Linq + MoreLinq如何将一个结果道具汇总到列表中?

时间:2019-04-25 02:24:35

标签: c# linq morelinq

我对查询有疑问,请看看。 我的目标是:

  • 我需要将所有Products和一个Image一起使用。
  • Products具有Values,这是有关产品的一些附加信息,例如规格等。
  • ImageValues可以是null
  • 要返回所有ProductsImageValues
  • 对于Values,我只需要Ids,因此可以获取List<int> of Values
  • ProductValuesImageObjects连接关系表-> Products可以有很多ProductValuesProducts可以有很多ImageObjects,但是可以有一个Image
  • DistinctBy来自more linq


PS 我也在使用更多linq


答案 var q1 = (from p in Products join pv in ProductValues on p.ProductId equals pv.ProductId into ljpv from pv in ljpv.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { ProductId = p.ProductId, Description = p.Description, Name = p.Name, Price = p.Price, Quantity = p.Quantity, Type = p.Type, Values = (from v in ValueTypes where v.ValueId == pv.ValueId select new { ValueId = v.ValueId }).ToList(), ImageObjects = (from io in ImageObjects where io.ProductId == p.ProductId && io.IsDefault == true select new { Image = io.Image, IsDefault = io.IsDefault, ProductId = io.ProductId }) .ToList() }) .DistinctBy(x=>x.Name) .OrderBy(x=>x.Name); q1.Dump();

我知道这不是回答的地方,但是meaby可以对我的代码或meaby有所帮助,可以更清楚或更快速地完成。 很长一段时间以来,我一直在想如何执行此查询,但是当我写信给您时,我很眼花:乱:)

Values = (from tmp in ljpv select new { ValueId = tmp.ValueId}),回答之后-代码更快!

@Harald Coppoolse

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

因此,您有一个Products表和一个ProductValues表,它们之间具有一对多关系:每个Product的零个或多个ProductValues以及每个{ {1}}恰好属于一个ProductValue,即外键Product指向的Product






var productsWithTheirProductValues = products.GroupJoin(  // GroupJoin Products
    productValues,                                        // with ProductValues
    product => product.ProductId,           // from every Product take the ProductId
    productValue => productValue.ProductId, // from every ProductValue take the foreign key

    // ResultSelector: take the product with its zero or more matching ProductValues
    // to make a new object:
    (product, productValuesOfThisProduct) => new
        // Select only the product properties you plan to use:
        Id = product.Id,
        Name = product.Name,
        Price = product.Price,

        ProductValues = productValuesOfThisProduct
            // only if you don't want all ProductValues of this product:
            .Where(productValue => ...)   

            .Select(productValue => new
                // again select only the properties you plan to use
                Id = productValue.Id,

                // not needed: the foreign key, you already know the value
                // ProductId = productValue.ProductId,


var result = products.GroupJoin(productValues,
    product => product.ProductId,
    productValue => productValue.ProductId,

    // ResultSelector: remember the product and all its productValues
    (product, productValuesOfThisProduct) => new
        Product = product,
        ProductValues = productValuesOfThisProduct,

    // now do the 2nd join:
        firstJoinResult => firstJoinResult.Product.ProductId,
        imageObject => imageObject.ProductId,

        // result selector:
        (firstJoinResult, imageObjectsOfThisProduct) => new
            Product = firstJoinResult.Product,
            ProductValues = firstJoinResult.ProductValues,
            ImageObjects = imageObjectsOfThisProduct,

        // take each element of this group join result and select the items that you want
        .Select(joinResult => new
            ProductId = joinResult.Product.ProductId,
            Price = joinResult.Product.Price,

            ProductValues = joinResult.ProductValues.Select(productValue => new

            ImageObjects = joinResult.ImageObjects.Select(imageObject => new


static IEnumerable<TResult> GroupJoin<T1, T2, T3, TKey, TResult>(
   this IEnumerable<T1> source1, IEnumerable<T2> source2, IEnumerable<T3> source3,
   Func<T1, TKey> key1Selector,
   Func<T2, TKey> key2Selector,
   Func<T3, TKey> key3Selector,
   Func<T1, IEnumerable<T2>, IEnumerable<T3>, TResult> resultSelector)
     // put all source2 and source3 elements in lookuptables, using the keyselector
     var lookup2 = source2.ToLookup(item => key2Selector(item));
     var lookup3 = source3.ToLookup(item => key3Selector(item));

     // now for every source1 item, get all source2 and source3 items with the same key
     // and create the result:
     foreach (var item1 in source1)
         TKey key1 = key1Selector(item1);
         IEnumerable<T2> items2 = lookup2[key1];
         IEnumerable<T3> items3 = lookup3[key1];
         // returns empty collection if no items with this key

         TResult result = resultSelector(item1, items2, items3);
         yield return result;