我每天要多次解析一些防病毒数据的多个xml文件。 我正在尝试将其命名为该月的当前日期(即20190425)。虽然名称相同,但会追加到该文件,如果是新日期(即20190426),它将创建该新文件并开始追加到该文件。
打开(LOG,“ >> report.txt”); #追加到report.txt
我可以用当前日期在此名称上盖章吗?所以会是 例如,20190425-Report.txt?这样,它将自动创建一个新文件“明天”并开始向其中添加
答案 0 :(得分:2)
use feature 'say';
use Time::Piece;
my $now = localtime;
say $now->strftime('%Y%m%d'); # %Y = year; %m = month; %d = date
use feature 'say';
use Time::Piece;
my $now = localtime;
my $today = $now->strftime('%Y%m%d');
# Note: I've switched to the three-arg version of open()
# and a lexical filehandle. Both are considered best practice.
# I've also checked the return value from open() and killed
# the program if it fails.
open my $log_fh, '>>', "$today-Report.txt"
or die "Cannot open $today-Report.txt: $!";
更新:在后续回答中,您谈到尝试我的代码时出错。您可能会怀疑,这些错误均源于您所使用的Perl的较旧版本。 Perl 5.6.0于2000年3月发布,我应该指出,很长一段时间以来,Perl开发团队一直完全不支持它。 Perl 5.10.0(于2007年12月发布)中全部添加了给您带来问题的功能。我认为版本5.10是用于合理的现代Perl开发环境的绝对最低版本。我强烈建议您升级到Perl的最新版本。
use POSIX 'strftime';
my $today = strftime('%Y%m%d', localtime);
print "Today is: $today\n";
my $filename = "$today-Report.txt";
# I'm not sure when modern file-opening practices
# were added to Perl, so I've reverted to using a
# really old syntax.
open LOG, ">>$filename"
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!";
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在我使用您编写Dave的示例时,出现错误。我想这可能与版本有关吗?据我所知,该脚本位于Perl 5.6中
在@INC中找不到feature.pm(@INC包含:C:/perl/perl-5.6.0-win/lib C:/perl/perl-5.6.0-win/site/lib。)
同样需要 “使用时间::件;
在@INC中找不到Time / Piece.pm
而且我似乎也无法使$ filename = strftime起作用。
在dirlist.pl第63行没有包或对象引用的情况下,无法调用方法“ say”。
“严格”时不能使用字符串(“ 20190426-report.txt”)作为符号引用 refs”在dirlist.pl第62行使用。
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
#To look for more in the virus, add name to array and increase the switch elsif
my @NAMES = ("Name", "VirusDefinitions", "IPAddress", "OperatingSystem", "AgentVersion", "Infected", "LastScanTime","LastUpdateTime" );
my $DEBUG = 2; # debug on = 1 low, = 2 detailed, = 3 full, = 0 OFF. Will print to screen needed in file the pipe >filename
my $DETAILED = 0; #
my $path = $ARGV[0];
my $TXT = $ARGV[1];
my $DIR2 = "XX"; #This returns the main dir
my $DIR3 = "XX";
my $PROJNO = "XX";
my $FILE1 = "XX"; #This returns the filename
my $CUST = "XX";
my $FILEA="$DIR3\\$FILE1"; #This returns the complete filepath "x:\\folder\\file.txt"
my $NAME="XX";
;my $IP="XX";
my $OS="XX";
my $AGNT="XX";
my $INFEC="XX";
my $LAST="XX";
my $DATE = strftime "%d/%m/%Y", localtime; #Store local (server) time in the $DATE variable
my $LASTUP ="XX";
my $entr = "XX";
my $logname = "report.txt";
my ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime) [3, 4, 5];
my $file_name = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d-report.txt" =>
$year + 1900, $month +1, $day;
#make current date time below and 2 digit
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
$mon +=1;
my $DATO = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $year, $mon, $mday);
# reinitialiser report vars to make sure we can see if we miss one
sub init {
my $NAME="XX";
my $IP="XX";
my $OS="XX";
my $AGNT="XX";
my $INFEC="XX";
my $LAST="XX";
my $LASTUP="XX";
#save fixed details
#open (LOG, '> Report.txt'); #Overrite report.txt
#open (LOG, '>> Report.txt'); #Append to report.txt
#print LOG "Project, Customer-Site, LastUpdateTime, Server-Name, Definition-File, IP-address , Operating-Sys, Agent-Version, Infected, Last-Scan-Time, AntiVirus-file\n" ; #Commented out as we're already defining the values.
