
时间:2019-04-25 22:21:36

标签: java performance primes

我只需要获得[2,n ^ 2]范围内的一个随机素数,其中n可以非常大(10 ^ 9到10 ^ 32)。我知道那些作业问题,例如“如何在给定范围内打印质数”,“依拉藤森的筛子”等。



这与安全性无关。它只是算法实现(尝试实现)的一部分,它检查两个非常大的文件(> 1TB)是否相同。


编辑 我正在尝试做的一个非常幼稚和简化的实现:

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class NewClass1 {    

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //imagine this is my content of first file which is not at the same place as file two
        String file1 = "RDNZL";        
        //convert the content to bits
        file1 = toBits(file1); // 0101001001000100010011100101101001001100  

        //convert bits to number
        BigInteger  x = new BigInteger (file1, 2); //353333303884

        long p = 1187;  // select a random number between 2 and 1600 (String length * 8 bits = 40)
        // send p and x % p to validiate,
        long xMp = x.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(p)).longValue(); 
        System.out.println(check(p, xMp));
    public static String toBits(String file){
        //convert each char to 8 bits and concat to string
        //just for simplification, i'am going to find a better way to solve this
        return file.chars().boxed()
                .map(Integer::toBinaryString).map(e->String.format("%8s", e).replace(' ', '0'))
    public static boolean check(long p, long xMp){
        //the other file which is somewhere else, in the cloud etc. 
        String file2 = "RDNZL";        
        file2 = toBits(file2); 

        BigInteger  y = new BigInteger (file2, 2); 
        long yMp = y.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(p)).longValue();
        return yMp == xMp;

如果yMp!= xMp且置信度为100%的文件不同,则算法无法识别出它们是否不同的可能性很小。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


public static BigInteger randomPrime(int numBits) {
  BigInteger max = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(numBits);
  BigInteger prime;
  do {
    BigInteger integer = new BigInteger(numBits, ThreadLocalRandom.current()); // Pick a random number between 0 and 2 ^ numbits - 1
    prime = integer.nextProbablePrime(); // Pick the next prime. Caution, it can exceed n^numbits, hence the loop
  } while(prime.compareTo(max) > 0);
  return prime;

一种替代方法是使用BigInteger​(int bitLength, int certainty, Random rnd)构造函数,但是它将找到恰好具有bitLength位的数字,这很不方便,因为它不会低于n ^(bitLength-1)。 / p>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

在x处找到素数的概率为1 / ln(x)。您的情况是n²,n = 10 ^ 32。因此,可能性为ln(10 ^ 64)或大约1/150。这意味着您必须平均测试大约150个数字,直到找到质数为止。

我没有Java,但是我可以根据PSW primality test从Python给您结果。积分会从@primo转移到Codegolf,尤其是this answer

start = time()
n = next_prime((10**32)**2)
end = time()
print (n, " calcualted in ", end-start)

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000057 calcualted in  0.00302 sec


结果由Wolfram Alpha确认。