我正在尝试将标题属性添加到通过Wordpress 5编辑器嵌入的youtube视频中。这是可访问性要求。
function add_title_to_iframe_oembed( $html, $url, $attributes, $post_id ) {
// Bail if this isn't an iframe
if ( strpos( $html, '<iframe' ) === false ) {
return $html;
// Bail if the attributes already contain a title
if ( array_key_exists( 'title', $attributes ) ) {
return $html;
// Define the title for the iframe, depending on the source content
// List is based on supported Video and Audio providers at https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds
$url = parse_url( $url );
$title = '';
switch ( str_replace( 'www.', '', $url['host'] ) ) {
* Video
case 'animoto.com':
case 'blip.com':
case 'collegehumor.com':
case 'dailymotion.com':
case 'funnyordie.com':
case 'hulu.com':
case 'ted.com':
case 'videopress.com':
case 'vimeo.com':
case 'vine.com':
case 'wordpress.tv':
case 'youtube.com':
$title = __( 'Video Player', 'n7studios' );
* Audio
case 'mixcloud.com':
case 'reverbnation.com':
case 'soundcloud.com':
case 'spotify.com':
$title = __( 'Audio Player', 'n7studios' );
* Handle any other URLs here, via further code
$title = apply_filters( 'add_title_to_iframe_oembed', $title, $url );
// Add title to iframe, depending on the oembed provider
$html = str_replace( '></iframe>', ' title="' . $title . '"></iframe>', $html );
// Return
//var_dump($html); exit;
return $html;
add_filter( 'embed_oembed_html', 'add_title_to_iframe_oembed', 10, 4 );
我只能在var_dump html时看到标题。几乎就像另一个过滤器正在删除标题一样。