C#:解码Base64字符串不返回完整结果/ gibberisch

时间:2019-04-17 12:59:29

标签: c# .net base64

我们有a base64 encoded string被保存在数据库中。 (由此产生的结果仍然需要使用bzip2进行解码,但这是另一个问题。) 但是,当尝试使用C#进行转换时,我们会遇到一些问题。

        // get base 64 string from file
        string base64String = File.ReadAllText(@"D:\bzip2\base64text.txt", Encoding.UTF8);

        // decode from base64
        var largeCompressedTextAsBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);

        // convert to string
        var decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(largeCompressedTextAsBytes);
  • 首先,我们认为我们必须删除第一部分才能进行转换:

= base64起始行= 73 size = 142698 crc =

  • 接下来,我们得到一个结果,但是它太小了(而且全是乱码,但这又可能是因为使用bzip2进行了进一步的编码)


  • 我们尝试从文本中删除换行符(无济于事)text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


=base64begin line=73 size=142698 crc=1e0db1eda49fad0c242c2da2071ea521501a91ad





  • 压缩文件
  • 添加以“ bzip2”开头的“标头”前缀
  • 将结果转换为base64
  • 添加另一个带有CRC和长度的“标头”前缀
  • 存储结果文本



using SharpCompress.Compressors.BZip2;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string base64;
        using (var reader = File.OpenText(args[0]))
            // Skip the first line, which has some header information
            // TODO: Use it instead, to validate the rest of the data.
            base64 = reader.ReadToEnd();

        byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

        int startOfBody = FindStartOfBody(bytes);
        using (var input = new MemoryStream(bytes, startOfBody, bytes.Length - startOfBody))
            using (var bzip2 = new BZip2Stream(input, SharpCompress.Compressors.CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
                using (var output = File.OpenWrite(args[1]))

    private static int FindStartOfBody(byte[] bytes)
        // The file starts with a "header" of an unknown format, which we need to
        // skip. It looks like the format *might* be a sequence of comma-separated values
        // - Name of some kind (BZIP2)
        // - Number of further values
        // - The remaining values
        // That's what this code does.
        int offset = 0;
        // Skip the name
        GetNextHeaderValue(bytes, ref offset);
        // Find out how many more values there are
        string valueCountText = GetNextHeaderValue(bytes, ref offset);
        int valueCount = int.Parse(valueCountText);
        // Skip them
        for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
            GetNextHeaderValue(bytes, ref offset);
        // We'll now be positioned at the end
        return offset;

    private static string GetNextHeaderValue(byte[] bytes, ref int offset)
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        // TODO: Validation that we're not going past the end of the data...
        // We assume all header data is ASCII.
        for (; bytes[offset] != ','; offset++)
            builder.Append((char) bytes[offset]);
        // Move the offset past the comma
        return builder.ToString();