of digits in the Hexadecimal number: 2
Enter the Hexadecimal number: QQ
Illegal input

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



要输出unsigned long类型的对象,必须使用格式说明符ul


if (currentDigit >= 'a') {
    currentDigitInt = (currentDigit - 'a') + 10;
else if (currentDigit >= 'A') {
    currentDigitInt = (currentDigit - 'A') + 10;



//Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23506 for x64

#include  <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int hex_digit( char c )
    const char *alpha = "ABCDEF";

    unsigned char c1 = toupper( ( unsigned char )c );
    const char *p;

    int result = -1;

    if ( '0' <= c1 && c1 <= '9' )
        result = c1 - '0';
    else if ( c1 != '\0' && ( p = strchr( alpha, c1 ) ) != NULL )
        result = *p - alpha[0] + 10;
    return result;

int main(void)
    const unsigned long HEX_BASE = 16;
    unsigned int n;

    printf( "Enter the number of digits in the Hexadecimal number: " );
    scanf_s("%u", &n); 

    unsigned long sum = 0;

    if ( n )
        printf( "Enter the Hexadecimal number: " );

        unsigned int i = 0;
        for ( ; i < n; i++ )
            char c;

            scanf_s( " %c", &c, 1 );

            int digit = hex_digit( c );

            if ( digit < 0 ) break;
            else sum = sum * HEX_BASE + digit; 

        if ( i == n )
            printf("The decimal number is: %ul\n", sum);
            puts( "Illegal input" );

    return 0;


Enter the number of digits in the Hexadecimal number: 8
Enter the Hexadecimal number: ffFFffFF
The decimal number is: 4294967295l

如果需要,可以在程序中添加一个检查,以确保输入的十六进制数字的指定数量不大于2 * sizeof( unsigned long )

答案 1 :(得分:0)



if ((currentdigit == 0) || (strchr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", currentdigit) == NULL)) /* invalid */;

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  • 您可以使用&&运算符测试字符范围。例如:

    if (currentDigit >= 'a' && currentDigit <= 'f')
  • 您将这些测试合并为一系列if / else,并在没有一个匹配的情况下抱怨。

  • 还要注意sum的表达式也不正确。 sum += currentDigitInt * pow(16, i);应该是

    sum = sum * 16 + currentDigitInt;
  • printf的{​​{1}}格式是unsigned long,而不是%lu

  • 您应该测试%u的返回值以正确检测文件的潜在结尾。

  • scanf_s期望为转换说明符scanf_s增加2个参数,并且可能并非在所有系统上都可用。

  • 也请注意,您不需要输入十六进制数字,只需在输入的字符第二次是换行符时从循环中中断即可。




  • C标准确实保证#include <stdio.h> int main() { int currentDigit; unsigned long int sum; int invalid = 0; printf("Enter the Hexadecimal number: "); sum = 0; while ((currentDigit = getchar()) ! EOF && currentDigit != '\n') { int currentDigitInt; if (currentDigit >= 'a' && currentDigit <= 'f') { currentDigitInt = (currentDigit - 'a') + 10; } else if (currentDigit >= 'A' && currentDigit <= 'F') { currentDigitInt = (currentDigit - 'A') + 10; } else if (currentDigit >= '0' && currentDigit <= '9') { currentDigitInt = currentDigit - '0'; } else { invalid = 1; continue; // keep scanning the input until end of line } sum = sum * 16 + currentDigitInt; } if (invalid) { printf("Invalid input\n"); } else { printf("The decimal number is: %lu\n", sum); } return 0; } 0是连续的,但纯粹主义者会争辩9af至{{1 }}可能不连续执行字符集。虽然正确,但由于这些考虑而使新手程序员望而却步,反而会适得其反,而且因为这些字符范围在ASCII和EBCDIC中都是连续的(EBCDIC中的间距介于AF之间以及{{ 1}}和i)。

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

int isaTof(int c)
    c = toupper(c);

    if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 1;
    return 0;

int isin(int c, const char *allowedchars)
    return strchr(allowedchars, c) != NULL;

int isHEXNumber(const char *number)
    const char allowedchars[] = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789";
        if(!isin(*number++, allowedchars)) return 0;
    return 1;


int isHEXNumber(const char *number)
    const char allowedchars[] = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789";

    if(!number || |*number) return 0;
        if(!isin(*number++, allowedchars)) return 0;
    return 1;

int main()
    const char allowedchars[] = "abcdefABCDEF0123456789";

    printf("%s\n", isin('d', allowedchars) ? "Yes" : "No");

    return 0;