我正在寻找一种方法来加载“ Image” VBA表单控件内部表中的图像。
在Google中,我所能找到的就是如何从硬盘中加载图像(即使用“ C:/my_images/car.png”之类的绝对路径)。 我找不到是如何加载表中(即已捆绑在工作簿中)的图像。
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Option Explicit
' Include: Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
' Assumption: The UserForm on which you want to load the picture has a CommandButton, cmdLoad, and this function is its event handler
Dim imgImageOnForm As Image: Set imgImageOnForm = imgTarget ' TODO: Set which Control you want the Picture loaded into. You can find the Name in the VBA Form Editor's Properties Bar
Dim strSheetName As String: strSheetName = "TargetSheet" ' TODO: Specify the Name of the Worksheet where your Shape (picture) is
Dim strShapeName As String: strShapeName = "TargetPicture" ' TODO: Specify the Name of your Shape (picture) on the Worksheet
Dim strTemporaryFile As String: strTemporaryFile = GetTemporaryJpgFileName ' TODO: Give a path for the temporary file, the file extension is important, e.g. .jpg can be loaded into Form Controls, while .png cannot
LoadShapePictureToFormControl _
strSheetName, _
strShapeName, _
imgImageOnForm, _
End Sub
Private Sub LoadShapePictureToFormControl(strSheetName As String, strShapeName As String, imgDst As MSForms.Image, strTemporaryFile As String)
' Note: This Sub overwrites the contents of the Clipboard
' Note: This Sub creates and deletes a temporary File, therefore it needs access rights to do so
Dim shpSrc As Shape: Set shpSrc = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strSheetName).Shapes(strShapeName)
Dim strTmp As String: strTmp = strTemporaryFile
ExportShapeToPictureFile shpSrc, strTmp
ImportPictureFileToImage strTmp, imgDst
FileSystem.Kill strTmp
End Sub
Private Sub ExportShapeToPictureFile(shpSrc As Shape, strDst As String)
shpSrc.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlBitmap
Dim chtTemp As ChartObject: Set chtTemp = shpSrc.Parent.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shpSrc.Width, shpSrc.Height)
With chtTemp
.Parent.Shapes(.Name).Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Parent.Shapes(.Name).Line.Visible = msoFalse
.Chart.Export strDst
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ImportPictureFileToImage(strSrc As String, imgDst As MSForms.Image)
Dim ipdLoaded As IPictureDisp: Set ipdLoaded = StdFunctions.LoadPicture(strSrc)
Set imgDst.Picture = ipdLoaded
End Sub
Private Function GetTemporaryJpgFileName() As String
Dim strTemporary As String: strTemporary = GetTemporaryFileName
Dim lngDot As Long: lngDot = InStrRev(strTemporary, ".")
If 0 < lngDot Then
strTemporary = Left(strTemporary, lngDot - 1)
End If
strTemporary = strTemporary & ".jpg"
GetTemporaryJpgFileName = strTemporary
End Function
Private Function GetTemporaryFileName() As String
Dim fsoTemporary As FileSystemObject: Set fsoTemporary = New FileSystemObject
Dim strResult As String: strResult = fsoTemporary.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
strResult = strResult & "\" & fsoTemporary.GetTempName
GetTemporaryFileName = strResult
End Function