
时间:2019-04-17 18:10:36

标签: error-handling frontend conditional-formatting ms-access-2016




1)作为数据表enter image description here

2)作为表格enter image description here



还有一个查询,返回给定field enter image description here中每个table的错误及其格式规则


    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
      Call validazione.validate(Form)
    End Sub

    Function validate(aForm As Form)
      Call DeleteFormats(aForm)       ' to remove existing formats
      Call setFormats(aForm)          ' to insert the new formats
    End Function


     Sub setFormats(aForm As Form)
      Dim TableName As String, t() As String, ErrSQL As String, ctlName As String
      Dim ErrRst As DAO.Recordset, FormCtl As Control, ctl As Variant
      Dim frmtCount As Integer, Cnt As Integer
      Dim fcdSource As FormatCondition, fcdDestination As FormatCondition
      Dim varOperator As Variant, varType As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
      Dim varExpression1 As Variant, varExpression2 As Variant
      Dim intConditionCount As Integer, intCount As Integer

      If Len(aForm.Tag) > 0 And Mid$(aForm.Tag, 1, 1) = "§" Then
        t = Split(aForm.Tag, "§", 1)
        If Len(t(0)) > 0 Then TableName = t(0)
        TableName = Replace(TableName, "§", "")

        ErrSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Q Errori per tabella] WHERE ([TableName] = """ & TableName & """);"
        Set ErrRst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ErrSQL, , dbReadOnly)

        If ErrRst.EOF Then Exit Sub

    ' ***IT RUNS UNTIL HERE***

          FormCtl = aForm.Controls("CAP")
          y = aForm.Properties(ctlName).Item("Codice Fiscale")

        With ErrRst
            Do Until .EOF
              x = ErrRst.Fields("FieldName")
              Debug.Print x

             ' On Error GoTo fine
              FormCtl = aForm.Controls("CAP")
              FormCtl = aForm.

              On Error GoTo 0
              If FormCtl.ControlType = acTextBox Or FormCtl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
              ' Add the FormatCondition
              Cnt = FormCtl.FormatConditions + 1
              FormCtl.FormatConditions.Add acExpression, , .Fields.Item(Cnt).Value

            ' Reference the FormatCondition to apply formatting.
            ' Note: The FormatCondition cannot be referenced
            ' in this manner until it exists.
              Set fcdDestination = ctl.FormatConditions.Item(Cnt).Value

              With FormCtl.FormatConditions.Item(Cnt)
                  .BackColor = Eval("RGB" & ErrRst.item("Sfondo").value)
        '         .FontBold = fcdSource.FontBold
        '         .FontItalic = fcdSource.FontItalic
        '         .FontUnderline = fcdSource.FontUnderline
                  .ForeColor = Eval("RGB" & ErrRst.item("pen").value)
              End With
            End If
    fine: On Error GoTo 0
        '  Next x
      End With
     End If
    End Sub

***好吧,它看起来很疯狂,但是我的问题是如何访问表单字段,报表列或数据表列by name


有人可以帮忙吗? TIA 保罗

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