
时间:2019-04-22 14:21:19

标签: python csv export-to-csv


import os 
import csv 
import datetime
path = r'P:\TV-443\Production Reports\Dosadores PTP\20190421'

for root, dirs, files in os.walk (path):
    file_list =['<>'] 
    for filename in files:
        if filename .endswith ('.csv'):
            file_list.append (os.path.join (root, filename)) 
            #f_list = [pd.read_table (file) for file in file_list]

with open ('.csv', newline = '') as f:
    reader = csv.reader (f) 
    a = firstvalue 

def get_last_row (filePath): 
    with open (filePath, 'rb') as f: 
        return deque (csv.reader (f), 1)[0]

def main (): 
    a_str = int (firstvalue) 
    b_str = int ("deque (csv.reader (f), 1)[0]") 
    c_str = a_str - b_str 
    return thirdrow 

main () 

def path_to_dict (path): 
    d = { 'name':os.path.basename (path)}

if os .path.isdir (path):
    d['type'] = "directory" 
    d['children'] = [path_to_dict (os.path.join (path, x)) for x in os.listdir (path)]
    #else: d['type'] = "file"
    #return d

def parseCSV (filePath): 
    with open (filePath, 'rb') as csvfile:
        blablabla = csv.reader (csvfile, delimiter = ';', quotechar =
for row in blablabla: print (row[1])
files = path_to_dict (path)
with path_to_dict (path) as csvfile:
     newfile = filename
     for row in blablabla:print (row[0])
     newname = foldername 
     for row in blablabla: print (row[2]) 
     #return secondrow 

def writeCsv (data): 
    with open ("U:\teste.csv", "wb") as outfile:
        writer = csv.writer (outfile)
        filewriter.writerow (['Equipamento', 'Data','Valor']) 
        for file in files[' children ']:
            parseCSV(path + ' \\ ' + file[' name '])

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