我正在使用react,styleguidist和redux。我正在尝试根据Redux商店状态来记录不同的应用程序状态,但是.md文件创建的操场只使用一个商店。 .md文件如下所示:
import * as actions from './redux/actions';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import store from './redux/store';
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
在同一.md文件中,还有另一个.js块,例如[here]:(https://react-styleguidist.js.org/docs/documenting.html#usage-examples-and-readme-files)示例 块是:
import * as actions from './redux/actions';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import store from './redux/store';
// the live sample in the styleguidist server updates correctly when dispatching the action
//THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE OTHER SAMPLE (THE ONE ABOVE) ALSO UPDATES) so there is one store for the entire sample
//¿How can I dispatch actions and only update the sample inside each ``` js code?
//¿How can I mock the redux store inside each js block sample in the .md file ?
<Provider store={store}>
<App />