
时间:2019-04-18 05:14:04

标签: angular angular-reactive-forms angular-template-form

我使用模板表单构建了一个包含大量输入的大型表单。现在,我有了一个动态添加一部分输入的要求。由于使用Reactive Form动态添加输入似乎更容易,因此我想将输入的特定部分更改为Reactive Form。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以混合使用reactive forms和模板驱动的表单,但是强烈建议不要这样做。这是因为在反应形式上使用ngModel违反了形式状态不变的想法。


假设您要继续混合使用模板驱动的表单和反应式表单。运行ng serve时,控制台将引发以下错误:


您似乎在与formControlName相同的表单字段上使用ngModel。在Angular v6中已弃用对ngModel输入属性和ngModelChange事件以及反应形式指令的支持,在Angular v7中将不再支持   有关更多信息,请参见此处的API文档:https://angular.io/api/forms/FormControlName#use-with-ngmodel

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我上面/ https://blog.angular-university.io/introduction-to-angular-2-forms-template-driven-vs-model-driven/




答案 2 :(得分:2)


答案 3 :(得分:0)

是的,可以检查此link,它是完整的反应形式,但是很接近您的情况,但是您需要做的是进行一些修改以适合您的情况。 就我而言,我所做的是:



   <mat-tab [label]="'Invoices' | localize">
        <mat-card-content [formGroup]="exampleForm">
      <!-- Start form units array with first row must and dynamically add more -->
      <mat-card formArrayName="units"  >

        <!-- loop throught units -->
        <div *ngFor="let unit of exampleForm.controls.units.controls; let i=index" >

          <!-- row divider show for every nex row exclude if first row -->
          <mat-divider *ngIf="exampleForm.controls.units.controls.length > 1 && i > 0" ></mat-divider><br>

          <!-- group name in this case row index -->
          <div [formGroupName]="i">
            <div fxLayout="row" fxLayout.xs="column" fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutGap="3.5%" fxLayoutAlign="center">

              <!-- unit name input field -->
              <mat-form-field  fxFlex="30%"> 
                <input matInput placeholder="Unit name" formControlName="unitName" required>  
                <!-- input field error -->
                <mat-error *ngIf="unit.controls.unitName.invalid">
                    Unit name is required.        

              <!-- unit quantity input field -->
              <mat-form-field  fxFlex="10%" fxFlex.xs="20"> 
                <input matInput placeholder="Quantity" type="number" formControlName="qty" required>

              <!-- unit price input field -->
              <mat-form-field  fxFlex="20%"  fxFlex.xs="grow"> 
                <input matInput placeholder="Unit price" type="number" formControlName="unitPrice" required>

              <!-- unit total price input field, calculated and not editable -->  
              <div fxLayout.xs="row">
              <mat-form-field  > 
                <input matInput placeholder="Total sum" formControlName="unitTotalPrice">

              <!-- row delete button, hidden if there is just one row -->
              <button type="button" mat-mini-fab color="warn" fxFlex="nogrow"
                      *ngIf="exampleForm.controls.units.controls.length > 1" (click)="removeUnit(i)">
                  <mat-icon>delete forever</mat-icon>

        <!-- New unit button -->
          <button type="button" mat-raised-button (click)="addUnit()">
            <mat-icon>add box</mat-icon>
            Add new unit
          <button type="button" mat-raised-button (click)="clearAllUnits()">
            Clear all

      </mat-card> <!-- End form units array -->
      <!-- Total price calculation formated with angular currency pipe -->
        Total price is {{ totalSum | currency:'USD':'symbol-narrow':'1.2-2'}}


export class CreateSubProjectComponent extends AppComponentBase implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
 exampleForm: FormGroup;
  totalSum: number = 0;

constructor(injector: Injector,
private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    private currencyPipe: CurrencyPipe){

  ngOnInit() {
this.exampleForm = this.formBuilder.group({
      units: this.formBuilder.array([


// initialize stream on units
    this.myFormValueChanges$ = this.exampleForm.controls['units'].valueChanges;
// subscribe to the stream so listen to changes on units
this.myFormValueChanges$.subscribe(units => this.updateTotalUnitPrice(units));

}//end of ngOnInit

ngAfterViewInit() {}
 ngOnDestroy() { this.myFormValueChanges$.unsubscribe(); }

private getUnit() {
    const numberPatern = '^[0-9.,]+$';
    return this.formBuilder.group({
      unitName: ['', Validators.required],
      qty: [1, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(numberPatern)]],
      unitPrice: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(numberPatern)]],
      unitTotalPrice: [{value: '', disabled: true}]
   * Add new unit row into form
  addUnit() {
    const control = <FormArray>this.exampleForm.controls['units'];
   * Remove unit row from form on click delete button
  removeUnit(i: number) {
    const control = <FormArray>this.exampleForm.controls['units'];
   * This is one of the way how clear units fields.
  clearAllUnits() {
    const control = <FormArray>this.exampleForm.controls['units'];
    while(control.length) {
      control.removeAt(control.length - 1);
   * Update prices as soon as something changed on units group
  private updateTotalUnitPrice(units: any) {
    // get our units group controll
    const control = <FormArray>this.exampleForm.controls['units'];
    // before recount total price need to be reset. 
    this.totalSum = 0;
    for (let i in units) {
      let totalUnitPrice = (units[i].qty*units[i].unitPrice);
      // now format total price with angular currency pipe
      let totalUnitPriceFormatted = this.currencyPipe.transform(totalUnitPrice, 'USD', 'symbol-narrow', '1.2-2');
      // update total sum field on unit and do not emit event myFormValueChanges$ in this case on units
      control.at(+i).get('unitTotalPrice').setValue(totalUnitPriceFormatted, {onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false});
      // update total price for all units
      this.totalSum += totalUnitPrice;

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