我正在使用oracle作为数据库。我需要编写一个本机查询并将结果存储为列表。我尝试运行的本机查询可以使用sqldeveloper工具完美运行。但是当我用CrudRepository尝试时,结果返回一个空列表。 我基本上是在尝试检索我们所处当月的数据。
public interface TestRepository extends CrudRepository<City, Long> {
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT plate,SUM(TOTAL_PRICE) as total FROM sale_item_ok where company_id =2 and created_at >= TO_TIMESTAMP (TRUNC(sysdate,'mm'),'DD/MM/YYYY') and created_at < TO_TIMESTAMP (TRUNC(add_months(sysdate,1),'mm'),'DD/MM/YYYY') group by plate order by total desc) WHERE ROWNUM<=5"
, nativeQuery = true)
List<item> findCustomVehicles();
public interface item{
String getPlate();
int getTotal();
public interface TestRepository extends CrudRepository<City, Long> {
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT plate,SUM(TOTAL_PRICE) as total FROM sale_item_ok where company_id =2 group by plate order by total desc) WHERE ROWNUM<=5"
, nativeQuery = true)
List<item> findCustomVehicles();
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您可以尝试一次吗? 使用方法 createNativeQuery(sqlString,resultClass) 还可以使用EntityManager.createNativeQuery()
动态定义本机查询。String sql = "YOUR_QUERY WHERE ID = ?";
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql, item.class);
query.setParameter(1, id);
item itemObj= (item) query.getSingleResult();