How can I create an npm module using both react and css modules?

时间:2019-04-17 01:10:27

标签: css reactjs npm module

I'm trying to create a react ui library on an npm module. It's created using React and css-modules.

When I import it on a different application, the modules do not have any styles on it and also they have no classname, so I think the css styles are broken.

Right now, I'm using webpack for bundling and babel for transpiling. The end result is a minimized version of the code. I have tried to import it without webpack bundling, but I get syntax error thanks to jsx. I'm using storybook to test the components and everything works well there.

All my components are using the syntax:

import styles from "./ComponentName.css"

const Component = () => (
    <Something className={styles.something}>

export defaults Component;

My webpack config is almost the default, only adding the css modules section and babel-loader:

    test: /\.css$/,
    use: [
        loader: "css-loader",
        options: {
          importLoaders: 1,
          modules: true
        loader: "postcss-loader",
        options: {
          plugins: loader => [
              features: {
                "css-properties": true,
                "nesting-rules": true,
                "custom-media-queries": true,
                "media-queries-ranges": true

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