import pymongo
import re
import unittest
import pytest
class Main_methods():
def minlength(self,data,category_name,min_length):
''' validate the minimum length condition by comparing with db data for a given category
Parameter: Db data, category name, minium length '''
for name in data:
mport pymongo
import re
import unittest
import pytest
from main_method import Main_methods
def data():
'''Initialise the variable for all the methods using this method and returns the value after the yield keyword.'''
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://root:mongodbadmin@")
mydb = myclient["Ecomm_Product_db"]
mycol = mydb["products"]
yield mycol.find({})
class Test_Category_Name():
def test_minlength(self,data):
assert class_object.minlength(data,'category',5)
def test_minlength(self,data):
> assert class_object.minlength(data,'category',5)
E AssertionError: assert None
E + where None = <bound method Main_methods.minlength of <main_method.Main_methods object at 0x0326B670>>(<pymongo.cursor.Cursor object at 0x0346A230>, 'category', 5)
E + where <bound method Main_methods.minlength of <main_method.Main_methods object at 0x0326B670>> = <main_method.Main_methods object at 0x0326B670>.minlength
testcase.py:20: AssertionError
def test_category_minlength(data):
'''Asserts given min length condition for category name '''
for name in data:
> assert len(name['category'])>=5
E AssertionError: assert 3 >= 5
E + where 3 = len('SSD')