我想使用Qt Quick Controls 2在子菜单中指定互斥项。 如何做到这一点?我怀疑它以某种方式涉及ActionGroup,但我看不到子菜单如何引用ActionGroup。在下面的main.qml中,我定义了一个ActionGroup“ shadeActions”和一个名为“ Shading”的子菜单。如何将shadeActions ActionGroup合并到Shading菜单中?还是有另一种方法可以使用Qt Controls 2?
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("mbgrdviz")
ActionGroup {
id: shadeActions
exclusive: true
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Off") }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Slope") }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Illumination") }
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("&File")
Action { text: qsTr("&Open overlay grid...") }
Action { text: qsTr("&Open site...") }
Action { text: qsTr("&Open route...") }
Action { text: qsTr("&Open navigation...") }
MenuSeparator { }
Action { text: qsTr("&Exit") }
Menu {
title: qsTr("&View")
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Map") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Topography") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Slope") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Histograms") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Contours") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Sites") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Routes") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Vector") }
Action { checkable: true; text: qsTr("&Profile window") }
MenuSeparator {}
Menu {
title: "Shading" // menu items should be exclusively selectable
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Off") }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Slope")}
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Illumination") }
Menu {
title: qsTr("&Help")
Action { text: qsTr("&About") }
SwipeView {
id: swipeView
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex
Page1Form {
Page2Form {
footer: TabBar {
id: tabBar
currentIndex: swipeView.currentIndex
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Page 1")
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Page 2")
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ActionGroup {
id: shadeActions
exclusive: true
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Off") }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Slope") }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Illumination") }
ActionGroup {
id: shadeActions
Menu {
title: "Shading" // menu items should be exclusively selectable
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Off"); ActionGroup.group: shadeActions }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Slope"); ActionGroup.group: shadeActions }
Action {checkable: true; text: qsTr("Illumination"); ActionGroup.group: shadeActions }