Discord Bot自动批量删除问题

时间:2019-04-17 22:21:40

标签: javascript discord


Client.on("message", async function(message) {
    if(message.channel.id != "506258018032418817") return;
    setInterval (function () {
        var Trash = message.channel.fetchMessages({ limit: 100 }).then(
      }, 900000); 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您正在尝试访问Trash变量,但是该变量不包含您认为的变量。 Trash被分配了the Promise that represents the end result of the function chain


Client.on("message", async function(message) {
    if(message.channel.id != "506258018032418817") return;
    setInterval (function () {
        message.channel.fetchMessages({ limit: 100 }).then(
           function(deleteThese) { message.channel.bulkDelete(deleteThese); })
      }, 900000); 


- whenever a message is sent to this specific channel
  - queue up a timer to happen in 15 minutes
- after 15 minutes, delete 100 messages from the channel


1:00 Paul talks in channel
--- (timer 1 is started)
1:01 Elizabeth responds
--- (timer 2 is started)
... < time passes > ...
1:14 Charles says something in the channel
... < timer 1 triggers; room is wiped > ...
1:15 Diane says something in response to Charles' deleted message
... < timer 2 triggers; room is wiped > ...
1:16 Charles asks Diane to repeat what she just said
