
时间:2019-04-23 13:22:19

标签: android kotlin lint



我已经通过在settings.gradle中引用它来将我的模块添加到项目中,如下所示:include ':app', ':somemodule', ':mylintmodule'

现在,如果我使用./gradlew lint运行linter,则会得到一个皮棉结果文件,告诉我:

Lint found an issue registry (com.myproject.mylintmodule) which requires a newer API level. That means that the custom lint checks are intended for a newer lint version; please upgrade
Lint can be extended with "custom checks": additional checks implemented by developers and libraries to for example enforce specific API usages required by a library or a company coding style guideline.

The Lint APIs are not yet stable, so these checks may either cause a performance degradation, or stop working, or provide wrong results.

This warning flags custom lint checks that are found to be using obsolete APIs and will need to be updated to run in the current lint environment.

It may also flag issues found to be using a newer version of the API, meaning that you need to use a newer version of lint (or Android Studio or Gradle plugin etc) to work with these checks.
To suppress this error, use the issue id "ObsoleteLintCustomCheck" as explained in the Suppressing Warnings and Errors section.


class MyCustomIssueRegistry : IssueRegistry() {
    override val issues: List<Issue>
        get() = listOf(ISSUE_NAMING_PATTERN)

    override val api: Int = com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.CURRENT_API
    override val minApi: Int = 1 

通过谷歌搜索这个问题并发现this问题,我认为我必须像上面所做的那样通过覆盖这些属性来覆盖并设置正确的API版本(也许是最小API?)(此版本是我的最后一次尝试) ,直接从该问题中获取)。 因此,可以将此属性设置为-1到5之间的值(即从lint.detector.api类中删除):

/** Describes the given API level */
fun describeApi(api: Int): String {
    return when (api) {
        5 -> "3.5+" // 3.5.0-alpha07
        4 -> "3.4" // 3.4.0-alpha03
        3 -> "3.3" // 3.3.0-alpha12
        2 -> "3.2" // 3.2.0-alpha07
        1 -> "3.1" // Initial; 3.1.0-alpha4
        0 -> "3.0 and older"
        -1 -> "Not specified"
        else -> "Future: $api"



我也不清楚我该怎么做才能确保应用所做的更改-足以更改一些代码,然后运行lint,还是我必须先编译项目,或者编译并清理? >

在教程之后,我通过将其添加到应用程序的build.gradle中来添加了自定义的lint检查:lintChecks project(":mylintmodule") 这样还对吗无论是否像这样引用(并希望使用)我的棉绒检查,都会出现我的注册表类中的API问题。我还尝试了第一个教程中介绍的其他方法,将此任务添加到了linter模块build.gradle中:

defaultTasks 'assemble'

task copyLintJar(type: Copy) {
    description = 'Copies the lint jar file into the {user.home}/.android/lint folder.'
    into(System.getProperty("user.home") + '/.android/lint')

// Runs the copyLintJar task after build has completed.



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