#open my $log_fh, '>>', "$today-report.txt"
# or die "Cannot open $today-report.txt: $!";
open $file_name;
sub report {
if ($DEBUG){print "report: $PROJNO\n";}
if ($DEBUG){print "report: $CUST\n";}
if ($DEBUG){print "report: $FILE1\n";}
if ($DEBUG){print "report: $FILEA\n";}
if ($DEBUG){print "report: $LASTUP\n";}
open( FIL, "< $FILEA" )|| die "cant open file $!" ; #This is the filehandler
while (defined ($_ = <FIL>)) {
foreach my $N (@NAMES) {
#print "looking for $N\n" ;
if ($_ =~ /$N/) {
if ($DEBUG gt 2){print "report: Looking for $N\n";}
$_ =~ /$N(.*)$N/;
my $TMP = $1;
$TMP =~ s/[\$#@~!&*()<>\[\];,?^ `\\\/]+//g;
#Switch that has to be extended if the array NAMES is extended
if ($N eq "Name") {
}elsif ($N eq "VirusDefinitions"){
}elsif ($N eq "IPAddress") {
}elsif ($N eq "OperatingSystem") {
}elsif ($N eq "AgentVersion") {
}elsif ($N eq "Infected") {
}elsif ($N eq "LastScanTime") {
elsif ($N eq "LastUpdateTime") {
#}elsif ($N eq "Date") {
print LOG "date: $DATE, Last Update Time: $LASTUP, pnr: $PROJNO, site: $CUST, serv: $NAME, def: $VIRUSDEF, ipadr: $IP, os: $OS, agntver: $AGNT, inf: $INFEC, lscan: $LAST, file: $FILE1\n" ;
#init variables again
#print "no match $N\n"
#close myfile ;
if ($DEBUG){print "report: copy $PROJNO.$FILE1 to Avold\n";}
copy ( "$FILEA", "c:\\Avold\\$PROJNO.$FILE1") ;
if ($DEBUG){print "options to script : $path AND $TXT : DATE was : $DATO \n ";}
#if argv txt make a copy of the xml as txt file customer_attachments.
if ( $TXT eq "txt" ){
if ($DEBUG){print "inside if options to script : $path AND $TXT DATO =$DATO \n";}
copy ( "$FILEA", "c:\\AVDownload\\_Customer_attachments\\$PROJNO-$DATO-AntiVirusReport-$CUST.txt") ;
#Close filehandler/file so that we can unlink/delete the file
close FIL ;
#remove the files if a copy exists
if ( -e "c:\\Avold\\$PROJNO.$FILE1")
unlink glob "c:\\AVDownload\\$entr\\*.xml";
print "$path $entr\n";
print "file : $PROJNO.$FILE1: DIR2=$DIR2 and DIR3=$DIR3\n";
print "file is not there";
} #end report
# unless -d $path;
opendir( my $DIR, $path );
while ( my $entry = readdir $DIR ) {
next unless -d $path . '/' . $entry;
next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..';
$DIR2 = $path . $entry . '\\' ;
$DIR3 = $path . $entry ; #\$entry";
$entr=$entry ;
my @names = split /_/, $DIR2, 2 ;
$PROJNO = $names[0];
$PROJNO =~ s/\D//g ;
$CUST = $names[1];
if ($DEBUG gt 1){print "main: $PROJNO and $CUST\n";}
if ($DEBUG gt 1){print "main: $DIR2\n";}
opendir my $dh, $DIR2 or die "Error opening $DIR2: $!";
#my @files = grep(/AntiVirus.zip$/,readdir($dh));
my @files = grep(/AntiVirus.xml$/,readdir($dh));
if (!@files) {
#print "$files[$#files]\n";
if ($DEBUG gt 1){print "main: array was empty = no .zip files found\n";}
if ($DEBUG gt 1){print "main: No antivirus zip files found\n";}
print LOG "$PROJNO, $CUST\n" ;
if ($DEBUG gt 1){print "main: One or more Antivirus files found, we'll take the newest\n";}
#print "$files[$#files]\n";
#call report
closedir $dh;
closedir $DIR;
close LOG ;